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Everything posted by D-Day

  1. Deca Sports

    Yeah I'm with Haden, I will buy it if it's online (most likely) otherwise Wii Sports 2 for me too. They're definately pushing the simplistic style here, which Wii Sports bought with a purpose, but I'll have to see with this one. The guy in the photos looks proud and happy to be playing it though!!
  2. Happy Birthday ShadowV7

    Happy Birthday Shadow. Enjoy it
  3. The Music Thread.

    Well, now I've read through and seen how useful Last.fm is, I guess I should become a member. For ages I've seen it and it's just passed me by, I guess today is the day it's finally grabbed me!
  4. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    Nice Dante. Well... it definately does add an extra incentive to the game. And I'm sure a lot of people realise the allure of achievements and this seems to be a nice touch. And will it make more use of WiiConnect24??? It's dying to be utilised with the way Ninty went on about it before.
  5. The first country has been taken!!

    I saw the title and I knew what was coming!! Yeah I heard about this, and the broader market approach is really firing on all cylinders successfully!! Although the first country that was really taken was Japan.... but I guess we shouldn't include them . BTW, Zelda_Rulez, I'm liking it
  6. Football Season 2007/2008

    Permission to kill Lehmann? Although Blackburn really came into it in the second half, to allow a goal like that when the keeper should have had it covered... terrible. Bloody Hell, two cock-ups in back-to-back Premiership games... I need to vent off!
  7. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    I don't think so (well more like know so), I remember watching a GameTrailers special on Nintendo Power and Geoff Keighly asked them if they are pressured or feel pressured to give a good score due to their more direct (just more than other reviewers/ magazines) Nintendo affiliation? And they said no, that they're basically free to give their true thoughts on a game (They also mentioned the fact that how they've had quite a few non-Nintendo based covers too, to show that they're more independant in what they do). And yeah, I agree with Haggis. Oh, and fantastic for MP3, first review points to the revolution and expansion with the control scheme (plus more)
  8. Yes!!!!! Now Peach is in this, I have every reason to buy this! Not that I wasn't going to buy it, but now my joint best character is back! (But we knew she would be)
  9. Super Mario Galaxy

    Wait... Nintendo just aren't doing a press conference right, but they'll still be there presenting games at booths right? If so, then I guess a release date will be announced. I really think I should stop looking at this game... its starting to make my mouth water
  10. OK I didn't post my results because of how pissed I am and how much crap I had to try and sort out. (man I'm so praying here). Basically I ended up getting a C in both Biology and Chemistry (needing a B in both to go where I want to). Funny thing is, I only got a C in Chemistry because of my coursework, which my teacher said was an A (75/90). I checked the paper, it said I got a B for it (68/90)... Now when I check my overall Chemistry points, I got 413/600... which means if I really did get those extra 7 points, I'd have a B!! All my teachers tried calling him up, no answer... Funny thing is, on the school cards, it says I got 76/90, but the exam board said they didn't drop any points from any coursework?! So now my sixth form is appealing. Biology was a few marks off from a B too... I'm so pissed! (My teachers appealed for that too). Now uni still hasn't decided my fate (they're still considering my situation, after knowing all that has happened)... and I'm more worried now than I was now than when I was going to get my results... wish me luck people . Oh and sorry about the long rant, but I have some rotten luck at the mo .
  11. Congrats Buttons, and yeah Ellmeister, it is a good start for the results!!! Lets hope everyone else can pass and get to where they need to. Before I go off and get mine, I just want to say good luck once more to everyone , I'm cheering without you knowing it!
  12. Got my fingers crossed for everyone (including myself )
  13. Hey don't worry, try and ease your mind on it, I was really worried before but now I've set myself at ease about it (kind of). You'll do great (Hopefully ) Do you know what time the institutions open so we can get our results?
  14. 405?!?! are you talking about the UCAS points? Like in terms of A-Level s, A = 120, B = 100 etc. Well if thats what you're talking about... getting 405 points would get you into any uni in the land!!! or are you talking about for an individual curse you got 405??? In A-Levels that would be a C I think!!! Wll anyhow well done (if your happy with them ). With the A-Level results out tomorrow, I'm not as nervous as I should be... but that's good I guess! I need two B's in Chemistry and Biology, here's hoping I get them!
  15. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    I was thinking that this game doesn't get nearly enough attention as it does, considering how its set to be ground-breaking and lay FPS's (although I know its a FPA) on their back! And hey, it seems I'm not the only one thinks so: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/811/811682p1.html It's a good read. And I know the Prime series has always been a reviewer critical success but been in average in sales, but this has to be marketed better
  16. Boogie

    Contrasting tastes I guess, but this seems even more extreme than SSX Blur and Red Steel (and those two games had a mass of mixed scores and reviews). I don't normally go by 1up but then again I don't know what to really make of the game, I guess I'll see as more reviews come in.
  17. Super Mario Galaxy

    Everytime I see or hear anything new on this game, I anticipate it even more!!! Those scans are sweet.
  18. Zack & Wiki

    OK, well new-ish drama on this game, check it out http://gonintendo.com/?p=21676 A Muslim person has found this trailer to be offensive as he said that the call to prayer 'Allahou Akbar' can be heard in the background. This will definately cause a stir. The video clip is also in the link so you can be your own judge of the situation.
  19. My Sims

    Oh cool, we finally have a date, I went on to Gamespot to check but they still have it listed as Q4. I do love the style in this game, I'll get this anyway, but here's hoping for some good reviews and something with Animal Crossing...ish feel!
  20. Nintendo No Show At TGS.

    Oh yes E for All, well not a lot of companies have jumped on that ship still at this point right? I don't remember if it was E for All or the new style E3 but Nintendo was one of the first to announce they were going to be at one them. I can't see it being done well though. Emulating E3 is hard enough, but to come straight out the gate (with what would be just under 1 year and a half of planning MAX on this) and the time its held (having it in October, start of Q4 when E3 technically showed off the games that would be released around this time) but we'll see. Is E for All in October right? And when is that Germany based event (Leip....), something should come out of there too. Last year, that's when we first got info on BWii and Strikers Charged. It's a shame a lot of people are really shocked at Nintendo's TGS as many of those same people were saying this will be the platform for Nintendo after E3 (in their eyes), but there's no real shock here, especially if you've been paying attention to this stuff for more than 2-3 years. Sorry for the long post
  21. Soul Calibur Legends

    Lol, that's what I was thinking!!! Well, apart from one website I've been too (I don't really remember which one) this has proved to be quite solid by previewers and the like. It's not like I'm not going to buy it, but I'd love to see this get a decent or great score across the board because despite what gamesites say, a lot of people have bashed this from what I've seen, but we'll see.
  22. One Piece: Unlimited Adventure Wii scans

    Me too! But Funimation did do a good job with Dragonball Z, so if you do want an English dubbing company, Funimation is the way to go (not bloody 4Kids). My fingers are crossed for this Being a One Piece nut, I know I'd enjoy playing it just for what it is!
  23. how many wii games have you got?

    Might as well throw my lot out there. I have 10 Wii Games: Wii Sports Wii Play Zelda Red Steel Super Monkey Ball WarioWare Sonic SSX Blur Mario Strikers Charged Resident Evil 4 Oh, and one VC game in the form of: Super Mario World (classic) With what's coming out, my games total is going to grow and my cash is going to deplete (big time)
  24. BWii: Batallion Wars 2

    Erm... I'm all for any new news on BWii, but... D-Day - "oh boy, oh boy, new footage!!! Fantastic, let'see this, I wonder if anything more will be uncovered about the game!" *Watches video*...*Finishes Watching video* "Huh!?" But thanks, any new media on it is welcomed by me
  25. Was that a sly dig at me? I'm not getting anything confused here, but here if it was, I didn't say anyone had to own any Nintendo item to come onto a Nintendo forum, all I said is it would be weird for someone to be 100% against Nintendo and join a Nintendo forum. If someones mind changes after they've been coming on to the forum for ages, then it would obviously be the forum in itself that draws the person to it, no longer Nintendo. If it weren't at me, we're, and it's, all good then . But back on topic, so with the gaming industry growing as much as it is, I wonder how long it will be before they the big 20. I don't even count out Sony at all in this, the brand name alone (once some things are altered) could bring the tide a little more their way. Nintendo also had their Q1 report for income on sales for software and hardware, and that was big.