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Everything posted by MadDog

  1. Football Season 2012/2013

    Who gives a shit, they both embarrassed themselves. Take a step back and look at this, we're trying to make one look better by slating the other. They both need to cut it out. It's funny, because Bale and Suárez are easily two of the best players in the world, yet they act like they do. They both dive differently, but it's both very wrong. It's just that Suárez seems to take the most shit for it. And how has Huth stamping on his chest not being talked about anywhere? People are more bothered about a player throwing himself to the floor than that player being assaulted. Absolute disgrace. So glad to see Brendan defending him aswell.
  2. Football Season 2012/2013

    I find it remarkably how a Spurs fan who has Bale in their side can criticise Suarez as much as dazzybee does.
  3. Football Season 2012/2013

    According to wikipedia, he's scored 6 goals in European competition. Is that all it takes for a player to break into the England squad? I'd say no.
  4. Xpert 11 Season 24: Hours a day

    Gerrard with the assist, Dalglish with the goal. Love it.
  5. Football Season 2012/2013

    I wasn't creating an argument, that's just you dazzybee. I just made a statement.
  6. Football Season 2012/2013

    None of the top teams have been that impressive. City and United, while 3rd and 4th, haven't been that great. Spurs and Arsenal haven't been that good. Newcastle haven't been as good as last year, and we haven't started as well as we'd have hoped. No doubt all those teams form will pickup, and they'll have good runs of results. After 6 games my hope for the season is still the same. Improve on last years position, and show strong signs that we're learning and buying into Rodgers' philosophy and style of football. I just want to see progress. I'm not expecting us to be fighting for the top 4 places, but I really believe if our best players perform then we have a shot. Reina has looked a totally different player for a while now, it's getting kinda worrying. Ability wise, no doubt he's possibly the best GK in the league. Agger and Skrtel are among the best CBs in the league, even though Skrtel has been error prone so far. Midfield 4 of Allen, Sahin, Gerrard and Lucas is brilliant. Lucas is the best DM in the league, Gerrard can still play at the highest level. Sahin is just so classy and composed. And JonSt will tell you how much i rate Allen. Wee Raheem has been a revelation. It's scary that he's only 17. Suárez is possibly the hardest striker to play against, nobody knows what he is going to do next. I think with Borini you have to look at the bigger picture. He's a 21 year old that been thrown in at the deep end. He's been chucked into the Liverpool starting 11 out of position. I've seen good from him, so I'm confident he will be a success. That wasn't supposed to be a long post. I just started babbling. :p Oh and sad to see Jimmy Bullard retiring. What a character.
  7. Football Season 2012/2013

    I wouldn't give a shit how we were playing if we were top of the league. They paid big money for those game winning players. That's the whole point of them. How those big signings are financed is another story.
  8. I tried writing a reply earlier but the 3G on my phone went all crap.


    Thanks alot! I had an awesome birthday weekend. :D

  9. Football Season 2012/2013

    How are they top of the league then?
  10. I just got back from seeing her in Leeds. She was just so stunningly amazing. She just oozes personality, charm and so much energy. I love her so much. Quality abit sucky.
  11. Football Season 2012/2013

    loooool. Thank you Luis. Post on the 1st page. :p
  12. Football Season 2012/2013

    Cheer yourself up and watch Luis's brilliant hat trick on Match of the Day.
  13. Xpert 11 Season 24: Hours a day

    Madpool 11 - 3 @Tales.
  14. Football Season 2012/2013

    Suárez was sublime, 3 more brilliant goals at Carrow Road. He just doesn't score enough, though. I mean, he's joint top scorer so far this season with 5. Haha. Sahin was excellent aswell, and was very happy with how Suso and Wisdom played. Overall a great team performance.
  15. Football Season 2012/2013

    In a different context.
  16. Football Season 2012/2013

    Allegedly. The only proof of this is that proven liar Evra. There is clear evidence of Terry saying what he did.
  17. Xpert 11 Season 24: Hours a day

    Honestly don't know what's going to go down tomorrow. I've took a risk and gone for something that I don't normally do to try and get me the win. Could end up 6-6 or something.
  18. Really can't wait till... <3
  19. Football Season 2012/2013

    Fine is too big for me. Then again, I thought Suarez was fined too much. How has he got half the games Suarez did? Inconsistent, and bollocks.
  20. Football Season 2012/2013

    All of them are getting gametime, which is good, but I'm slightly worried about Sterling. I don't think it's wise that he starts every league game, he still needs time to develop physically. Suso has that trait where he knows where everyone is around him. For 18, he's very intelligent. For the 2nd goal, his composure to slip Assaidi in instead of shooting was top notch for a kid. He looks really, really good.
  21. Football Season 2012/2013

    Youngsters did brilliant tonight. Sahin was class, and Assaidi destroyed Dawson. Henderson did good, and Pacheco impressed. Sinclair made his debut at the age of 16 and 6 days, crazy. I'm patient when it comes to things Football, but I'm pretty close to giving up on Downing. He was poor, again. Oh, and I love Suso.
  22. Xpert 11 Season 24: Hours a day

    Arsenal get away with it, why can't I?
  23. Xpert 11 Season 24: Hours a day

    Liking the look of that. Also, how did I not get any votes for most entertaining team in that poll? 37 in 11 games this season, and I've been highest goal scorers for something like the last 6 seasons. :p
  24. Xpert 11 Season 24: Hours a day

    I have a feeling that whoever wins our game will overthrow Inter and take the title. Biggest game of the season.