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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Best Headphones under £50?

    I don't know much about headphones but in January I got a pair of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Reid-and-Heath-Acoustics-CA-200b/dp/B00632GE54 but in White for £40 in HMV and they are a good pair of headphones for that price or it seems cheaper on Amazon. Much better than my Hello Kitty ones which are mainly for show not sound quality. Plus you can detach the headphone cable thing so it's not all messy/doesn't get all tangled when you are not using it.
  2. Doctor Who

    The Ood are so good. Watched the Ood one with Donna the other day, I think she is a great assistant but it will be a while until I get back to her since I am actually watching this from the beginning at the moment.
  3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    Yes! I strangely liked the Captain America film. Although that may be because it felt different as it was set in different times. The second might just feel too much like the rest.
  4. Hey There!

    Fresh Blood
  5. Here's to the bards that live cretinous lifestyles

    I got you a coupon for one hour of hot @Magnus love. ...and a pen that's also a clock.
  6. General Movie Thread

    Yeah! I like how it's the humans that just messed it all up for themselves. :p Sounds about right.
  7. What song(s) are you really into at the moment?!

    Yes! Good man. She has one of my favourite albums of last year. Glad to see you have discovered/are enjoying her as well. She has a great voice and addictive tunes.
  8. General Movie Thread

    YES! Surprise hit of last summer. MY GOD. I was excited just from the trailer and orgasmed 4 times in my seat right there and then. I still need to get the film on Bluray but it was like MONKEYYYS everywhere. The subtle references to the other films made it though. A great treat for any planet of the apes fans and it helped wash away that horrible tim Burton taste from my mouth because even when I saw it when I was 10/11 I though it sucked.
  9. N-Europe London Meet 2012 - 30th June!

    I will definitely take the footage and not actually step into a go kart. :p Never again.
  10. General Movie Thread

    Nope it looks dire.
  11. Oh no! But with out my cool I'm just Ness Bears. Which makes no sense.
  12. You heard it here first. :p (sorry nightwolf)
  13. The Fruit Mafia

    Clearly he is too busy killing off the town...
  14. The Fruit Mafia

    Who targeted you @mr\-paul? Any information? What would you have done if you hadn't been targeted?
  15. General Movie Thread

    For someone reason I always find it cute when you watch a film. /Unintentionally patronising. Is that your first time you've seen those Disney Films? I've started having five film marathons with my friend which is why there are a few Cronenberg films I've watched this week as well as Woody Allen. We completed Five Cronenberg Horrors and we are currently doing Five Woody Allen oddities. Up next is FIVE POST 2000 JAPANESE CINEMA I'll just make a list of what I've watched this week: Machete (Ethan Maniquis, Robert Rodriguez 2010) The story utter nonsense but if you enjoy highly levels of bloody violence it takes you on a fun but stupid ride. Approach With Caution. Dead Alive (Peter Jackson, 1992) Blending Gore and a slice of romantic comedy together to create this over the top master piece that never lets up on the laughs or the blood even though it gets down right silly. Recommend. Shivers (David Cronenberg, 1975) He is feeling the ground in this movie laying some themes that will be better explored in other movies it looks kind of cheap and the plot is just strange but not in an intriguing way. Approach With Caution. Wonderwall (Joe Massot, 1968) Pervy with a vague message. Approach with Caution I Don't Know How She Does It. (Douglas McGrath, 2010) Terrible and predictable. Don't Bother. Rabid (David Cronenberg, 1977) A slight step up from Shivers but actually less fun. Approach With Caution. Scanners (David Cronenberg, 1981) Amazingly good and bad at the same time. It's got a great ending but the acting through out is poor and often hilarious. Worth A Look. The Dead Zone (David Cronenberg, 1983) A decent movie that is just a bit monotonous in it's story and in it's pacing. Perfectly fine but not very thrilling. Worth A Look. Mad Detective (Johnnie To, Ka-Fai Wai, 2007) Brilliant, as the movie goes on you have been so emerged into this characters world that you start to lose sense of who you are. Recommend. eXistenZ (David Cronenberg, 1999) This is David Cronenberg's craziest screenplay which feels kind of ahead of its time and even though the overall arching plot is nonsense it still has a good general theme of fantasy VS. Reality and if you watch it you won't forget it any time soon as it is rather odd what with the anal belly button licking/probing and tooth guns. Worth A Look Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask. (Woody Allen, 1972) Dated aside from the final segment. Approach With Caution. The Breakfast Club (John Hughes, 1985) Surprisingly excellent, a great 80s teen movie that is still relevant today bar some cheesiness which I'm willing to brush over since it actually blew me away, I was captivated for its entirety. Recommend. Interiors (Wood Allen, 1978) The Dialogue feels to clinical and because of this the characters come off as annoying and unrealistic but it still contains a solid dysfunctional family drama that is quite grim. Worth A Look. Zelig (Woody Allen, 1983) Technically great visual treat that places Woody Allen throughout 1920s-1940s America as a man who is able to adapt to his surroundings and blend in. Presented as a documentary style it is a well thought idea that is perhaps stretched to thin by the end for my liking. Essentially Forrest Gump for winners. Worth A Look.
  16. The Fruit Mafia

    Oh. That makes sense. BTW, I didn't send in a target night 2 y'all because my parents have been up here IRL and so bave been preoccupied so don't read into that.
  17. The Fruit Mafia

    Eddiecolslaw I targeted, no information was gained. Unsure if I even got to the target actually.
  18. The Fruit Mafia

    You ate orange?
  19. Anchorman 2

    The Other Guys came out in 2010.
  20. What song(s) are you really into at the moment?!

    I keep listening to this: Unsure why.
  21. Funny Stuff Thread

    http://procatinator.com/ Greatest website for pure kitteh action.
  22. N-Europe London Meet 2012 - 30th June!

    Yes! I want to more this year. Even if it gets awkward we will power through. FOR EQUESTRIA!
  23. N-Europe London Meet 2012 - 30th June!

    I hope to have a better chat with people this year. (if I make it) I assume I'm not busty...? OR busy.
  24. I used to have that policy. Then I met @ReZourceman and now I wish that I'd enforced it. :p