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Posts posted by Frank

  1. Heading to see a good film in the cinema with my bestie today! :grin:


    Muffins & Coffee will ensue.

    Also enjoyed the best pizza -- Milano's. With my Family. NOM NOM.





    Please do watch her other performances too. Taratata seems to bring the best out in here. One thing that always bothers me though is I don't understand why she doesn't show-off on the piano!


    The stuff that she plays I've literally picked up in 14 minutes. It's pretty silly given that she has been learning the piano since she was like four years of age (thereabouts). I'd love a good boppy piano tune. The closest we've gotten is her Scott Joplin rag on Taratata 2 years back :(

  3. I see what you were going for. Not a big fan of it, although the blurriness really suits the Japanese/German styled one that I saw somewhere. Forgotten where :p


    ~ ~ ~ ~


    I love these photos. I looked outside my bedroom window and caught this.






    It looks so magical :) I feel like a Deku or Saria could be hiding in the bushes. The lighting was perfect.

  4. GARR, OxEgen.


    Anyway no. I'm so sad. I don't have the money and even if I did, my Oxegen buddy is away in Spain, and there's no one else I would want to go with.


    Beyonce, Deadmau5, Swedish House Mafia, Ke$ha, The Script. Yumm. So sad.




    And a drug reference...has one been drinking too much martinis, by any chance? :rolleyes:

  5. I needed an outlet for my artistry. So, rather than practicing with clay, paint or playing piano -- I decided to create a video. Actually proud of the result. I hope it's not good just because I understand it. Hopefully it's somewhat entertaining, even aesthetically.


    I posted it in the General Gallery :D

  6. I think I can post this here. It's a video that I spent the last few hours on. I'm pleasantly surprised with the result :)


    Right on. One thing that bothers me though is the last few seconds.



    There should be a film clip of 3 cows grazing in a field. One of the more definitive pieces of film :(


    I'm thinking of making an "Inscape - " series...

  7. Happy really belated birthday :p xD


    Seconded! Happy Birthday, sorry it is late :p


    Thank You Bitches :hug:


    I know far less about any of those things than I probably make it seem I do. :p


    Also, OWN the fact you love licking ass*. Sex positivism, it's a thing to do with your life.



    *Presupposing so much / making so many assumptions, lol.



    Probably still more than most.


    Funny that I even mentioned that, I've always found the idea of rimming pretty disgusting. (Secure/crazy enough in myself to mention) I do get turned on by it whenever I watch porn (actually quite rare) but to do it...ugh...anything else though. It's cool. Except fisting. Too far?


  8. Deciding not to be a bad person. Of course, I'm being materialistic then. I plan on buying all my friends great presents for special occasions.


    I can't wait for them to see my presents! :grin: I've already made plans.

  9. *takes you to my house* There, play away :D


    I distinctly remember a video of you playing some kind of mash-up/combination of songs, before you changed your username, but I can't seem to find the thread! You have a keyboard but not a piano, right?


    And...thanks :)


    De rien. Mon coeur ne batte que pour vous.


    Oh, yes. That was me. That video was OK, at best. I've never got lessons so it was probably shit to a pianist like you :p I will get lessons this summer though. I'll be the new Nina Simone. Bitch.


    Tá tú ceart freisin. Níl aon rud ach an Keyboard agam. I'd love to have a full piano though. Wishful thinking? :love: My keyboard is meh. I can't practice with the pedal and each of the keys weigh the same. Very light. Ughr.

  10. :(


    I'm not one to complain about weather but please, give us heat! I'm dying for some sun. Even rain. I just cannot stand when we get over a week of complete overcast. It is the most dull weather.


    I need to sit in my solitude, drinking a cup of coffee from my favorite mug and watch the raindrops go by.


    Or work on my Egyptian Tan. Whichever.

  11. Definitely a pressing issue in the past week. My exams are done. I've spent, essentially, the last 8 months studying every night. Really. So I am a little bit like...hmm...


    I have 3 things I do though. Recycle, reclycle. I work on all my paintings & create new ones. I read books. I catch up on the DS. I'm trying oh so hard to stop searching the Internet as much but my iPod makes it too damn easy! :(


    I have gone out clubbing twice though :) I've decided I'm gonna actually be a teenager, a typical one, for a change. I'm getting by. 2/3 friends have become my world.



    O!! I also think...too much.

  12. Just because I'm not licking your arse, Diageo, gawd!


    Of course, I am a child of diversity/I fancy males so it's cool. Chair, I can't wait :D we can chatter politics, music, the modern day world and art. I want to talk shit for hours.


    Shut up and drive, drive, drive.

  13. Woo, finally thanked all those wishers. I'm so bad. I feel that I'm bringing up my birthday thread unnecessarilly. Forgive my ego. It doesn't listen sometimes :(

    Of course, by thanking everyone it thus fails to high-light the more amazing ones.



    {Chair -- we must have coffee one day. You're on my list of people who I need to have a conversation. I'll tell them my religion is you.}

  14. Really, stfu with this realism nonse. There is no realism, apart from the fact that you make your own reality. The wider rules that govern our existence can't be grasped by even the most remarkable human minds, and the sciences are only a detached, piecemeal aggregation of collective wisdom. Make your own fucking reality; just believe that you can do whatever you want, and really, what you want isn't that fucking much and doesn't come at such a great price. You're not on a fucking quest for some mythical fleece woven from the fanny strap of venus and tie dyed with the blood of Jeff Goldblum. All you're asking is for some attention from a woman; quit fortifying your own core beliefs with the continual disappointment of not actually trying. Women are as, if not more needy, insecure and neurotic as you, so going out of your way to look and act as if you're interested is often all you need to seal the deal.


    Sorry, I needed to go off on one. Now I just need to take my own advice. BRB, ON A MINGE BINGE.



    You talking to me?


    Well, all you know about this is what I've mentioned on the forum. I feel I'd be much more satisfied with a friendship. They are so under-rated. I haven't emphasised the strength of it either. It's amazing. Actually too great. Why would I risk losing it just for hugs/kisses/sex? Not worth it, personally.


    I am grateful that ye are giving advice though. I don't mean to be a cold-eyed bitch.

  15. I actually don't know :hmm: It seemed perfect when I got an idea of what it was about...


    The first half hour is lush, of course. It is the most amazing thing how people can relate and cry in the first 5 minutes of a movie. That blows my mind. Maybe it was the humor, everything else was good. I wasn't a fan of the humor. Too forceful.


    I'm sorry :cry:


    Ratatouille was awful. I'd just like to add that I disliked it when I first saw it and ended up seeing it another 3 times due to other people etc. Eurgh!


    Wall-E...Toy Story...Monster's Inc. ... my life.
