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Posts posted by Frank

  1. Was quite hungover on Sunday morning so I decided to spend the morning in the fresh air in a really beautiful public park in Vienna. On my way home there was a protest by a group of Taiwanese protesting against the treaty signed recently by the Taiwanese government regarding china.


    I hadn't heard so much about it so before going home I decided to stick around for a few minutes and get some info. As I was there I heard, "Are you traveling here?" Really loudly but I ignored it. The same guy said it to me again after another 10 minutes. We talked a little bit together and explained he was from Taiwan etc. and we both explained how we ended up in Vienna. After a few minutes he quite directly asked, "ugh...you wanna get ice cream together or something?" So we ended up getting dinner and a beer together before heading to an open amusement park and riding the really famous Ferris wheel at sunset :3 it was so ridiculously romantic. After he invited me to a gathering and as we were on our way home he grabbed me and kissed me and has since been saying such sappy things to me.


    Life is fun.

  2. What sort of an idiot am I? The last month I've had to spend 140 Euro because I lost my room key (twice) and I've also ended up somehow missing my flight to London tonight (second time I missed a flight this year). So I can add about 300 Euro there. The deepest pain is how unnecessary this spending has been, could've been easily avoided if my personality wasn't so airy. I can also add that I'm gonna be a wee bit tired for London tomorrow & look like shit. My 2 best friends will be spending a year away in Malaysia and I spilled teriyaki sauce over my new computer.


    I must have done horrible, horrible things to have karma shit on me like this.

  3. Given that it is cheaper for me to do a connecting flight home to Ireland, I was hoping to receive some advice about if you had a weekend free -- which place would you stay?


    I can fly to either Stockholm, Copenhagen, Rome or Berlin for super super cheap so would anybody have any suggestions on best place to stay for the weekend ?

  4. My relationship is becoming rather... odd. I feel like I'm the man/trousers of the relationship. I drive to him most of the time, i drive us places when I do go to see him, I am the "decision maker" and the breadwinner (by a considerable amount) and I'm always looking after him. And I'm the one that always wants sex....he's the one that says he's tired.... And he's the mushy one that likes hugs and I'm the one with the sore shoulder... I'm not sure how much I like it... I'm by no means a controlling person, quite the opposite... :/


    What dooo I doooooo forum?




    Abolish this old-fashioned view that the man must be strong and the "breadwinner" !!


    We are a modern society whereby these constricts placed on us should be gone!

  5. I don't understand the absolute barbaric comments in this forum post. It sounds all so sadist ! This is the first time I have heard about this guy so I did a little bit of research about his crimes / who he is and I don't understand why everyone is being so cruel ? It's pretty obvious that this guy's mind is seriously messed up and is certainly not sane.


    I believe he was born that way. People don't actively choose to be sexually attracted to what they like, it's automatic. I find it unlikely that a paedophile would choose to be attracted to children. I feel pity for them, rather than hate.


    This guy certainly deserves serious punishment but it's not our position to stand behind our computers and type furiously that he deserves a painful and tortuous death. It's just barbaric.

  6. Everything she's doing recently is making me a happy happy seal. Her interviews in particular are really spell bounding me and reminding me why I loved her in the first place. I love this shine she has to her spirit right now and it is difficult to find someone as eloquent and well-expressed as her.



  7. I'd rather get a "Fuck off" than to just be ignored. Saying I'll text you to "be nice" is not being nice.




    So basically you're one of the people that do that because you'll feel slightly inconvenienced telling someone the truth?



    No, I am not one of those people. I don't think I have ever done that to anybody. It's just usually I can really tell if somebody is being genuine when they say something like, "I'll text you." or whathaveyou. I don't blame them and I know they are just being polite.


    It's all bullshit but it is how things are. Smile and be polite to others.

  8. I just bought some paper coffee filters and I'm wondering whether it is possible to just add the grounded coffee to the filter and pour directly into the cup ? I am almost sure I've seen people do that but can't find anything on the internet. I've tried a few times but the filter usually breaks on me...


    Anybody know what I can do ?

  9. My story has taken an unexpected romantic turn. (Act 1, Scene 7)


    Hit it off with a Japanese / Canadian guy and I was able to impress him with my knowledge of Japanese culture etc. We ended up sneaking off from our friends and took a sneaky bottle of red wine to match. We hung out for quite a while at this fountain in a really beautiful square and I think perhaps the wine hit my head faster than I expected and I decided to recreate LA DOLCE VITAs most famous scene. Lots of playing in the fountain later I was piggybacked home.


    I thought this was it but turns out he was being quite forward / flirty. Said to myself, he's pretty cute and it's been a while, why not go for a ride. We snuck into the mailroom (i don't know) for privacy and shut the door. Turns out this door doesn't open... naturally. Sad thing was this guy is claustrophobic so about 1 hr of panicking later and silly attempts of escape we ended up being rescued by a crew of 8+ fireman who broke us free. Needless to say, they were a little suspicious.

  10. @Frank yes I love that movie (and the sequel - not yet seen the threequel!) @non it's ethan hawke, getitright. Frank, how can that be your existence? Are you saying you're stuck in talky mode?


    It began 3 months ago when I visited Budapest, basically I had a night that was scarily similar to the entire film except replace the meeting on a train with outside a hotel (sounds creepy but it was, like, 2am and in an attempt to escape the horrible noisy hostel I bumped into that guy smoking outside and we decided to run away together). The most hilariously silly & OTT thing ended up being us accidentally bumping into a Hungarian musician on top of Budapest and he decided to serenade us with a rendition of La Vie En Rose while we danced.



    As for this week, well I've actually moved to Vienna for an entire year for my studies. Somehow bumped into quite a stud and we had another night like Before Sunrise. [Walked around the city, played games in a bar, drank wine by the Danube and snuggled at 3am to protect from the cold and then the inevitable Kiss (Gustav klimt style). etc. etc. ]. We just had real conversation, the sort not plagued with bullshit. We know we probably will not see each other again but that night, Vienna was ours. We also were both familiar with the city so we jokingly acted some stuff -- NATURALLY I was the sexy French girl.


    My time here has been already so interesting.
