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About ManiLink

  • Birthday 11/17/1984


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  1. Hey! I Don't appreciate you watermarking the image! Thief! WiiDSpodcast broke the story.
  2. google - wiiDSpodcast and click on the third result .
  3. Found this: ww.kh-2.net/news/data/upimages/mushroomkh.jpg (add w) (not enough posts to Url yet ) Im gonna wait till offical confirmation before I start getting excited though - could be pretty cool. Crosses fingers* that Square have sense to see that this would be in a word - sick. And yes - I have entertained the thought it might be an April fool. :S Source : Kh-2.net
  4. Kuru kuru kurin
  5. Haha that last post was genius.......
  6. Its the uncanny valley thing again though - In that clip that woman looks realistic, but no matter how hard they push the animation she still won't seem right...You see the way I see it is that the more realistic a game becomes the more fault I see in the actions and behaviours of that character and world. In games that go the other way, and mark out a defined artisitc style (Okami, Windwaker, Killer 7) its not an issue. Therefore when something like an enemies arm goes through a wall in goldeneye, Links hat somehow passes through him in zelda TP or a window doesent smash no matter how much you Shoot it in Half life - The user is pulled out of the experience and reminded that they are playing a videogame. I have a HD TV and I think its going to be part of the future of videogames - but Isnt HD really just as way for us to have higher resolution images on a larger screen? Its just an evolution on the realisation that people want bigger sets and sick set ups then ever before. I also love the fact that my PC, Wii and PS2 are all hooked up to my Samsung HDTV :P - All in one package.
  7. Haha - Yeah I hear ya. Im used to getting feeback as well, so I know how annoying it is when people go off on a tangent. I love these forums btw And considering all this juggling you guys are doing a fine job with the site. WE don't even have a site yet! - one day Mani, one day...
  8. I know the N-Europe staff have had trouble obtaining a review copy of this game, but that does not mean that they can just soil its name by throwing the term monkey and ball about. I think this game is 10 times better then Segas mess of a wii game. I own both - and despite monkey ball being a longer game, its very frustrating and requires more luck than skill - the direct opposite of kororinpa...Dont let the preview put you off this game - the staff clearly haven't played it yet. If you liked the original monkey ball - you will enjoy this title in spite of its short life span...What would you rather have - A long, frustrating game that uses the wiimote as a substitute for analogue control? Or a shorter game that plays well and uses the tilt functionality of the wii in all its glory? Bosses were the last straw for monkey ball, It needs to return to it roots or take a leaf out of hudsons book :P (posted from thread that got locked)
  9. Ok - I Just played through the demo - OMG Its incredible - Visually its absoloutely stunning even on a 26 inch HDTV. The game runs at a super smooth frame rate, even when theres 12 enemies circling you, 3 shooting arrows at you from the rooftops and a 100ft bronze colussal statue smashing the place up wildly like an extremely overgrown angsty teen. The animation has been reworked - with new sets for all the combat moves you finished up with at the end of the first game. The sense of scale is immense - and really makes you wonder why we need a ps3 or 360 yet. With rumblings that this game is twice as long and even BETTER then the original - I cannot wait till i can sink my teeth in to this king of epic-ness in 2 weeks time :P "ATHENA!!!!! YOU CONSPIRE AGAINTST ME??" *Insert epic god of war fanfare. Any questions?
  10. Don't take this the wrong way - But their podcasts are more enjoyable N- Europes have been (Im new just voicing my gripes first and foremost) You guys don't even come close to having the enthusiasm that these guys have - although I know this is due It being there job and this being something your doing alongside studying etc...I loved that way they ripped into that shadow run developer! Thats was hilarious...they're so blunt. By the way Im a podcast host so i know whats its like...Like I said dont get me wrong.
  11. I know the N-Europe staff have had trouble obtaining a review copy of this game, but that does not mean that they can just soil its name by throwing the term monkey and ball about. I think this game is 10 times better then Segas mess of a wii game. I own both - and despite monkey ball being a longer game, its very frustrating and requires more luck than skill - the direct opposite of kororinpa...Dont let the preview put you off this game - the staff clearly haven't played it yet. If you liked the original monkey ball - you will enjoy this title in spite of its short life span...What would you rather have - A long, frustrating game that uses the wiimote as a substitute for analogue control? Or a shorter game that plays well and uses the tilt functionality of the wii in all its glory? Bosses were the last straw for monkey ball, It needs to return to it roots or take a leaf out of hudsons book :P.....Im totally prepared for you all to disagree - just bring it on!
  12. I Love 1up yours - It really is great, Shane and Luke crack me up They also really rip in to developers that come on the show - and its always totally relaxed and informal, which makes for a very entertaining podcast. Good stuff.
  13. This should have been a poll.
  14. Now we have bid farwell to the old gen and have started to embrace the new gen, I thought I would post my opinions on the top three games that graced nintendos purple box of joy...feel free to post your own top three, and give reasons to justify your decisions, expecially if you disagree with mine. (Caution potential game SPOILERS) 3. Super Mario Sunshine - This game was fun! and thats all it needed to be, its more fun controlling mario than any other character in game, I think you will agree. and the addition of FLUDD just made it put a bigger smile on my face Its was also made easy to get 70 stars but quite hard to get the elusive 120 which was nice. The change of scenery was also welcome giving off a warm inviting atmosphere. For a game that got some pretty great reviews and does what mario games set out to do (make u smile) the nintendo community have been too critical comparing it to the first true 3d game mario 64. Its an evolution not a revolution which describes it perfectly...the true revolution is coming in the form of Galaxy, which in some ways stems from sunshine which allowed u to defy gravity with the fludd. its funny that everyone made mocks up and hints that the sequel to mario sunshine would be mario moonshine.lol galaxy is practically that ^^ 2. Resident Evil 4 - I remember getting this game on U.S import and sticking it in my cube, drawing the curtains and playing for hours. i hadnt done that with a game for a long time, but resident evil 4 has got that perfect balance of fun, challenge and the 'just one more try' mentality that made monkey ball so addictive. The graphics showed what the gamecube could really do. And the lenght of the game was just right in that, just when you think its over, it goes on for another hour or so, which is perfect as it doesnt leave you wanting more when it finally does end. The re-emergence of Ada Wong was also a highlight. But the new control system and enemy AI were the biggest draws. The squad like play of the AI on HARD MODE is insane. Theres not much else to say but play it if you haven't, you know the 5th resident evil is gonna feel no way near the same as playing this modern masterpiece. 1. Metroid Prime - So we come to number one. I know most of you are thinking!? wot the hell? Surely the one in spot 2 should be number one? but as much as I love resident evil 4, although it came close it didn't intoxicate me as much as prime did. Before this game was released I never had the oppurtunity to play a metroid game and all the mishaps that went on through development had me a little worried. But Retro should not have been doubted for a second...They had a difficult task of taking a existing franichise and bringing it into 3D. With past nintendo IPs it has always been nintendo themselves namely Miyamoto-san who has handled the tranistion. Retro were guided by nintendo, but nintendo must have had great faith in this small company which is now one of nintendos biggest 2nd party developers. Anyway on to the actual game..my jaw dropped from the title sequence as the DVD like menu screen was totally unseen at the time. I have fond memories of watching the start screen sequence again and again on the very pages of ign :P The environments were rich in atmosphere and the many creatures that inhabited the world seemed believeable. I believe the whole secret to primes success is immersion. from the get go you are stuck into Samus Arans suit and your first person view with the hud etc really makes you feel like your are her. The Visor effects further immerse the player, with rain, gunk, steam, lava and ice hitting the visor. It even had inteference with other electrical fields, making your screen so fuzzy like a tv with bad signal, great effect. Thinking back the reason it felt so immersive was due to the fact it didn't have many cut scenes, so most of the time you really were behind the visor, which reminds me of one other game that achieved this level of immersion and that is Half life 2, where u dont come out from behind the eyes of Gordon Freeman for even a seond. Which is why half life 2 feels like one BIG roller coaster ride. From landing on Tallon IV to discovering Phendrana, from the lights going out when u least expected them to to the realisation of hyper mode samus, the whole game just oozes quality( so much more to say but just go and play it again and realise how great it really was and still is). It will always be my most memorable game of last gen, and for that retro is my favourite developer other then Nintendo. Thank you retro for making a first person game that isnt a Halo clone! (i hate halo) oh boy im gonna regret saying that... Roll on Corruption *grin Wii Believe
  15. The reason the graphics processor is weaker than the other two is because firstly, they want to keep the cost down. You can make the most POWERFUL console in the world! And if you charge consumers a low price for it then you are going to make huge losses, which is why you end up having to charge the consumer a lot of money, which in turn cuts out the "true" mainstream audience that nintendo is targetting for.....You see you cant be cutting edge and mainstream at the same time....to hit the masses you need a mass market price. If you dont have a mass market price you wuill ony appeal to core gamers. Which doesent really create industry growth, which is waht nintendo is trying to do. Also the more complex the graphics the more comlicated the game "usually" becomes....Realism is strived for in the industry and with that goal comes more complex movements and control. Nintendo has clearly recognised this....Market share is just a pie chart - Sony have loads, microsoft some, and nintendo a little - Now nintendo is not trying to steal away sonys or microsofts fans , they are trying to create their own sector if you will....bringing more people to the pie, thus enlargening their market share....You can already see this with DS..Nintendo are disrupting the market....Think about it...What happens if the Wii wins the sonsole war? Where will that leave Sony and Microsoft? They cant just add wiimote controls to their next console - as it wont change the fact that they HAVE to have highend graphics or their fanbase will dwindle rapidly, because the console is still soo expensive....Makes you think doesent it? Nintendo are messing with Sony and Microsoft - Low end graphics - A strange controller - Low powered always online console......the others could never make a console like this - they are elctronic giants, and are expected to create HIGH-TECH, CUTTING EDGE - technology! So its going to be pretty hard for them to copy nintendos sucess.
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