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About Jackel

  • Birthday 03/23/1987


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I find it surprising how many people seem dissatisfied with the Wii, with all the build up surrounding it from all sections of the media i was half expecting it to cure cancer. It's great fun as far as i'm concerned, TP isn't capturing my imagination like OOT did, but it still is a great game, though not earth shattering:sad: Teppo's right, launch line-ups are never particularly strong, and it amazes me how every single time Nintendo(or most other companies for that matter) release a console they manage to leave huge gaps between killer aps. I will most likely get a 360 too, mainly due to an undying love for PES and Halo, along with being able to get what i'm sure will be better versions of the multi-format titles than the Wii can deliver. Lauches are such missed oppratunties for several great games which will surely sell. Who here has bought a launch game which under regular circumstances they wouldn't have? I know i have. (Call of Duty 3, it has a mind of it's own at times...) Also am not here (again that is, i used to write for c-e but have since lost my forum account:sad: ) to attack anyone, but Pit-Jr you seem to be a rather miserable fellow.
  2. 3 hands down, i wasn't the biggest fan of world, and the late nights had with the family trying to finish 3...priceless.
  3. O'Shea is a disgrace to my country, and the only thing more shocking than his lack of talent is some or Sir Alex's substitutions. Did anyone else notice that at West Ham(shudder) after they got their goal, what was his masterstroke? Brings on the horse to get a goal. Right. And with Park(not fully fit, but still!) on the bench?? Madness... Anybody else think that Fergie has a habit of making inexplicable substitutions in games?
  4. Jackel

    UK Sales!

    Not as bad as the HMV over here, still wii-less i went in there and asked them when they'd have wiis in, and was informed that nobody could get them "Until at least March." Riiight. Then i went to Game only to be informed "Probably tomorrow". If HMV knew any more about games they'd be getting dangerously close to being helpful.
  5. Yeah them two have been revelations this year, just as well considering Brown and Heinze's struggle for form. Do you think it is harder for strikers and midfielders to adapt to playing abroad? It's true that some players abilities just aren't suited to a particular league (Veron), but does this mean its easier for goalkeepers and defenders(more concentration, less ability required generally)? I remember when the japper came to United and thinking how rubbish he was...(probably because he was high half the time:indeed: )
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