I find it surprising how many people seem dissatisfied with the Wii, with all the build up surrounding it from all sections of the media i was half expecting it to cure cancer.
It's great fun as far as i'm concerned, TP isn't capturing my imagination like OOT did, but it still is a great game, though not earth shattering:sad:
Teppo's right, launch line-ups are never particularly strong, and it amazes me how every single time Nintendo(or most other companies for that matter) release a console they manage to leave huge gaps between killer aps. I will most likely get a 360 too, mainly due to an undying love for PES and Halo, along with being able to get what i'm sure will be better versions of the multi-format titles than the Wii can deliver. Lauches are such missed oppratunties for several great games which will surely sell. Who here has bought a launch game which under regular circumstances they wouldn't have? I know i have. (Call of Duty 3, it has a mind of it's own at times...)
Also am not here (again that is, i used to write for c-e but have since lost my forum account:sad: ) to attack anyone, but Pit-Jr you seem to be a rather miserable fellow.