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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. yeah same here...but that is only a timed exclusive right|?


    Hoping as much, yeah. Bottom line is, it's Ubisoft.


    I'd rather have Halo Reach on PS3.




    I'd love the Splinter Cell collection.


    Wouldn't mind playing the first one again, actually.

  2. So I've recently acquired a PSP Go... what's the deal with signing into it etc? I have a PSN ID on my PS3, do I need to link it to my PS3 before I can use my ID with it?


    Are there any games on it that are y'know... worth downloading and are reasonably priced?


    Since it's digital only, you need a PSN ID. Don't need to link to your PS3, but since it will have all your info like credit card, it just makes sense.


    Check out PSP Essentials.

  3. Best place to ask since I know nothing about Xbox anymore.. My workmate wants to borrow my USB stick to transfer his game saves before getting the new Slim box. Apparently the stick needs to be formatted to work on it. After he's done can I reformat it to work as usual on the PC again? I realise all the files would be gone, but I'll back those up before I let him borrow it. Cheers!
