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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. Does this mean I won't be able to watch PlayTV anymore?


    Seems to be a minor bug. It will appear again soon after loading something off the XMB/playing a game.


    iPlayer and other channels have dedicated download apps now too. 4OD and ITV still launch out of the browser though..

  2. Please can someone confirm that if I changed my password on my PS3 that I am safe?


    Yeah, I would of thought so. If you (or someone else) tried to change your password again, you'd have to supply your current password to accept a new one. Since your new password would be different than the one that was leaked (theoretically what a hacker would use to try and intercept your account) you shouldn't have any problems.

  3. A weekly special deal on Shopto at the moment Killzone 3 for £21.85.


    Thats a bargain price for one of my fave online shooters in a long time. I can't wait for PSN to get sorted so I can get my nightly Killzone 3 fix.


    Thanks Choze! Ordered..

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