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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. Seems the best place to ask..


    My 40GB fat PS3 got the Yellow light.. I've rebought a Slim so I might sell the 40GB on eBay. I was planning to keep the HDD and sell the unit but I wonder if anyone would buy it as it is. I was reading some listings and one said the HDD included was reformatted and restored to factory defaults. Is it possible to change out the 40GB and reformat that on my new Slim?


    Obviously, after that I could sell the fat PS3 with the HDD included.


    Any advice, help would be great.

  2. Sly..


    Quite an overlooked franchise isn't this... or are the games not any good?


    Seems like it might be quite a good collection, especially for those new to the series?


    I've heard the games are amazingly good. After playing inFamous I was really hoping for a new Sly game despite never playing the first three. I was so glad they made this collection. And three games in one, can't complain. Means I can play them inbetween other games..

  3. It only does everything but toasted sandwiches.



    Hmm, anything around that could have caused Bluetooth interference? If all the controllers are cutting out at once it would imply the problem isn't with them, so either some outside source is causing the connection to drop or you have an issue with your PS3's internal receiver. Personally I'd peg the former as being more likely, but you never know.


    Not sure what it could of been. First it's happened since I've owned a PS3, but hasn't happened again yet, so here's hoping it's just a glitch..
