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Everything posted by stuwii

  1. Genuine help needed

    Seems the gist of the questions will be the operation of this formula in numerical and real life situations
  2. The Music Thread.

    Those previews do not spoil a twelve minute track trust me
  3. The Music Thread.

    Exogenesis actually could be the greatest song ever, it is incredible. I just pray that preview doesn't hype it too much. USofE was a bit spoilt like that. Then again uprising was made better because the preview for that was poor.
  4. Genuine help needed

    Is this the right stuff
  5. The Music Thread.

    Muse the resistance preview- WOW WOW WOW so great and so shit at the same time
  6. Exam results 2009

    A- Economics A- Geography B- Maths D- Physics, got a u in the isa though so really I should make that a C soon
  7. Who hates flying

    I used to love it, then we dropped in mid air for a few seconds and I now hate the idea.
  8. Football Season 2009/2010

    Watford FC- good squad, shame we have no wingers and no flair, mid-table at the moment
  9. The war on terror

    Anything goes on the big topic at the moment. Should we be at war, will this ever end, when if ever will we go to war with iran. My view is we are facing a very dangerous enemy that are as extreme as nazi germany but could be more dangerous. If iran nukes israel the israeli last stand would wipe out the entire middle east and this is a very dangerous possibility, when the iranian regime follow a religion that does not fear death
  10. The Conduit

    Does world at war have all the slowdown issues that COD 3 had.
  11. The war on terror

    Who was that stupid person saying we were targeting civilians.
  12. The war on terror

    Just blew up cunt no1 in pakistan. Well pakistans cunt NO.1
  13. The Conduit

    Is call of duty world at war any good
  14. How did he get 30 years original sentence for robbery when murder normally gets 15. Put it this way would you rather someone kill your family or nick your car
  15. The Music Thread.

    Muse uprising gets better every time I listen to it
  16. Outer Space

    Those picture that show the universe show light not in the human spectrum- I know it's not right but look at wii sensor bar through a camera
  17. Football Season 2009/2010

    Watford FC firesale atm- I have no idea why just seem to be being very sensible. Mcanuff, Smith and Priskin. Mcanuff is the bogey prize.
  18. The Music Thread.

    The old stuff is somehow better live. Showbiz- reading 2006 omfg
  19. The Music Thread.

    Other version are really poor quality as well- I would wait now
  20. The Music Thread.

    One of their best ever. Top ten along with USof E Along with new born, plug in baby, hysteria, showbiz, B and H, KOC, Citizen erased, SS