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Posts posted by Kagato

  1. As confirmed in today's Nintendo Direct: "MH3U has over 2000 additional weapons and pieces of armour, and over 30 new monsters." Good luck forging all of those...


    Oh god...this game will be the end of me lol, i hope they do a pack in with both the 3ds and WiiU game in one set, i love the idea of having a single profile between both games. Although...id also love to have the game literally on my 3DS memory so its with me by default and i dont have to worry about having the card in the machine, maybe they could package the downloadble game code with a special edition of the WiiU game...

  2. I've only experienced freezing with ZombiU so far, hope it's something they can sort out with a patch at some point. It's annoying because as soon as I get into it the game freezes or, a more common occurrence, I die and have to traipse my way through areas I've already done. Curbing my enjoyment somewhat.


    The same for me, i havent had any issues with other games but the problem definetly seems to be out there. Its annoying as ZombiU is a great game but a lot of the time you do things a certain way due to a mix of fear and luck, when you have to replay that same section you often dont do as well and things can go sour very quickly. I want to play the game more but ive been avoiding it for now just because i know it will lock my machine up, so far i havent had a response from Ubisoft other than to tell me they are looking into my query.

  3. Looks like the freezing issue might not be related to my net connection afterall, i had a look through the posts on the Ubisoft site and there seems to be all manor of random issues with the game, one of them is the freezing issue ive had. Ive reported it to the tech team as they suggested and posted a topic up so if anyone comes back to me ill post the answer here.


    On a side note, i was listening to the Giantbombcast today and they have reported the WiiU doing the same freezing in seemingly random tasks, everything from the Wii to WiiU transfer to freezing whilst playing Nintendoland. Might actually be a system wide issue that is caused by an as yet unknown stimulis....in other words a pain T-T

  4. I don't have a problem with the battery as there's an AC adapter that you can plug in at any time! It's hardly a game ruining thing to plug it in. People complain too much over trivial things.


    I guess it depends on the layout of the room you have the console set up in, for me its a very minor inconvience as the cable is long enough to stretch to the powerstrip under my pc and i can play plugged in. I can see problems for those with larger living rooms where the power supply is further away from the WiiU and/or TV and they have to sit at a strange angle to play. Its the one time having a smaller living room gives me an advantage ^_^

  5. Just wanted to see if i was the only one experiancing this or if there are others...


    The other night i was playing ZombiU and my internet connection dropped as it likes to do randomly and the game completely locked up, couldnt turn my WiiU off and the game literally froze mid battle so had to unplug it at the wall and left it at that.


    Tonight, ive played a bit of Tekken, a bit of Mario and then decide ill replay the bit i did last night and lost the progress on. Was playing for an hour or so, my internet connection dropped and the same thing happend again, game froze up, the WiiU wouldnt respond and i had to unplug it at the wall.


    Has this happend to anyone else out there? Is it a coincidence that my WiiU locked up when the network dropped in that exact game or is this something that needs a patch to fix?

  6. Just got the furthest ive ever gotten (the shopping centre with the alarm), was edging my way forward and my game froze up and i lost all my progress... Bad luck or the WiiU telling me to go to bed? ^_^

  7. Ive actually found it to be a great pad so far, the only thing that caught me out was the layout of the facebuttons, they seem to be lower than my fingers would like but ive just about adjusted to that. The Analogue sticks are nice and responsive, the screen itself is nice and bright and the d pad is great for fighters. Ive only played ZombiU, Tekken and Mario so far so i have no idea if its good for racers or twich shooters just yet.

  8. Hey Beni, welcome to the site! I found something that might suit your needs, GAME in the UK have them in stock however it does use a UK AC adapter so you will probably want to make sure you can run it where you are. If you have a GAME locally then im sure they will have one that will work for your region, it is fairly expensive at £39.99 though...




    edit - so i found your regional game web page but i cant find the search option and the WiiU/Wii section dosent seem to have any clickable links. It might just be my browser though so hopefully you will find the same item on here:




    I also found this over on Amazon, not as good looking but it says it can be powered by both AC or USB so this might actually be better for you




    or this



  9. I was originally planning on picking this up on Steam due to reports of the game not looking as great as it does on PC but after hearing Frozen Bytes update and how much effort they are putting into the title i think ill just drop the 10 bucks on the WiiU version instead. I prefer to have everything up on my HD tv to be fair so if they are willing to put in the extra work to make it perfect im willing to give them some cash.

  10. There does appear to be an issue with the online that some reviewers have picked up on, it seems to vanish for them at least after a quick reboot but they did mention it only showed up a couple of times. I have to imagine Activision have a patch on the way for it, hopefully in time for me getting my copy on the 25th ^_^

  11. @Caris - I hadnt actually thought about it until i saw your post so did a few tests. You can turn on the system fine using the pro controller, when it turns on you will get a little wiimote like pointer on the screen that you can move around with the analogue sticks. You can bring the screen thats normally on the gamepad up onto the TV with the X button and launch games from there, check your friends list etc as you normally would, and you can totally play games using it with no issues.


    The WiiU pad will come on however and unfortunately i dont think you can turn it off, it does let you see the alternate screen however that you dont have up on your tv so dont see it being a problem. Here is the very exciting part (for me at least), you can use the WiiU Pad as your screen and play with the controller in games that support the Controller option, so for the likes of Tekken when you really need a decent controller and someones hogging the tv, you can get the sound and picture on the WiiU pad and use the pro pad for the actual fighting!


    Sorry bit longer than i intended, got a bit excited lol ^_^


    *edit - ive just noticed, from within a game you can check miiverse but i wasnt able to navigate it using the pro controller, not sure if it was just the way i was trying to use it but its important that you know there are some places where the controller has limited functions.

  12. They must have some kind of task force running through the online content, Jim Sterling over on destructoid purposely put up some naughty words at US launch and they where caught in minutes. Have to imagine there is some kind of advanced filter running picking up key words or phrases that they dont like, or maybe i just dont like the idea that someones telling tales on us lol

  13. I orderd my WiiU from Shopto and they got it to me by 11am today, spent a bit of time setting it up in such a way that my girlfriend wouldnt kill me when she got home so effectively had to put it in the exact position that my Wii was in and hide all the cables. Took around an hour to apply the system update so whilst it did that i threw that onto the wiiu gamepad and watched some tv, then kicked off the Wii to WiiU transfer which didnt seem to take long thanks to the adorable Pikmin loading screens.


    Tried to play ZombiU and got hit with a title update, so decided to run it on all of the games i bought to save doing it later. It was sadly also shopping night so probably got in around 2 hours per game and a quick test of netflix, youtube and the browser, even tested the games in 3d using the upscaler on my tv. Soo tired now...cant wait to wake up tomorrow lol.

  14. That's great news! DKC 2 deserves to be on every system I own. As for the whole removal situation, I still hastily fire up Twitter every day to see if any news of a HD collection emerges, it never does. :red:


    Agreed, Donkey Kong Country 2 still remains one of the best platformers ever to grace a console, it had the perfect mix of fun characters, great level design and challanging secrets. Id love to see an HD collection and it seems to be rumoured every other day, maybe it will show up on the WiiU store...

  15. @somme - thanks for the heads up on that, it probably says its somewhere in the 5 booklets you get lol. Ill post up how i get on with the ZombiU issue incase anyone else gets it post launch.


    edit - So it seems that it does add the console to your list of software and hardware but it dosent automatically register it, you still have to go to your list on the web site, click on the console and answer the questionaire. Not a massive issue but one folk should know about so they can get their points.


    edit 2 - ...and it keeps getting a 404 error when its about to register, its probably having issues with mass log ins.

  16. Ive used it before on the Xbox and its a way better achievement/goal system than the standard one on there. It gives you access to extra costumes, levels and depending on the game, weapons but it makes you work for them. I have to say not, none of the goals are ever unachieveable, but they are almost always things like "reach x point in the game" rather than just killing a random amount of enemies. I signed into it a few hours ago on the WiiU, actually looks a lot better than the version im used to.

  17. Were you planning on getting Mass Effect Special Edition on the WiiU before this news?


    I actually was, i own all three games on Xbox 360 but as with all Bioware games, its a title that can be played through many times and enjoyed for its fantastic story telling.


    If so are you still planning to get it or have you changed your mind?


    Not now, i have a decent PC rig right now which will have no problem running all three games and i have it hooked up to my gaming TV, it will look just as good on there as it would on the WiiU and why would i pay full price for the last game on its own when i have done this already, when i can buy all 3 packaged together for the same price?


    What are your views of the situation EA & Bioware have just created?


    I dont blame Bioware, they likely have very little involvement in this collection, it seems like EA themselves making a handy christmas pack in for the upcoming holiday season. This does now however annoy the hell out of me, the first game was Xbox 360 and PC only so its already been rebuilt for the PS3 since its a very different platform. EA have gone on record as saying that they made mistakes not supporting the Wii at launch, yet they are launching part of a series on the console when everyone else gets the full trilogy and its not a unique case! They are also releasing a cut down version of Madden for WiiU which forgoes all of the enhancements made to the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of that series.


    EA dont even seem to be trying now, would it really have been so hard given how easy the Wii is supposed to be to port to, for them to add a bonus disc with the other two titles on there? Sure the lack of WiiU gamepad support would be a bummer, but at least WiiU owners would be getting all three titles, the third of which would be a nicely enhanced version of the third game. Its a missed oppertunity, a sign that despite their words EA have zero confidence in the WiiU as a platform and one im sure 6 months from now they are going to have to try to explain to some very angry shareholders, its not like they are exactly in a good place right now anyway.


    In the end it might just be me, maybe everyone else is happy to buy the end of a trilogy on a brand new platform and have 80 hours + of content summerised in a digital comic, maybe the idea of owning a single console and a PC is an impossible dream much like it was this generation. I just feel that EA are missing a HUGE oppertunity to not only win Nintendo fans over with one of the best games series this generation and they are totally mishandling the situation. No one (realistically) expects them to go back and re-do the full series with wiiu pad support, heck it would be nice, but the machine launches in a month and there is no time for that. We could have had a bonus disc, we could have had the games up on the Wii Store to purchase, there are so many ways they could have avoided this situation, but they didnt and with two of their launch games already containing less value than their counterparts on other systems, i dont see why anyone else would bother.

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