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About ChrisRX

  • Birthday 04/19/1988


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  1. Has anyone got a complete savefile for the european version? I really want to play more multiplayer minigames, but it's just taking too long to unlock all the games when people want to play multiplayer and not sit there watching one person playing
  2. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo etc. Argh I really can't wait for zelda, it's bad enough I have to wait at least another 40 hours before I can get my wii. Oh well thanks for finding out for me.
  3. I'll probably write about my potentially catastrophic experience of trying to buy a wii on saturday. .......that's trying buy a wii on saturday as opposed to release day
  4. Thanks. Also, if you remember, can you ask how many copies of zelda they have? For some reason they said they couldn't tell me this over the phone. I'm just really starting to worry that I'm going to get a shiny new wii on saturday and not going to be able to get my hands on a copy of zelda because it'll be sold out within a day
  5. Gamestation luton phoned me to ask if I would there for the midnight launch but I can't be. I'm not back from uni until the saturday. And as a side note, apparently if I don't pick it up on saturday then my preorder will be passed onto the next person on the list. I hope they still have copies of zelda left on saturday, they said they have loads so I'm hoping they do.
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