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Everything posted by SteveBe

  1. Guys, I have a spare Wii sitting in a branch of Woolworths uncollected and paid for. I already have my wii goodness and they wont cancel the order now its paid for. Anyone want to take it off my hands? Not looking for a markup. I'm in London.
  2. Dear All Here is my Wii code. 2515 5722 9099 8269 Name Steve My blue light isn't working on my disc slot when I load games. Can someone please add me and send me a message to see if the light works then. Its strange because it works when i switch on the machine but not when I load a disc in the drive. I'm gonna work my way through the list and add everyone asap but if someone who adds me now can let me know would be great. Cheers guys
  3. Dear All, My woolies order has changed to ready to despatch. I have my gamestation confirmed as well. I can sell anyone this extra Wii at no extra cost as long as you pick it up. Am in south london. Anyone interested then reply.
  4. I just called up my gamestation. They are doing a midnight launch too. They said they are guaranteed to get 20 on launch day and it will probably be more. And I'm no. 20!!! So looks like my luck is in for the launch day AND midnight launch. It however does mean I'm gonna be lumped with two wii's as my woolies order is guaranteed too. If anyone wants to buy the second wii from me at NO EXTRA COST and you can collect then whoever wants to do so is more than welcome. I'm in London.
  5. WardyBoy - thats because you have to specifically say pick up in store when you place your order - like I did. If you said deliver first then you probably can't change it. But its clear as day on my order page - pick up from store XXX, London.
  6. I just spoke to Woolworths customer service. They have 100% guaranteed that as long as you preorder via their website and arrange to collect in your local store, that you WILL get a Wii on launch day itself. The part on their website about launch "week" is only if you arrange for it to be delivered to your house.
  7. Guys dont know about anyone else but I'm absolutely SICK of gamestation not giving anyone any news. I called their head office and said how poor I thought it was that everyone around me knows whether or not they are getting their Wii's apart from people who ordered from gamestation (in terms of pure videogame shops/sites). They know their company allocation. Can it really be that difficult to let the people know who preordered early whether its a yes or a no?
  8. Hi Guys Wondering if anyone can tell me do you need to pay in full for the Woolworths preorder? Thanks
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