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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. Brawls been subject to quite a few character leakings recently. Firstly Sheik (Zelda transformation) and Generic Animal Crossing "Main Character" from Aunoma interview (however you spell his name), Luigi from a Nintendo rep and now Krystal...


    I really don't think Mr Generic Animal Crossing Character is going to be playable, considering it's already a background element in the Animal Crossing level. I just really can't see it happening.

  2. Nah, probably just sensationalism.


    Prime 3 doesn't really have many "signiture" songs. Prime 1 had soooo many of them. I don't think Koji Kondo (sp?) had a hand in these ones.


    EDIT: Me = idiot. Kenji Yamamoto is the composer in charge at Retro Studios... Some extremely weak tracks from him from what i've heard so far. Apart from the super awesome Space Pirate music, but thats always awesome ;)


    Isn't that the guy that did Mario Sunshines soundtrack?

  3. Can someone explain why I should be interested or excited about this game?


    Why should anyone make the effort? If Samba de Amigo doesn't sell itself to you then no amount of persuasion is going to pierce your black stone heart.

  4. As far as I can see, Motion should have been banned years ago. I don't think "wiping the slate clean" should apply to people who take it as an excuse to carry on being turd bags.


    And by years, I mean months.

  5. Hmm it seems they've included a technique in the game called a Dash Pivot Grab. For those that don't know, it's a pretty big deal (probs as big as wavedashing tbh).


    Also, what do people think of Marths and Falcos return? They were both so cool; i'd hate to see brawl without them...


    You said you didn't see how wavedashing could help you win, so how is it a big deal?

  6. Would this sell big numbers on the Wii? If it was released on PS2 and Wii at the same time I not sure if SF would do great numbers on the Wii.


    Look at Dragon Ball Z. that is a huge franchise and it a big seller in Japan. latest version came out two weeks ago. PS2 version sold over 200,000 in its first week. Wii version sold 40,000.


    numbers like that really make you think..


    That's mainly because of the installed user base of the PS2.
