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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. A friend of a friend who's janitor at the place he works at's cousin's uncles brother twice separated dog's sister's owner's mum's boyfriend's son who works at Nintendo HQ cleaning the desk after hours says that he heard from two of the workers that the Wii has 5d holoprojectory surround.

    That's getting old.


    Anyone care to translate this into uninformed terms?

  2. I don't even have a picture up. That's the problem.

    Not that you're jumping to conclusions or anything :indeed:

    Another one down.


    If you care to write a long reply like that, there must be something wrong. It's not that I'm a Nintendo fanboy or anything, I just think you're being a moron, and a moron deserves a morons response.

  3. I'm not saying that at all. I certainly never meant to insinuate you were one. Neither are most posters in this thread. Just the odd couple.

    Saying someone is stupid because of a difference of opinion is well... just :shakehead

    EDIT- Looking back, I have come across as horribly angry, which i'm not :) Sorry if I caused any offence or owt.


    I almost made a "Go away fatty" post. How terribly irrational of me that would have been.

  4. No, some people who have played it are enthusiastic, some are not. Infact some sites have written open letters to Nintendo about this very issue. I bet there are even petitions floating about on this very topic.


    The evolution of the Zelda series does not rest on this new controller either. This game was not even meant for the Wii, it's only been ported over to boost the Wii's launch line up and boost initial sales.


    I personally wanted it on the Wii all along, as did many other people it seems. The only thing that bothered me was the extra wait. Now that I have no choice in the matter, I'm glad it's as it is.

  5. I think men should get rid of all their facial hair too, as well as armpit hair, leg hair and maybe even the hair down there. Just to make things fair.


    When women start producing testosterone and shaving, then maybe I'll think about that.

  6. Any idea where you can get that? It's a Superb song!


    It's called Sanctuary, but the Japanese (and in my opinion better one) is called Passion on the album "Ultra Blue". Plus, there's no complete version of Sanctuary. Or you can just download it. The video for Passion is great.

  7. All vc games will be encrypted


    maybe ninty will release security software


    maybe the console will come with security software

    What I meant was an emulator could easily be created for the Wii like the Snes emulator that works with the PSP, and it would be easily accessible due to the Opera browser being available.

  8. I wonder how long it'll take for a "homebrew Virtual Console" to be concieved. That could screw Nintendo's VC program up. Meh, I guess that's one of the perks for Nintendo in making the Connect 24 thing. They could probably just auto patch it or brick your console.


    Oh, and what's to stop people hacking and bricking your console or putting illegal files on your console through WiiConnect?

  9. Well, don't I stand corrected lol. I've only seen it running from video captures. Anyway, I was talking about the kind of graphical leap I would have liked to have seen, ie major. I feel, from what I've seen, it looks pretty much the same with just bigger environments and a few extra effects. To be honest, it doesn't look much different from a Gamecube game.


    I agree with you completely. I want to see them start the graphical style from scratch, making it seem fresh like the original Prime did, not just build on the Gamecubes graphic style.

  10. Getting corrupted on Phantasy star online for the gamecube got me angry, mainly because it happened at level 147 to me.


    I remember on the Dreamcast version, if you died you dropped your weapon, leaving it for people to steal. Also, hackers could turn you into such NPC's as "Nol". Everyone was a little too stupid to turn off without saving and lost their character, then they'd ask me why I didn't stay as Nol. Good times.

  11. It truely is a great game. The graphics are really what made the game for me. They really stand out from any other game of it's sort.


    The only part of the game that really annoyed me was the ending. Throughout the game, the music is great, but at the end it just doesn't seem to give you that "you've just saved the world" feeling that Ocarina of Time gives you. And even without the Big Gorons sword, it seem so much easier that it's N64 counterparts.
