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Posts posted by Tyson

  1. Why remove C-stick smashes? They're pretty useful, not just for smashes but for aerial moves as well. People who say that c-sticking is a cheap tactic for noobs and that "good players like me never use the c-stick" are noobs themselves.

    I never see anyone say noobs in a serious light but you, so no need to worry.

  2. No, I have to disagree. The lighting effects aren't shader effects, the character models are low poly, and textures are really poor at times; the PS2 probably wouldn't have problems running this game. The inconsistency in graphics (note the good-looking balloon in the third screen) makes me think this game was originally a PS2 or maybe even Dreamcast game that they've ported over, while adding new, better looking stuff.


    What are you on about? That balloon looks shite compared to some of the other stuff in there.

  3. I acknowledge that is happened and shizzle has happened as a result of it. But I just don't find myself caring... But I'm still a lovely bloke.


    I'm with Murray on this. If I'm not directly affected by something, I tend not to care. Not that I'm lacking in the compassion department or anything, I'm just short sighted.

  4. Tys: I'd start by learning English first.


    ZEll: It's not that big a deal, certainly not worthy of all this hype. Dodgy, but who cares.


    As far as I can see my English is better than your, bar a couple of typos, which are a direct result of typing with a Wii remote. Refer to page seven and you'll see you neglected to insert a full stop, but you don't see me using it as an AMAZING COMEBACK! (Unless you count that.)

  5. They are a solid set of results. Predicted grades are total bullshit though. Mock results are a far more accurate point of comparison. Did you match/beat those?



    I did achieve most of my predicted grades but that is beside the point.


    I'm pretty sure predicted grades go by the mock results now anyway. What's really bullshit is those Fisher Family Trust grades, they go by how well you do in primary school and first year of secondary school. Seriously shit.
