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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Konami's Cancelled Titles

    It doesn't sound like much was scrapped, considering they all seem to have generic names. Dissappointing for Wii though, it really needs to get some more 3rd party support/games in general.
  2. Webcomics?

    I edited the original post, because I'm just too curious about all the webcomics people read, so if you already posted, feel free to go back and edit in the more popular comics that you read. I'm not sure if this one has been mentioned yet, but it the webcomic equivalent of Tim Vine imo, every single one seems to get a little chuckle from me, and it updates every day. They guys were recently involved in doing comics for Orange to advertise their Orange Wednesday campaigns. Cyanide and Happiness - http://www.explosm.net/comics Don't expect too much from the art, and some of the humour sometimes is a little un-PC, but it's really really funny nonetheless, and daily! EDIT: Crude humour, that's what I was trying to say, it's rather crude. Here's a random, rather clean one that I clicked.
  3. Legalize It!

    Some people handle things better than others, it's like those rare few people who play GTA or watch a super violent film and then go on some mental killing spree. Some people are just more likely to react bad, you don't and that's fine, but some people apparently do. EDIT:I'm still quite torn on the matter. Whilst I did vote Yes, because I think it no worse than alcohol, and in some circumstances better, I do think alcohol and tobacco should both be illegal/heavily controlled. However having said that, if alcohol were made illegal now, it'd kill me. It simply won't be possibly to criminilise alcohol in this country, and the biggest problem here is that weed will be exactly the same, it's a one way decision with no going back. Is it worth taking the risk? It is going to cause more problems for the NHS probably too, both general and psychiatric sides.
  4. Wii glitches

    I considered that, but he's a proper fanboy(we call him Nintendave), and well attached to his stuff and didn't want to permanently synch his wiimotes to my console, he's real weird like that. As I said though, they still worked and functioned fine, just the wiimotes seem to be assigned to the wrong player numbers(like the little hands on screen). Other than that one thing that one time, everything worked fine.
  5. Awesome gameplay, fantastic games, good vibrant colours. Two games that really stick out from when I was younger are LttP and Super Mario World. Mario does in effect define Nintendo, and I loved all of the 2D marios(and 64 for that matter, and even sunshine). The whole kirby series too. I don't think any one thing can define Nintendo for me, Nintendo are....Nintendo. Simply Nintendo.
  6. Webcomics?

    Ahh, Dr McNinja, I saw that quite a while back but didn't keep up with it. The only reason I really said not, was so that the thread didn't get filled up with lots of posts saying the exact same things referring to the exact same webcomics. I don't really know how to judge the 'big' webcomics when I come to think of it(im stupid, didnt really think things through). Would Overcompensating and Questionable Content count?
  7. Celebrity Big Brother

    Dirk is pretty damn charming, he well likes Shilpa, shame I don't think it'll go anywhere, he's like twice her age! I want him to win now though, I should have put a quid on him when it started. I reckon he can do it. You know he had prostate cancer at like 35 and cured it using macrobiotic diet only, he refused surgery! Power to the Faceman! EDIT: Jackiey went right down in my estimation for referring to Shilpa(who I think is pretty pretty, but unrelated) as 'Indian', which she is, but Jakiey used it as if it was her name, which I think is just really harsh, whether she was there or not. Flinky...MR.MOTIVATOR!
  8. Wii glitches

    Nooo, it was a one time synch that we was doing because my mate brought his 2 wiimotes over, we didn't want to synch them permanently to my console, just to be able to use them whilst he was round, if that makes sense. Check it up in the manual, the red button is only for synching it permanently to your console I believe. It wasn't a problem or anything, we were just confused that Wiimote 3(indicated by the lights on the bottom) Wiisports had registered as player 2, it doesn't normally do that. Wiisports itself recognised it as Wiimote 3(indicated by representation of the lights on screen), but registered it as player number 2.
  9. Wii glitches

    Yeah, thats where we were synching them from, as explained in the manual for a one time synching.
  10. Nyko solution to pointer range problems

    How is it that the bar works up to 25feet though, does it actually work at the distance? I'm curious as to how it's got a better range on it than the proper one. I can see the reasons behind it, but I see it as mainly unneccesary. How far could you have the wii from your TV in all reasonability? How far can you possibly sit from your TV? Aren't you already fed up enough with the need for batteries? It's a no thank you from me.
  11. My Video blogs

    I watched the first one, and it was much better than I expected. I don't mean any offense by that, but I just generally have a prebiased opinion of most video blogs as being poop. I'll watch the others later one after I get my arse into gear and do some work.
  12. Wii glitches

    Synching! That reminds me, when my mates came round the other day one guy brought two wiimotes, so I had to one time synch them to the console, and we had alot of trouble with wiiimotes falling out like a few minutes after they synched, or not synching like they should. Eventually we managed to get it working on wiisports, but the weird thing is that it made Wiimote 3 into player 2 and then wiimote 2 into player 3, which we thought was weird, and pretty damn confusing too.
  13. "Queer Hero"

    Whatever, GAY. I think the article was scraping the barrel a bit, and I don't think Leon is gay, or straight, I think it's just an non issue which probably wasn't considered. Torchwood has been gay since the very beginning! Although I think I've missed that time travel episode myself. As for a best friend coming out, has that ever actually happened to you? Why would they fancy you if you were/weren't gay either way? I don't get it, unless you mixed up some words there.
  14. What is a good game to get?

    I would second the fact that it is worth getting, I enjoyed it very much. What I like about Mario RPGs is that you don't get fed up with the turn based stuff like you would in some RPGs, due to the action commands in mario games, they make it real fun I think. Anyway, I never had or played the original Paper Mario, but I did have Thousand Year Door, which was a pretty cool game IMO. It's got a terrible story though, which is made up for by the excellent gameplay.
  15. Danny Dyer

    Well, having read your post, he's actually just gone up in my estimation. I didn't realise that wasn't his proper accent or anything, I thought he actually was just some regular bloke who tried acting, but knowing that he managed to pull that off when it isn't him, well, it makes him a very good actor in my eyes.
  16. What to buy?

    I thought they were called solicitors? Silly lolitanze, I don't think he knows what he's talking about. This reminds me, I can't remember where, but I heard that some guy wrote a will and then left everything in his will to...himself! Apparently he had gone into cryo, so it kind of made sense in a way, bet it really pissed his family off though.
  17. His Dark Materials... the movies

    EXACTLY! Although I was reading up, and the book came from an idea involving golden compasses(which you'll notice still made it onto the alethiometer and is mentioned in the text as such) or something like such, something to do with the thing where most of his inspiration came from. By compasses here, I'm talking the ones you draw circles with. I'd love to be a bit more specific but I...erm...have to...go...do... EDIT:Just remembered, there was a girl on Junior Mastermind today whose specialist subject was HDM trilogy, I was quite pleased with my own ability to answer the questions given that I've only read them through twice(thrice for Northern Lights as of roughly 24 hours ago, damn insomnia!).
  18. Official Bread Megathread.

    I don't like butter, and thus I sometimes eat toast...PLAIN. I used to know alot of people who thought I was really cool and like the bestest person they ever met, but after I told them that they just seemed to get incredibly busy all the time... If you're gonna eat bread on it's own, I think the way to go is a classic bread roll, just bite right in and chew to your hearts content. It's more of a meal for the teeth than a slice of bread I think. For toast, you wanna get yourself some chocolate spread. Preferably hazlenut if you can, asda do a good big jar that'll last a nice amount of time. It's good too because it's thin and melts over the toast and you can get lots of slice worths out of it, whereas Nutella seems to get too thick after it's been opened and doesn't work as well. You may disagree with me on the hazlenut spread front, but trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Other spreads of choice would be peanut butter(smooth over crunchy, for similar reasons as chocolate spread and crunchy not lasting as long), and marmalade, though marmalade is a bit too sweet for my tastes these days.
  19. Wii glitches

    A couple times text hasn't rendered properly, and it's all bunched up, or in the wrong place, it happened a few times on the shop channel and I couldn't read properly what controllers were compatible with Bomberman or not, and had to exit the channel. It happened again when I was browsing through one time too, hasn't happened for a while now though. Other than that, none really, except a black screen first time I tried to play a GC game.
  20. Wii snubbed? - Sixaxis honoured with Emmy

    Good work Sony, pleased to see them getting something for their efforts rather than the continous harsh criticism they get for apparently 'stealing' other people's ideas. Sony have got one thing that Nintendo haven't, a bit of sense in naming. I think there's alot in a name, SIXAXIS is quite an awesome one and kudos to whoever come up with it. It flows off the tongue well, sounds smooth and sleek, and most of the reasons of it being a good name were covered earlier, and I dunno if anyone mentioned the rather clever fact that it's a palindrome as well. Had Nintendo stuck with Revolution over Wii, well, I don't doubt things would have been different. Even so, they don't have a proper name for their controller, constantly referred to as Wii Remote. I know the phrase Wiimote has been coined, but I have yet to see it used by Nintendo, and why the hell not?! Why not make it the official name? It'd give a better image, like SIXAXIS does.
  21. What Wii Needs To Wiin!

    I didn't read it all either, but the reason it's only getting ports is because it is new, and because ports are nice, cheap, and easy for developers and bring in the best profits. They need more substantial stuff before they put tons of funds into developing something new and original into the wii and then it flopping, they can't even salvage it to port to another console then either! So yeah, that explains the porting stuff. The wii is young yet, only a month and a bit, it needs time whilst developers DEVELOP some ideas. Another point, you criticised FF and DQ and said something about them not being official series? Aren't they like to two biggest game franchises in Japan though? Was it not in fact FF which saved Square from impending doom by becoming an overnight hit? Whilst I do think it'd be good for Nintendo to get some series on the console such as GTA and that, to appeal to the people who think they Wii isn't upto that, I think going with what the Wii has unique for it and not becoming just another games console is slightly more important. In the top 5 on that list of top selling games, 2 were GTA and 3 were Mario which was made by.....Neentendo! Instead of trying to become a play all console, I think it's important to try and come back with those exlcusive greats like Mario. If they try too hard to capitalise on those titles you bolded, what happens to the others in the list eh? Could you bust out your calculator, and then add up all the numbers on that list per company, and then post those so we can see which has been the most successful in the long run?
  22. Eledees!

    lol, thats all I can think when I see solitanze's name, not just for his posts but how people react to him. Can an admin change his name to lolitanze plz? Much more fitting! Anyway, I just came by to comment on the new name, which I think is better because it has some actual sense and decent reasoning behind it. Aren't things in game called 'bits' though? What are they gonna be called now? 'Dees'? What? Where? This makes absofreakinlutely no sense to me. Explain pls?
  23. Legalize It!

    Once I'd have said yes, and part of me still feels like saying yes, but I think with the way Britain is going these days and how people are changing that quite frankly, the country just can't handle it.
  24. Celebrity Big Brother

    Who is K-Fed? In other news! My lab tutor from last year who lectures me this year was just on Big Brother's Big Brain!
  25. So you think you're a gamer?

    A pretty smooth 92%, I'd put 4 points of that in at lucky guesses though. I wouldn't have known about Fighting Street had I not played it just a week ago. I sucked on most of the FPS ones, not much of an FPSer.