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About Stickman

  • Birthday 01/20/1993

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Gaming, Drawing
  • Occupation
    Saving the Galaxy, one sequal at a time


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    DS, GBAsp. Cube, GBc
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Samus Aran
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Xbox Live Username
    I want a 360! *Sniff*

Stickman's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I think this is a awful choice...it is a violent game, yes. But it should never be sold to kids anyway...banning it is just plain sad. I think this has been banned, and think that GTA and NO more Heroes could be banned also... Also, what happened to my petition
  2. Whats your name? I doubt it'll work either, but its better than nothing, at least it shows the gaming community cares
  3. Its just what its called :P Sorry, N-europe ftw!
  4. Today...BBFC and IFCO stated that manhunt 2, will not be legally available in the UK, i say we take action, give us your full name and we will send as many as possible to the ratings board demanding action, we can fight back! 1. Luke Broadhead 2. Gerard Quinn 3. Jamie Flanagan
  5. Part 3 now up
  6. Fine, yours ain't to great anyway
  7. 7/10 Bitesize revision mascot=NOOO! I DON'T WANNA DO SCIENCE REVISION!!! PLEASE! NOOOOO!!!
  8. 7/10 Nicce, whats that guy from? I can't quite put my finger on it... X_X
  9. 7/10 Random at its most O_O
  10. 6/10 Same as your sig...freaky O_O :P
  11. 6/10 AVFC, eh? :P ... Who? Sorry i'm not a big footie fan
  12. 7/10 Awsome! But yeah, the colours! THEY BURRNSA! :P
  13. 6/10 If you drawed it 8/10
  14. 7/10 It looks clearer, but i prefered the original, and wheres Samus!
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