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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. Post your Desktop(56k no no)

    That is one huge positive that Mac OS X has going for it, its desktop composition thingy, Quartz EXTREME or whatever they call it. That allows fully scalable effects to be rendered on the graphics card. Longhorn should have it (DCE, Desktop Composition Engine) but yeah, it's a game of catch up in that regard.
  2. Scan Disk Problem

    I dunno, try running chkdsk yourself. start>run>cmd [enter] chkdsk /r (or chkdsk DRIVE: /r if it's not the drive you're already on) If it asks you to unmount the volume then say yeah, say yeah if it wants to reboot, then it should run a full surface scan and hopefully unset the dirty bit on that drive. It might take ages though, depending on how large your drive is, so set it to run before you go to bed or while you're out. Report back after, comrade.
  3. Miyamoto please sign here!

    Haha. Disrespectful.
  4. Simple Question

    Sounds like the drive is shot. As everyone's already said, it's easy as pie to find a cheap IDE drive to replace it. Oh and by the way, there's such thing as megagigahertz.
  5. Post your freshers week experience!!!

    Fucking Americans, baka!
  6. Miyamoto please sign here!

    I'd still be up for meeting him again -- It's more than I usually do!
  7. Monster of a mother board

    No PCI Express, no AGP. It's a server motherboard. All the huge slots are PCI-X. 16GB of RAM I think.
  8. Dunst Confirms Spider-Man 3 Villains

    In that picture she's only 14, unfortunately she grew up.
  9. Monster of a mother board

    No, it isn't. It's a 4 way Opteron board.
  10. Isss There A God!!

    If you pull something straight out of your asshole, of course there's no way to prove or disprove it, you're just being a fucking child.
  11. Post your Desktop(56k no no)

    J. River Media Center. http://www.jrmediacenter.com I paid for it. I've been using it since version 9. Before that I was a Winamp 2 man. This is better by far, but you need to make sure all your music is tagged. It's absolutely perfect for an anal guy like me, and it can get me around my stuff quicker than anything else in exactly the way I want.
  12. Miyamoto please sign here!

    Yeah he has. I was in the queue with him. I SKIPPED TEH QUEUE. Did he mention my awesome queue skipping skills of doom?
  13. Bleach! Best character!

    So I have 4 episodes still to download I mean purchase. Damn.
  14. Miyamoto please sign here!

    I shook his hand, TWICE.
  15. Miyamoto please sign here!

    I already met Shigeru Miyamoto and I got him to sign something for someone else. That dude is pretty cute and awesome.
  16. Isss There A God!!

    Ahh... you are awesome. (Except it's "Jesus might HAVE existed", but no matter).
  17. goolockx movies

    Of course I recognise you! I hope everything is going okay with you... Welcome to add me if you want to talk...
  18. Bleach! Best character!

    Ballsy crappy gah, now I have even more anime to download.
  19. The best console this generation.

    The Gamecube and the Xbox are the only consoles this generation. The PlayStation2 is just around as a throwback from the previous generation. Although lest I forget, the GameCube had a hideous flaw: too little RAM. It shares this critical flaw with the Dreamcast. Naomi didn't have it, but the Dreamcast does. RAM IS IMPORTANT.
  20. Bleach! Best character!

    I've got all 46 episodes. Does that mean I've seen it? Computer says no... >_<
  21. Replier Impotance!

    Anything involving football, wrestling or most popular TV turns me straight off.
  22. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    I think so also... DAMN YOU CAPITALISM!
  23. Computer Wont Shut Down

    I fix computers for anyone and I sometimes enjoy it, but I do like to be the one in the know so I keep myself in the motherfucking know.
  24. Post your Desktop(56k no no)

    Although they are all so clinical and... samey. They all have the same skin in this thread, and the number of macs I've seen with the default wallpaper and flurry screensaver... Well.. ridiculous.