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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. The best and worst of the internet.

    There's not even a good reason for that particular filter, just because Dan used ***** to forward to his computer once, but seriously, that's fucking retarded, there are other free dynamic DNS hosters too, and you could just as easily upload shit.
  2. New Graphics Card

    Tell us your budget and we'll find you a card.
  3. Well, Doom II was subtitled Hell on Earth...
  4. The best and worst of the internet.

  5. A kid killed people supposedly after playing Doom. It doesn't matter how real it is, it's all to do with how mentally unstable the kid already is.
  6. The best and worst of the internet.

    Best: Goatse Worst: People who don't like goatse
  7. Test The Nation: English

    I love English, and I love to point out mistakes, it's one of my buttons. However I couldn't find it in myself to complete this test, it was too lame. I got a C at GCSE level for Language and Literature, however I missed an entire test, and half (54 marks, I think) of another, so yeah, I'm not too bad.
  8. Overheating problem

    Get someone who knows what the fuck they're doing to look at it and tell them what fans are fucked and need replacing and make sure to give it a clean but be gentle.
  9. Test The Nation: English

    I got fucking bored.
  10. I love you already. (Even though your spelling leaves much to be desired).
  11. How Good is your comp?

    If it runs everything okay don't worry about it for now, if you don't know much about computers, changing the processor around is probably a pain.
  12. How Good is your comp?

    It says 1.2Ghz, dude. Dude what the fuck. No seriously how are you shacked up with such an old system.
  13. How Good is your comp?

    It will probably be regular DDR RAM (not DDR2), as for the speed, well depends on how fast you're running the RAM at the moment, but if you buy quicker RAM it will just work slower. http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=48122 That will work at PC3200 which is the highest speed it might be running at, and it's only like 32 quid. It will help a lot. All you have to do is slot it in gently and evenly into the slot (only goes one way round) and then make sure the clips popup into the side of it to hold it in firm, you should never need to use too much force. You don't have to configure anything.
  14. How Good is your comp?

    If you ever come into money, invest in 2GB of RAM (don't fill all your slots, I suggest buying 2x 1GB sticks, high performance) and it will make a difference in Battlefield 2 and any games that require a LOT of system resources. Apart from that, your system kicks the ass.
  15. Foregone Conclusion. I like it. (I'm talking original UT).
  16. Obese pigeon

    Why would it be faked? Why would someone stop and take a picture of a normal pidgeon and then make it look fatter, when you can easily find fat-ass pidgeons around if you look enough?
  17. This is lies, when I play Postal 2, it calms me, and when I play UT and sit camping on facing worlds I feel so chilled out.
  18. Agree with Jordan. (But then I would).
  19. Obese pigeon

    That's just good living.
  20. Funny Instructions

    You'd need to find a mean ass vase to fit a DVD player in it.
  21. How Good is your comp?

    You have a 9800 Pro and you got top 5% and you're disappointed?? By the way upgrade your graphics drivers dude.
  22. Sex minigame in farenheit.

    It was just the Americans. You live in the UK, as far as I know, no-one gave a shit. I'd rather my kids see some hardcore fucking than hardcore violence yet violence is okay?
  23. Go with the AMD. The other two had 256MB of RAM which is totally lame. The battery life would be better with a Pentium M most likely but still, out of those, the AMD is the best choice. Only £525 as well. As for the iBook, £699 is a way too high starting price for their base laptop.
  24. Hard Disk Drive problem

    Yeah I would have said disk management, since a drive doesn't show up with a letter until you initialize it. I would have also told you to go to start>run>diskmgmt.msc instead of all the way through control panel but oh well.
  25. Gmail invites

    No, it's not. Invites are easy. You just give someone a link and then they sign up.