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Everything posted by Knives

  1. Haha! Too bad for Hellfire and Lazyboy, we all made them cry and stuff I feel sorry for them... Yeah, better stop doing it now, while it's still funny.... Btw, really enjoy those Zelda retrospectives... Can't wait til they actually get to Twilight Princess... Probably the last episode of them... There's gonna be six parts, right?
  2. Heh, can't stop watching those two small vids :wink: I just like them so much... too bad they aren't longer though, Nintendo is really torturing us!!! Haha! I love that background music in the one where Link's on horse. You heard it in the last two trailers, but I never thought that was actually an in-game music theme... I love it! It's so good... I actually walk around humming that theme... Wauw, and just notice the incredible sounds! It's fantastic!
  3. OOOOOH MYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOD !!!!!!!11!!!! This... is a beautiful day... so much new info... so many beautiful new screenshots.... :cry: I can't wait... and I can't breathe.... Sry about this post, but I just had to reveal some of my feelings after so much stuff today...... Holy freaking Jesus on a pogo-stick, those vids were so fantastic, depsite so short they were... Wow! Just seeing the depth of the field! Holy Christ! My God! Less than two months left! This really can't be happening!
  4. Would someone please post that preview!???!! At least some of it!!! In a spoiler box....
  5. Eeeep!!! Preview ! You'll have to quote everything from it and put it in a spoiler thingie!!! Unless it'll be readable online! Uuuuh, so excited... promise me you will if you're gonna buy it
  6. Yes, yes we know that... and the release of the Wii version is December the 8th. which means some of us has to wait another week... DAMNIT!!
  7. Gooooooo Gamecube!!! Wuuu!
  8. The stealth at the fortress was nice in TWW. Would like more of that...
  9. He probably means Adventure of Link...
  10. Ah, I see... At first they said that the GC version of TP would be released the 8th of December with the Wii version, but now it's going to be released a week after, on the 15th of December. SO DON'T WORRY, Jakeee! We'll have TP for GC just before christmas It's only in Australia the GC version will be released in January...! Lucky for us
  11. Why would it go TWW, OoT and then TP? You saw the ancient Hylian written on signs and stuff in OoT, and Modern Hylian in TWW. Now they've apperently found out that TP will have the Modern Hylian, which means that maybe something big has happened between OoT and TP. The timeline is as I recall OoT - TP - TWW. But maybe Nintendo isn't really making it such a big thing about it. I honestly don't think they are. Most stuff in Zelda games are just coinsidences or something they make up when making a new Zelda game. For example, they never mention anything about TP in TWW story. The hero of time was obviously Link from OoT who dissapeared when he went to Termina in MM. But of course, we can't say for sure what is going to happen in TP. It might just end with the great flooding, which I think. Would be an extremely cool ending, but why is Link (the hero of time) in TP not mentioned in TWW then...? It is indeed mysterious...
  12. This thread is getting more and more interesting, I think... The Hylian language is indeed mysterious... I've always thought that Hylian just were some rubbish nonsense... But that a Japanese translation actually makes it say "Drowned in Heiuso's Sea", now that's interesting...! Clearly there's a difference from the Ancient Hylian to the Modern Hylian. Plus in TWW we actually got translations from Hylian, which would make Modern Hylian a real language. I don't know about the Ancient Hylian is though... doens't seem like there's been any acceptable translations from that. But surely there is a chance that they've made more sense in Hylian in TP.
  13. Haha, just beat the game before any walktroughs are released! Or maybe just cut him with your 'Mastery Sword' ...? I would do that if some jerk told me the ending of the probably most greatest game of all time! Kill that son of a bitch! Go after his nuts!
  14. Just hang in there... less than two months for us Europeans... : peace: We're almost there, baby!
  15. I.... I really don't know if I should take a look at the Nintendo Power Text.... It's... it's so... tempting... but still... maybe I shouldn't... Arrrrgh! I can't take it... I might regret it... or maybe not... but I think I'm gonna do it... Damnit! I'm too weak... Shigeru Miyamoto, please forgive my weakness.... I have failed you...
  16. Haha, they'd have to pay then :horse: :horse: :horse: ' with death!
  17. Crabs! Why are we talking about giant crabs again...? Anyway, I too, like the looks of the field... that pic is obvious just a small part of the whole field... Would be cool if there were other travellers to meet on the field. Some would be riding bigger horse wagons with passengers and stuff That would be awesome! Others would be on foot, taking them days to cross the whole field, setting up camps at night and stuff... Could you imagine how sweet that would be?
  18. Unlike you, I'm already dead...
  19. Hey, I wonder if the second time you go though the game, there'll be some bonuses...? I mean, like in TWW, where after completeing the game there was some differences in the second playthrough, such as you didn't wear the green tunic, you understood Hylian etc. :p I wouldn't mind if there were some bonuses in second playthrough in TP, I liked it in TWW, it really made you wanna play it again Any ideas what the bonus features could be in TP ?
  20. Yeah, I actually agree. It's not necessary right now, but when it's out for the Americans, yup...
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