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Everything posted by danielrostron

  1. will points bought on a card in the USA work on a europe Wii? i only ask as im in new york for xmas!
  2. Do you not get any Wii Points with your brand new Wii? I think its pretty stingey making you buy Wii Points from the start, anyone not think it would have been kind for them to include like 500 or something for each console?
  3. Doubtful really, someone in the USA would have already reported this.
  4. Cheers mate, didnt see the sticky. Bit sucky about no VGA cable, guess i'll just have to save for a HDTV and make do with my cruddy 15" SDTV.
  5. Calling all people who have got a Wii, is there a VGA cable out for it yet? if so does it output to widescreen?
  6. If it cant work with my LCD, i'll just have to take my tv to uni. I'll find out come november anyway, sure some USA dood will try to work it with a widescreen lcd.
  7. Hopefully my boss will let me take a Wii home on the night of the 7th when i finish work. Heres to hoping.
  8. im just gonna preorder mine at work and hopefully they'll let me take it home when i finish work.
  9. Cool so it'll play allright on my widescreen monitor. Nice one.
  10. I ask this as im presuming the Wii can be bought with a VGA cable to be run through your own monitor etc, but what i am curious about is if the Wii does actually support widescreen resolutions as i was going to buy the Wii and hook it up to my 19inch widescreen monitor i use with my computer, but was unsure about this as i didnt know if the Wii could output to a widescreen res (native res on my screen is 1440x900). Does anyone know any info on this? Thanks Daniel.
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