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Posts posted by Rapture1984

  1. I think they should start getting the chavs to wear veils around Bluewater instead of their hoodies, see if they get banned then :p


    No but seriously I don't think anyone should be told what to wear, if they want to wear a veil that's fine but if they want to have a conversation with someone this is England and they should be polite and show their face.

  2. Anything would look good on that :grin: it an awesome telly!


    I'm assuming the Wii will be the same as the Cube in that Widescreen games will be displayed on the whole thing & standard games will fill up the centre leaving a black space on either side.


    It should come with the cables but getting a scart adapter to fit over the leads from your Wii might give you a better picture.


    Can your Dad get me one aswell? :heh:

  3. Whao, that's a long list :P


    I definitely agree with "Athlete - Wires"


    Does the theme tune from Heartbeat count aswell? That has to be one of the most depressing pieces of music ever, as soon as you hear that you know the weekends over and it's back to work in the morning!

  4. You've got keen eyesight young man. Personally I wouldn't like having the light on all the time, would be fine if it's just when loading a disk. The coolness of the wiimote overshadows a little blue light anyway so who would notice?

  5. Ahhh Shining Force 3 was the nuts! Recently sold it on Ebay for £50 :grin:

    (Anyone ever played any of the other 'Shining' games?)


    I have always wanted to play the other 2 parts of SF3 which wern't released over here. I'd love Sega forever if they released them on Virtual Console & translated the Japanese ones.


    I also always wanted to play Zelda on the SNES but never had one when I was a lad :cry:
