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Posts posted by Rapture1984

  1. Thanks mate, I can't seem to get rid of it completely but at least it doesn't run when I start windows now!


    It was one of those really sly ones that keeps popping up bubbles down with your system icons saying computer is at risk, click here to fix and I just know my sister or Dad would have clicked it.

  2. Ok so I turn my computer on today only to find my Dad has managed to download SpyCrush which appears to be one of those fake antivirus programs that tells you to click here to remove the virus and then installs loads of malware. Great.


    Has anyone else had any experience with this and no the best way to get rid of it? I've tried running real antivirus things such as AVG and Trendmicro but they always crash when they get to the infected folder :mad:


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I'm obviously biased owning a 360 and I've never played a PS3 so can't really comment on that side of things but I'm so glad I got my 360.


    I've never been a massive FPS fan and always thought I liked RPGs but found myself getting bored of them. I ended up buying my 360 due to the Wii game drought and haven't touched my Wii in ages as a result.


    There are some really good games available, my favourite at the moment being Gears which is such a blast and the mulitplayer is great fun, then you got games like Viva Pinata, Prey and Crackdown which are also really good.


    As I said though I've never played a PS3 but some of the games look really cool, read a preview of Little Big Planet in Edge a few months ago and it looked frickin awesome.


    Answering your question about lack of developers I think most big games which cost a huge amount to make will be available on both consoles as there's a lot of costs that need to be recovered to turn a profit. If a developer can double their market by not going exclusive I'm sure most will chose that option unless they get a big payout from Sony/Microsoft.


    I don't regret getting my 360 for an instant but it's up to you at the end of the day!

  4. Hmm might have to invest in Oblivion, maybe wait until exams are over though.


    I hear you Stefkov about Dead Rising, I was so dissapointed with the full game after playing the demo. Seems so flawed, they had a really cool idea then made it as rigid as possible completely removing the fun element.


    Are there actually any nice faceplates available for the 360?

  5. Sometimes trying to turn the Wii on with any remote other than the one that it thinks should be player one is a bloody nightmare.


    There also needs to be some app to tidy up all your virtual console purchases and put them in subfolders, the Wii menu looks so nice normally but just looks untidy with loads of old school games floating around.

  6. I'll probs be on if you need an extra player, think my mic is screwed though :'( anyone know if any of the unofficial ones are any good or have any recommendations? I got my last one from Ebay shipped from HongKong and has only lasted a month.


    Is Oblivion better on the 360 that Morrowind was on the xbox? It was so clunky and horrible compared to the PC version.

  7. Around The World achievement... does that include the new maps you have to pay for? I'm sure I've won a match on each of the normal maps but haven't unlocked it.


    I'll prolly be on Gears later tonight so if anyone fancies a game give me a shout!

  8. Some interesting stuff on here, must say Mr Bananagrabber I love War of The Worlds. Ooooooohhh LAAAAaaaaa! Superb :D


    Slightly different to most of the stuff listed on here but my favourite album has to be




    I could listen to it every day and never get tired of it!


    Dead Rising is great fun but also kinda flawed. Any word on a sequal.



    Agreed! Hate the fact that you have to rush through it, plus is it just me or is it impossible to keep any of the survivors alive? It is a good game but would be much more fun if you could just run around chopping up zombies with the lawn mower and sticking novelty masks on them. Also the save system is really annoying.
