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Posts posted by Rapture1984

  1. Well mine a rental (as usual for me) so no worries about losing money here. I'll post some impressions tonight or tomorrow, you lucky lucky things! :heh:


    Where do you rent from? I was thinking about signing up to that Gametart but always a bit dubious about these things.

  2. Cool :) Let me know what you think. I want to get The Darkness as well but was looking for a pick up and play game whilst I'm trying to get through my exams and didn't want to get sucked into anything too heavy.


    Darkness is definitely on my list though.

  3. The original Croc was absolute pants.


    I don't think Mario and Link have much to worry about to be honest. I can't imagine many people would want many games with just their Miis in. I know I certainly wouldn't buy a game for that reason. I prefer my games to have different characters depending on the scenario, Mario for stomping on Goombas, Leon for shooting zombies. If Miis took over it would be a disaster, especially how lame they look in comparison to scanning your face in with the Xbox camera. Everytime I show a new person WiiSports and have to create them a Mii they always ask if it does it buy taking a picture.


    Keep Miis for your WiiSports and Braintraining games thankyou very much.


    On another note, integrating Miis into the assist trophies in Smash Bros would be a cool idea.

  4. Deadrising 2 should be GTA/Crackdown with all the other people in the city as zombies.


    Do as this man says! That would be so much better. If I wanna spend 2hrs popping zombies heads off with the sickle then let me do it!


    Viva Pinata is awesome.


    Yes it is :D

  5. Argh!! I HATE Deadrising! Has anyone managed to kill the girl on the motorbike? Everytime I get the final shot it goes to a cut-scene and she just rides off. Aparently it might be because I didn't have enough time left when I killed her but I managed to save it whilst the countdown timer is on red and I literally run all the way there and fight her. There is no way I'm starting this stupid game again from the start so that I can fight her!

  6. Oh those fucking Regenerators. I hate/love how the game makes you kill three of them before you're even able to kill them properly.


    I'd forgotten about those guys, there's so many awesome bits in Resi4 that I seem to forget about this. Can't wait to get this once exams are over. Slightly hesitant about getting it though as the 360 has turned me into an achievement junkie!

  7. I have just finished playing the Overlord demo and im pretty impressed with it. Its like an evil version of Pikmin, with a visual style that mixes Oblivion and Kameo.


    I thought it was really good aswell and from what I played it seems a lot more fun than Pikmin, probably pick it up once exams are over.

  8. Some dude gets possesed/blessed(?) with evil powers and goes hunting down his Uncle Paulie for vengence from what I can make out :p There's a couple videos of the gameplay on Xbox marketplace that looks really cool, all about creeping through shadows and killing people with a combination of guns and massive freakish monster tenticle things. I'm making it sound really lame and cliche' but it does look good! Check out the official site.

  9. agree with people saying this would be better for DS. Maybe bring out some sort of SCUMM collection, give us all those kinda games, Simon the Sorceror, Indy Jones, Flight of the Amazon Queen theres a ton...


    Simon the Sorcerer for the win! The old Discworld game was awesome aswell, I loved all the old point and click games and they don't get much better than Monkey Island, I would love to see them on the DS.
