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About Alan77

  • Birthday 03/16/1977

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  1. I too use standard Karts all the time and am in the 8500pts range... I love it when you beat some prick on a bike who thinks he's gonna wheelie round the whole course with ease..!! It is harder in karts but sooo satisfying when you win....Its strange that they made the bikes so 'over-powered'...
  2. Yeah he does boost 'over the mountain' its a glitch... he turns around near the wooden bridge and turbos onto the red mushroom into the mountain side, he then somehow bounces round the mountain and lands behind the finishline - repeat x3! I tried to copy but couldn't bounce on the mountain.. not sure how its done....
  3. You can still snake... just not as much - certain tracks still allow it.. delfino plaza, Toad factory etc.. anywhere wide enough...
  4. To be fair no one on here only bought a wii for the motion controls... I bought it cos it was the next nintendo console and i wanted the new games... the motion controls are a nice addition but most on here would have bought it regardless.. its only really casual gamers who have adopted the wii due to the novelty of motion controls/the wii remote. I will prob play mario kart with the remore/nunchuck combo cos thats how i like it. I will try the wheel but my guess is it will feel crap and I'll go back to the classic controls i kow and love... each to their own.
  5. I just noticed Donkey Kong Jungle Speedway from the N64 is in there.... sweeet!
  6. You've always been able to do 2-player Grand Prix.. that was always the most fun mode for me - I hate the 'one off race' with no accumulated points system... 4 Player Grand Prix would have rocked... oh well....
  7. http://www.Shopto.net £29.99 and Usually cheapest for all games...
  8. As far as I know 2 people can play online per wii
  9. Has no one really understood the point of the bikes yet...? They can claim boosts on straights by poppin a wheelie apparently... so for all those players who can't pull off corner turbo's bikes add a different way to play that should help even the field... it is a new dynamic... plus you can pull stunts for what I guess are speed boosts too. Bikers will speed down straights and karters will speed round corners... each to their own style.
  10. I don't get it.. voice comms req a headset so if mummy and daddy don't want little johnny talkin online surely they just don't buy the headset! All of us whole feel that we're mature enough to speak to people can buy the headset. simple. I guess I missed the part where nintendo were appointed my official guardians...
  11. The main problems with DD were that there were no real shortcuts on many of the tracks (nothing like the beach jump or Star tunnel from MK64) and you couldn't really head 'off-track' much at all. The jump was missing which made it feel a bit crap and if you managed to fuck your opponents up on a big jump, for instance, they got put back on instead of havin to go round again etc, this made it all a bit too 'nice'. I think DD is just too 'kiddie' really. MK DS is far superior.
  12. Little bit underwhelming to be honest. Would have liked a new graphical style rather than just DD all over again... He said multiple control schemes so would think classic nunchuck+remote combo may get used for snaking racers. Just pray that the game has some depth to it and some decent short-cuts etc unlike DD. More characters would be good and I think jumping is back - Yoshi jumps on the Yoshi DS track bit... Noticed some sort of F-Zero style spin from Wario too - not sure about that... DS version was much better than DD tho so here's hoping....!! Edit: Looking at the above screens just posted it actually looks pretty nice... and new tracks too... hopefully there will be loads of tracks so a few crap retro ones won't matter as much... I do hate that DS Yoshi Track - so boring.
  13. MK all the way....
  14. 8 Player Online (None of this 4 player only rubbish) More (and better/harder) shortcuts than DD - basically a return to N64 style game where you had more freedom around the track and a greater ability to mess up your opponents. Less emphasis on spectacular weapons, which is where DD fell down in my book. Custom cups (online) + ability to race more laps etc
  15. Best UK prices so far for this game (and all other 1st party Wii games) are: http://www.play3k.com http://www.powerplaydirect.com All £27.99 Sometimes ASDA also does them at this price at launch in stores.
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