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Posts posted by Scratch

  1. I'm going through the same thing. xD They told me the best date to reply to the ticket asking for the codes in 10th October (if I don't receive the newsletter with the codes by then).

    TBH after receiving the codes I'm going to try making an email account with a different provider and changing it on the Pokemon site just for future codes. Maybe that won't even work, but it's worth a try!

  2. As unlikely as it is, Game Boy and Game Boy Colour games on Switch would be pretty great! And as even more unlikely as it is, Pokemon RBY/GSC being included would be even more great. But yeah I think for Pokemon, if they bring ever Gen 1+2 to Switch at all, it will be a separate thing. Hopefully with online trading/battles/home compatibility included.

  3. Well I finished Skyward Sword a few days ago (if I haven't mentioned it yet I loved it xD), but am still in a Zelda mood, so I've returned to Breath of the Wild.

    I originally bought it physical, and couldn't remember where I put it. I also generally dislike switching carts. I had a voucher left over from when I bought SS, so I used that and rebought it digital lol xD. Plus I bought the DLC. So at some point I'll sell my physical copy. Maybe I'll wait until they don't sell them anymore and make ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS!

    Anywho, returning to Breath of the Wild was slightly overwhelming. I fired up my old 2019 save and had pretty much forgotten the controls. I definitely don't remember any recipes, and I was like uhhhh okay what shall I do first. xD I settled on looking at the new sidequests added by the DLC and decided to first get the horse teleporter. I rarely used the horse since receiving fast travel which I always thought was a shame. So I've done that and now my horse can help me find shrines. Next I did a few shrines I hadn't yet done. I ended up doing a combat one, a hey congrats for getting here one, and a puzzle one.

    My plan now is to finish all the remaining shrines and complete all the quests added by the DLC. So hopefully that'll keep me a happy gamer for a while!

  4. Okay I'm cheating here because it was gifted rather than bought, but I now have an iPhone 6s!

    I've used Android up until this point, and I can see why people like their iPhones so much. While the 6s isn't the most powerful thing in the world, it's still very slick, the UI is fast, it's very easy to use and contains no bloatware from Motorola or Hawaralag or whatevers.

    Idk if this sounds daft but it sort of feels like if my Android is a PC, my iPhone is a console. You can't do everything with it but what's there works with no hassle.

    So yeah new phone, yay! :D

    • Like 2

  5. Thanks for your help everybody. Using a list I managed to figure out which ones it was and get them. If anyone's curious, the last three were:


    - Gorko's drawing on wall thing

    - The mine-cart mini-game where you have to get under 1:05

    - One near the Fire Sanctury where you have to dig near a Gossip Stone


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  6. Nooooo I've reached the end of the game minus the final battle with everything collected (I think) except I'm missing three heart pieces. Unfortunately I'm terrible at remembering which ones I've gotten (even if I now look at a list). IT'S THE BLUE COINS FROM SUPER MARIO SUNSHIN ALL OVER AGAIN! 

    So my choices are to pretty much check every darn location from a checklist, or just finish the game and move on, maybe come back and get them later. Think I'll go with the latter lol.

    This is not the first time something like this has happened to me in gaming, from now on I'm gonna research stuff like this and print out a checklist to tick off lol, even if I only use the checklist AFTER finding one of the items in game and to get the last few on the list.


  7. I know this is a bit out of the blue, but I've been wondering about the Nintendo Switch's battery.

    Is it a special "Nintendo Switch battery" that's specifically designed for the Nintendo Switch and no other device uses it? Or is it just some standard battery that Nintendo uses?

    I can see that the battery is called a HAC-001, but from Google I'm unclear which of the above it is?

    I'm also wondering, should the battery run dry, would the console still work when plugged in? Obviously if the battery is dead no more handheld mode, but would it still "make a complete circuit" and thus be able to be powered on when plugged in?

  8. Little hint for early in-game Rupees. Best I can tell Bamboo Island is the fastest way to farm Rupees. I'm sure there are better ways later in the game but if you want to upgrade all your stuff as much as you can early on this worked for me.

    I tried just roaming around collecting Rupees the old fashioned way (including digging around the volcano), and playing that other minesweeper-like minigame, and in the end Bamboo Island's minigame was the fastest. I managed to get from 300 to 1400 Rupees in about 20 mins this way.

    Just repeatedly play the minigame, pay the 10 rupees, spam the B button to get past the dialog quickly, and do about 8 upward slices, then rightward or leftward slices until you're between 15-19 slices. Spam the dialog again, earn 30 Rupees (or 20 profit), and repeat.

    Also, if anyone else is new to this game, Seed Satchels and Bomb Bags are repeat-buyable. I kept buying them thinking at some point I would hit some kind of maximum (like 3) lol xD. You can sell them at the place where you store stuff though.
