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About Xenobia

  • Birthday 08/14/1984


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. A lot of the games mentioned in this thread are not rare at all, Paper Mario isn't rare in the slightest, and neither is Eternal Darkness. Gotcha Force. Now that is rare. Its a great game, but because it wasn't a known franchise or a sequel it was undesrvedly treated badly in reviews. The GC versions of Second Sight, Timesplitters 3, and SSX 3 are rare too.
  2. £34 for an extra Wiimote + Nunchuk? Ouch. So to get decent usage out of the console, i.e. console + extra controller + one game (other than Wii Sports, which I have interest in) is going to be around £240? That is very ouch.
  3. I notice there is now a wrist strap attached to the Wiimote, I haven't seen that in any previous pics of it.
  4. The 4kb in the Wiimote have been confirmed to be used to store the Mii avatar.
  5. Typical NOE, failing to deliver the goods. Hopefully this is not a precursor to tomorrows announcement.
  6. I remember reading on the NOE site earlier this week that there would be exclusive Wii news for VIP members at some point this week before the NOE conference. Now there is a link in the bottom right corner of the site reguarding this. I don't have a VIP account, so could someone who does post the news behind the link here?
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