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Posts posted by Blackfox

  1. If people want to be healthy do exercise, no need do bann unhealthy foods. They should be there if we want them, doesn't mean we have to eat them. Jesus, if people want to get fit, don't diet, do excercise, dieting is bad for you anyway. Eat healthily but don't worry too much and have the occasional unhealthy thing, but as long as you do sport or exercise you'll be fine.

    I eat bloody loads, in fact I'm a pig when it comes to food really, but i'm not fat because I train loads and do boxing training. so there you have it, someone who eats LOADA(and not all of it healthy) yet he still has a sixpack because of training :heh:


    All people aren't liek you though.


    People will eat all kinds fo shit - have no concentration and become fat. I feel this ban is harsh, but necessary.

  2. thats a joke!!! :o 80p for a can!? and ur lunch would add up to 4/5 quid a day you think? how can families afford that. 3 kids. £5 a day per child...o.O


    I know, that's horrendous. :-/


    My college is pretty overpriced, but i rarely use the canteen there. Row of shops close by ;)

  3. I have lots:


    Clock, speakers, glasses case, wallet, old birthday card, lots of sheets of paper (and i mean LOTS)and UCAS crap, sellotape, iRiver case, calculator, digi cam, scissos, stapler, pens, mousemat, microphone, an xmas tree model (wtf?), my iRiver, picture of Princess Leah (wtf again?) and a couple of files from college. Oh, and some university prospectuses.

  4. The government announced today that they would be banning "junk food" being sold from schools across the country.


    Foods high in fat, salt or sugar are to be banned from meals and vending machines in English schools.


    The ban, from next September, has been announced by Education Secretary Ruth Kelly at the Labour Party conference.


    Vending machines in schools will not be allowed to sell chocolates, crisps or fizzy drinks, Ms Kelly announced.


    The School Meals Review Panel next week will give details of the nutritional standards for ingredients to be allowed in school meals.


    Good? Bad? About time? Discuss.

  5. I actually went to a lecture yesterday which was mainly about genetics and evolution, but also had a lot of philosophy thrown into it. The scientist, Arber (who discovered resistricion endonucleases, all you biology kids) was a Christian and was saying that he felt that evolution was God being lazy (for want of a word), and "why physically alter every species, or leave them to do it themselves?" He had a point. Interesting lecture.

  6. Haha, i find it idiots that the 'scientists' are more or less denying something that acn't be proven or disproven. As Athriller said, prove an atom exists. We don't you except people's point of views? whats the big deal? I believe in God, and i study sciences, sue me.
