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Posts posted by Blackfox

  1. Why not just get a job. (shock) the big fucking M are always looking for people.


    I do 30+ hours a week as it is. I'd rather just fuck off a job and live in poverty and have some fun with the time off I get.


    Oh, and I've done 40 hours a week. They're not that bad.

  2. Have a doctor look at it. They see hundreds of lumps every year. Even if its nothing it'll put your mind at rest. Stop putting it off and go! :)


    Don't condescend me. The reason I said I haven't had sex is to clear the fact that it isn't an STD.


    I know I should go to the doctor but it's easier said than done. First I would have to tell my parents...


    You don't. Just make an appointment and say your heading to mate's house or something. They cannot tell you're parents.

  3. OK here's the part that confuses me, i thought Earthquakes only happened in areas on faultlines....yet unless somethings suddenly changed, England isn't on or near a faultline?


    It doesn't have to. The big, big earthquakes (Kobe, Turkey, San Francisco) are all on the major fault lines and hence are uber powerful. However, smaller stresses exist within the plates due to their movements and when these>resistance from the rocks = a smaller earthquake like we had.


    Its probably a lot more complex than my A Level knowledge!

  4. When you decided to bring The Daily Mail in here, and then Thatcher


    They're both Conservative?!...What a surprise, and what do many people, especially Northerners, blame for the loss of jobs during the later Conservative years? The Torys?!:o Shock-Horror!!!


    It seems to me you've been brainwashed like crazy to hate anything any Tories say, since you've argued exactly the same things before, even if it's true, like "Spongers". And although the problem may not be as large as the Daily Mail makes out, it doesn't give it reason to exist.


    My Falkland reference was to try and give you another perspective from your anti-Thacher mindframe; but being seemingly narrow minded, you've probably never even heared of them.


    Because you're opinions are something that a Daily Mail columnist would write. Then Thatcher? Well that was a childish comeback to the MAF comment you made. It was meant to be ironical. I guess mummy and daddy's money to send you to public school isn't being put to its full uses!


    Oh, and I have heard of the Falklands, thanks ;)


    Anyway, let's move this topic back onto blood donation.

  5. Oh yeah....That's right....You're the one that believes that anyone with an opinion reads the Daily Mail.


    Did you even read my post? I never said all poor people were scrounging...


    Yeah that's me. Although I'd call your idea of an "opinion" a delusion.


    So just because you live in the shithole that is Manchester and still have nice things, you can't do anything nice for others because you were born in this country?


    I do nice things for others. I give to charities, etc, I just wouldn't give up everything I own to give to someone else. Any I'm guessing that practically everyone will agree with me.



    I really think you need some serious mental help....And you need to seemilgy stop living in the age of the mines. It wasn't only Thacher's fault, she wasn't superwoman, and I'm sure even she wouldn't have said that; it was also the fault of those representing the miners.

    I bet you wouldn't be living in a negative past had you been saved by some loony Argentinians.


    Haha... when did the mines and Argentina come into this?! Mental help? Oh the irony!

  6. Fuck off. Go and give all your money to those in Africa if you're not selfish yourself. Go and give up your life for everyone else and live on things that are nessicery only i.e. food & water.


    Looks like you've failed that with the internet and all fucktard.

    It's asshole, illogical, raving idiots like you I'd never see a mL of my blood go to. Go and live with Mohammed Al Fayed or something.


    I can stoop to your levels too you know.

    For one, you need certain amounts of selfishmess for society to survive, if you cared not about yourself, the world wouldn't work. The word selfish is vague to say the least. It's when people get overly selfish, and others get overly giving when the world starts to stumble, something which is definately happening today.


    Criminals are selfish, and then the generous people seem to basically "let them off" etc etc.




    Giving my worldly possessions to Africa is impractical. Plus its not my fault I was born into a country that lets me have these things. Anyway, point aside, giving an hour of my time and a pint of my renewable blood isn't impractical.


    Not everyone in GB is a benefits scrounging, idle criminal like the Daily Mail is making you believe. There are many people out there who are in need of help at times and are the model citizen.


    Go and live with... Thatcher.. or something.

  7. How do you give bone marrow? I'd like to hear more about that (both for interest and for possibly donating)


    Try signing up via here.


    Bone marrow harvesting consists of 6 needles, usually inserted into the pelvis. It requires an overnight hospital stay, but apparently it's not painful or anything.


    Anaesthetic = no pain. However, if they have to do an emergency one - its one of the most painful procedures ever..


    I'll never be able to give blood under the current criteria because, unlike my friends, i'm too opinionated (probs not the right word but i'm tired) to lie about my life to allow me to do something good.


    It pisses me off when i get all these uni e-mails, and see all these ads asking people to give blood, literally screaming out for more donors, yet if you've had sex with a guy, even protected sex with a guy, then your not allowed to give blood. As if gay blood isn't the same as everyone else's. This is just simply fucking stupid and really riles me up.




    And all blood is screened anyway before they allow it to be given to other people.








    Its to do with risk - I can't be bothered looking at the statistics (hate them) or whatever, but its better to refuse blood than risk infecting others. I really doubt the NBS is the last bastion of homophobia in the country...

  8. Have a look at Travelodges in London. They're normally quite cheap in advance. When I went last year it was £50 a next for Covent Garden (actually more like Holborn) and it was really near the tube lines for attractions and stuff. £50/4 = win.


    Oh, and Wetherspoon's beer is cheap for a reason. Near its sell by date mostly. Hence, shit.

  9. - Go for a run. 5k or so should knacker you out a bit, and on the plus side will get you some good exercise too!


    - Try tensing your toes for 10 seconds, then your calves, then hamstrings & quads (and so on..). Its meant to release a chemical (relaxin?) that helps you feel tired.
