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Posts posted by Blackfox

  1. Hey guys,


    I've been getting a message up on startup saying "SMART failure O;5T9120824-A (PM). Hard drive failure imminent. Back up data, blah blah" for some time now.


    Today I've bothered checking it out - and downloaded a program to check the details of the problem, and this is the results.




    What should I do? Is there any way of removing the start up message? It won't load windows until I press F1 - which is slightly annoying since its a pain pressing F1 all the time...


    Cheers for yer help!

  2. I thought it was pretty dire. Indy has always been a believable hero; its possible to take on a bunch of Nazis in a truck and then steal it.. sorta. This was just ridiculous.


    The acting was good thought, Cate Blanchett was a bit hit or miss at times. The action sequences were mostly good, although there was a bit too much CGI for my liking in an Indy film! There were just too many.. "what the hell..?!" moments for my liking. They should have just left the series alone.

  3. Just log every incident and report it time and time again to the police. They'll get sick of you complaining so will do something. Failing that, I'm sure the press would love to hear the story you've fought for 3 years to get a skatepark built only for the police to ignore him time and time again when knife-wielding scum try to attack. Knife crime is massive in London atm, so the press would love a story. Or contact your local MP/councillors.

  4. Currently, on my bed, with a pillow under my right knee as my leg is in plaster upto my fucking bollocks (nearly). Most uncomfortable ever.


    Normally fall asleep on my front, or on my side, or splashed out all over the bed. My body normally likes to surprise me how I wake up



  5. How anyone could think of voting Johnson in is beyond me. Its a fucking idiot. Enjoy all the good things London had under Ken (oh no congestion charge, boo hoo hoo) going to the dogs with Boris.


    As for the people voting him in for lol factor - stick to Britain's Got Talent.

  6. The Sony Ericsson range are great for photos - especially the k-series. I had a k800i (easy to get on contract) and that was fantastic. The top of the range is now a k850i which you'll need to pay around £25+ per month so get for free. I'm pretty sure it contains the same software for the camera so you shoul dbe pretty sorted.


    The phone I have now (Samsung G600) is alright for a camera (very good phone features) but it dogshit at night, of if you want to take a quick photo. The G800 might be better, but I'm not sure. Sony Ericssons are much better for camera quality, and have the best autofocuses and flashes on camera phones.

  7. My dream job would be to be a doctor, but unless i get AAA this year i won't even think about applying. I really love physics atm so might consider applying for that at Uni, but chemistry/biochemistry sounds just as tempting.


    You can get in on AAB no? Sometimes you'll be lucky and be let in on ABB if they haven't reached their quota that year. Just apply anyway, worth a shot...


    Oh, if anyone wants any advice how to get into medicine, I'm no expert but might be able t give you a few tips or whatnot.


    One of my friends wants to be a vet and she was going to go to a vetenary school/college before going to university. (Don't know where it was but it may have been in Nottingham) But then her idiotic friends convinced her to stay here. So now she's stook in our shithole of a school. That's some great friendship, ruin somebody's future just so you can see them for an extra two years. If I was in her shoes I would have just given them a (not so) polite "fuck you".



    Yeah deffo don't be afraid to leave your friends behind. At the end of the day, I speak to only a few of my friends from college now, and have made loads here at uni. University affects your life, don't be afraid to leave things behind for the short term.


    There's a difference between a degree and a good degree.


    Yeah that's pretty true too. Unless you're doing a vocational degree (i.e. Medicine, Vet, dentistry) you'll struggle to get a good job if you have a degree from a less prestigious university. Think about what you want to do before going to university "just for the sake of it"


    For those thinking about university, be very sure about what you want to do. There's a new law coming into effect this year, which is being kept very quiet, that says anyone doing a second degree wont get any funding. At all. That means you will have to fund yourself £8,000 a year to do it.


    Bottom line. Get it right the first time.


    I thought grads had to pay their way anyway? The fees will still be 3k surely, if there's any increase they have to tell people a year in advance at least..


    But technically they can. The difference between the international student price and the British price is subsidised by the the Government (illedgidly). All they will be doing is taking away all or a fraction of that subsidy. Problem is, is that Uni very rarely see much of that subsidy.


    The Govt. subsidise loads off a degree - that's why they had to put tuition fees in the first place due to the massive volumes of students entering higher education and using the money. I get subsidised by 47k a year! woo!

  8. They look crap I think; far too Euro (read: toytown money) for my liking. I quite like the tradition relating to the existing coins (Britannia, Westminister portcullis) rather than these.


    is it true that you can put euro notes through the wash?


    I'm sure you can put Sterling through the wash too.. although I'm not willing to test that theory!

  9. Me and my friends send a false letter from the health department to our friend that he has slept with a girl that has AIDS and most likely he has it to. :D when he came to us and told us the news about his AIDS that was the funniest thing in the world ! but the fun thing is that he still think he got AIDS and he´s on his way to the doctor tomorrow for a test and the test result take about 4 days to get the result :D:D


    April fools are meant to be light hearted you tight bastard. Way to waste the health services money too :hmm:
