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Posts posted by CoolFunkMan

  1. (this will get locked)



    ....monkey fetish hospital...



    EDIT you changed the first three words you hussie!


    Oops, though I had time to change it before anyone got in (as the last one sucked,) srry. :/ Ah well, it still fits... I guess.... *runs*

  2. I saw this at some other forums. It looked kinda cool, so I thought why not post it here...


    Anyways, the idea of this game (for those that dunno) is that someone posts a sentence, then the next person continues that sentence - and so on. As the name of the game says, you can only use three words at a time (though you prolly already guessed that. :p) I'll go first:


    I like big

  3. Get the Foundation Art done, as it'll help you a hell of alot later on once you finish your degree at Bournemouth.


    I did kind of plan to go to Bournemouth and do that exact same course as you listed above, but the entry requirements are 300 UCAs points plus at least a B in GCSE Maths; the maths will be needed because the course is more technically focused, requiring you to program plug-ins, etc.


    I missed out on a B in my maths during GCSE, and the most UCAs points I'll probably achieve once I finish my BTEC diploma this year is 200 from a Merit/Merit/Pass, and then add another 30 onto that from a previous AS level a few years back which puts Bournemouth just out of my reach.



    The Uni's that I'm interested in going to (in order) are Lincoln, Huddersfield, and Staffordshire..................I just hope my last year at college goes better than I'm expecting.


    Seconded. I took Foundation Art and it was great - deffinatley worth it if you're planning to move on to uni. Wolverhampton uni gave me a conditional offer straight away because of it. I passed my art and will be starting there Monday. I'm doing a BA Hons. in Graphic Communication. W00t, can't wait!! :D

  4. At first I was thinking Nintendo has lost it and I was gonna skip getting the Revo. Then they revealed the controller!


    Revo is now my most wanted console, 360 being pushed to second and PS3 last. I'll prolly now get a PS3 a few years after it's launch when it's cheap. I'll still get a 360 after Christmas though as I first intended. After all, it is out first...

  5. I used to like Firefly! I didn't see much of it though as it was only on Sci-Fi in a crappy time-slot. :/ Methinks I'll buy the boxset sometime soon.


    Fox really are bastards for canceling the TV show though! Low ratings!? If they'd advertised it better and didn't have it in such a crappy time-slot, then maybe it would have done better. I really hope the movie convinced 'em to air a series again.


    At least it is becoming a movie now rather than dieing out - though I dunno why they changed the name to Serenity. Still looks brilliant though,. I really can't wait for this! ^^

  6. This sad :( I really hope he gets on okay from now on. Although this really is an eye-opener.


    I admit I used to play videogames a lot, but I don't really game so much anymore. When a new game comes out I play it to death for a bit then once I'm done with it I hardly ever touch it again. RE4 for example - I've only played that once or twice in short playing sessions after completing it.


    I used to play games for hours on end. Recentley I haven't. Infact this week I've spent about 2-3 hours gaming, if that. Tbh, I'm kinda loosing some interest in gaming compared to what I used to be like. Either way I'm glad something like that hasn't and won't ever happen to me.


    The only things I'd say that I do in a lot now are listen to music and talk to people on msn... thats not bad is it?

  7. Snake gone old? That means this is one of his last games unless they make more prequels. I can see it now Metal Gear Solid 5 stealthing with snail speed and using your walking stick as a weapon lol.


    Hehe, that really reminded me of this - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/158631

    Get to the MGS part, you'll see what I mean. :p


    As for MGS4, I think it looks interesting although kinda dull compared to MGS3. I'll prolly get it though anyway when I (eventualy) get a PS3.

  8. *Loads shotgun and grabs katana* CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGEEEEEEEE!!!


    *Whacks Master Chief in the face and pushed Solid Snake down a very big hill.*



    Shouldn't be hard to get Snake outta the way, it looks like he's hetting on a bit now... :lmao:

  9. I really found Tib-Sun to be mediocre. I pefer RA2 in the C&C universe tbh, it was just so fun and crazily sci-fi! Fave RA2 stuff:


    Favourite side: Soviets (Iraq in mp)

    Favourite Map: Erm... dunno

    Favourite infantry: Desolator

    Favourite vehicle: Appocalypse Tank

    Favourite building: Con-yard for obvious reasons....

  10. I think it was confirmed for release this christmas and the game is about 70% complete anyway. So it'd be stupid for Sega to postpone it, espeacily with next-gen Sonic coming out sometime next year.


    As for the game itself, I think it looks great - a sonic Racing game has been long overdue. I'm not sure about the new characters though, they look kinda odd. I just don't get Sonic Team's obession with adding new characters into every single Sonic game. Still, it should be good regardless.


    Btw, after rumaging around Sonic forums I've found that the final character count will be 17 characters. 8 of those being the main ones who are:









    Robotnik/Eggman :lmao:


    So it looks like you unlock the rest in story mode. Should be cool then.


    Source: http://www.infoworld.nl/idgns/bericht.phtml?id=00256F6C005C22FC0025707A003B5B9F
