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Everything posted by Mr_Odwin

  1. Questions

    That never happens for me.
  2. The Amazing Spider-Man

    Another fine example of the amazing people produced by my secondary school. Jamie Bell of Billy Elliot & King Kong. Paul Smith of Maximo Park. Mr_Odwin of the N-Europe Forums. What a trio.
  3. Mobile Phone Chat

    HTC Wildfire S and Samsung Galaxy Ace would be nice options right now.
  4. N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011

    If I remember I'll bring labels and a marker pen. That would be so awesome cool/not at all cool.
  5. What Have You Bought?

    Because I like to be different.
  6. Feminism and Political Correctness

    There's a lot of evidence for the gender pay gap (in the UK at least) on the Office for National Statistics website. Here's one piece on it.
  7. N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011

    It makes sense - but I'm gonna be a douche and say no thanks - I'd be stood around for about 20 minutes, and that would be practically my whole journey time to Hyde Park.
  8. N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011

    That's cool, nonightwolf is better than nightwolf. :p
  9. N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011

    That train is bonkers. You're getting on the train at 7am! Okay, I'll stop the stalking now.
  10. N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011

    Where are you coming from? I saw you mentioned Macclesfield recently? I am travelling from Macc at 7:56 arriving at Euston at 9:42. Maybe we are on the same train? (It only does Macc and Stoke though.) I'm tubing it over though so we'd have to part at that point! I have ReZ's number, he has mine and I have a (old?) number for jayseven too. That'll do.
  11. Forum User Photos

    Awwwwwwww, you've got a real hunger. That's nice.
  12. Any spreadsheet/excel wizards?

    You don't want to use vlookup?
  13. News Of The World to close

    It's not worth filling your house with rubbish in the hope that it may be worth something someday. It very likely won't.
  14. Xpert 11 Season 19: Ally or Die

    Except that's not true - it closes two weeks before the end of the season!
  15. Just start it all over again. Like how the narnia books have had a couple of interpretations.
  16. good stuff thread.

    Yesterday I was told about a promotion coming my way. As of the 1st of August I'll be a Senior Statistician. The pay rise is not the best (about three and a half percent), but it's still a payrise. So .... Yay!
  17. Friendship vs. Boy/Girlfriend

    I don't really have female friends as it makes me feel weird.
  18. N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011

    It's in the first post. Well, the general area is.
  19. N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011

    I'm gonna be there about 11-ish and leave about 4-ish.
  20. Xpert 11 Season 19: Ally or Die

    I agree with the name you have chosen.
  21. Xpert 11 Season 19: Ally or Die

    Well, I wish I hadn't said that. No idea what happened today - got well and truly lashed.
  22. N-Europe London Meet - 16th July 2011

    Even though I'm coming on Saturday for a few hours I feel a bit jealous of all the rest of the stuff going down. You guys suck.
  23. Xpert 11 Season 19: Ally or Die

    Not relevant for today though.
  24. Any spreadsheet/excel wizards?

    For columns A and B. Set 1 as the first entry of the second column then this badboy: =IF(A2=A1,B1+1,1) as the second and draaaaaaag.
  25. Mini desktop to be used as media center?

    You really should read the rest of the thread!