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Posts posted by Ellmeister

  1. @Serebii I have told my friends that I know of the owner/runner/whatevertitleyouhave of one of the world's biggest pokemon websites (I would say THE but I don't think there are any 90s-designed websites that are actually leading the field anywhere, so I hedge my bets) and every time the are in awe. Like, seriously - you meet these people they would be all stuttering and star-struck and in awe of you.


    Now, I'm not saying that you should approach random girls with this attitude -- I get that you have some sort of shame/guilt thing which is totally undeserved, but I am saying (again?! is this 2011?) that you have to be comfortable with yourself first before you will find someone who is comfortable with you. If you are constantly seeking recognition or acceptance then you will only find sadness and depression. Type stuff.


    I do have this one work colleague who would totally bone you - but if you were all coy and "mmmnhhh I want you to reassure me" then she would immediately be switched off. She's seen your pictures and everything. Would bone you. She. Would. Bone. You. Srsly. The looks = good. It's the attitude. ATTITUDE.


    Also if you learn Swedish then she would probably forgive a lot of attitude stuff. Just speak swedish all the time and she wouldn't care what you said (she can't speak a word of it, just has a thing for the language) she loves pokemon, loves swedish language, and loves sex.


    Tried translating #missionserebii to Swedish and it just came out with #missionserebii :(

  2. I see it work all the time. When I was single it worked for me all the time. I met my present girlfriend in a club and one of my closest friends has now been with a girl he met in a club for 3 years, another 2 years.


    It can happen if you're both the type who enjoy going to clubs to meet/talk to people.


    I was talking to a girl friend the other day asking how they like to be approached in clubs. She wasn't much help but she said be sure not to grope and proceeded to tell me lots of dreadful stories. Who does that and think it'll work?


    So Charlie, what do you think is the best way to approach someone in a club? Just want the tips for when I'm ready to stop feeling sorry for myself!

  3. So I'm looking to get back into doing running and currently sorting out my gym membership so that I can do just that, at least to start out with treadmill work and what not.


    Never been good at long distance running, much more of a short distance runner but when I was going out for runs everyday a long time ago, I was getting much better and being able to run longer distances before I needed to stop and take a breather.


    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but as it is related to fitness I'm sticking it here just now. Anyway, I was hoping for some recommendations for decent headphones for running. Buds have never worked for me with exercise unless they hook round the ear. And over ears are a no go cause I don't want to constantly be readjusting.


    So yeah, if anyone has any recommendations they would be greatly appreciated.


    There's a website called sport pursuit, I got 130 reduced to 47 isport headphones. They're great. In ear and a bit that curls round inside of ear.


    This is basically them from a quick Google



    Fully recommend the site for lots of deals on different sportswear for everybody in this thread.

  4. I strongly considered retiring last night I just could not face going back to work!


    Up at 6:45 this morning and just about managed it. Luckily I got to book a trip to New York for work so that took the sting out of returning a wee bit.

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