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Everything posted by Shyguy

  1. Hype for the Revolution

    What really hypes me up about this console is the other gaming companys feedback of the controller. they all love it and are currently having mkany ideas on what to make
  2. Titles in development for Revolution

    And help get me into the buisness as i dream of being a games designer
  3. No HD? Oh well...

    also my GAME have a playable 360 and the controller is really comfy but they demos avalable wernt what i expected :S my PC pulled off better gfx than the xbox on call of duty 2 and i dont really have a good gfx card and of course being a PC gamer i tried my hardest to spot lag which only occured once overall it looks pretty nice but its not as "big" a jump in gfx as i though it would be
  4. No HD? Oh well...

    and your calling US the fanboys? wake up and smell the Nintendo Coffee :P oh and btw if 210 for a half assed console and 280 for the "real" experiance isnt a rip off then i dont know what is
  5. Play control system on Revolution...

    im sure when a kid gets a console they will be the first to try it out and will prolly just turn this feature off?
  6. Titles in development for Revolution

    Yea cheers BigTac , only recently have i found out that quite alot of people on these forums are in the gaming business if any1 is a game developer please help me choose the right courses for college and uni tbh ^_^ (was going for huddersfield uni)
  7. WiFi Limitations

    this IS nintendos 1st try with the WiFi service no doubt they will have a feedback section or somat
  8. New Nintendo ON video

    now that was some funny peice of stuff ^_^ loved the cooking bit
  9. Metroid Prime 3

    well i aint really owned both of them lol ^_^ nor do i even own a gamecube anymore but as soon as i get a job... that will change ill save for a revo and get all those classic gamecube games i missed
  10. Wee! I gotta a new doggy!

    congrats on your new pet make sure u train it to shit on paper or outside be4 its to late :P my dog is a mental house ill get you some piccys of him soon hes a staffie and hes called buster (im not a chav though) :P
  11. Reggie talks about Nintendo's strategy

    im just glad nintendo informed us that everything is alright and everything is going to plan
  12. Reggie talks about Nintendo's strategy

    thanks :P ........................... (the .'s are the lengthen the message)
  13. but Moz we know ur blog is awsome ^_^
  14. My school books are ruined

    ornages are the worst as they reek the whole bag out and u cant ever remove thos stupid bits from your books >.< the funnest think that has leaked was a yoghurt though ^_^
  15. with this download thing im sure thats where the 512 flash memory comes in, to temperarely(sp?) store the games so i wonder where these downloaded games will be?
  16. E3 2006

    i wrekon Nintendo will announce their release date for revo worldwide before E3 and i wrekon the launch period of revoltuion will be July-August. In E3 Nintendo will anounce game in development as well as the other games company announcing theres along with nintendo on the same stage and having most of the launch games playable just to see how much fun the revolution is going to be. The titles i think will lanch for revo are Super Smash Bros Online, Mario 128, Miyamotos new franchise (project) will be announced and show as in development, Metroid Prime 3 will be announced as up2 64 player online On the DS side of things Nintendo will announce how exacly the DS and Revo will hook up and reveal some secrets about this connection (as they seem to have another card up their sleeve about this atm) they will also show alot of the upcoming games coming for DS. they will possibly annouce the Cube as "Finished" and announce it has been a success to nintendo and it has helped them create new ideas and stuff.
  17. Desert Island Game.

    Album : Foo Fighters - In Your Honour Book : jaspers beanstalk Person : Mr Iwata or Reggie so we can torture them untill they give us revo details Food : Fruit Loops
  18. THQ Revolution and PS3 in 2nd half

    i dont think they made DoW jes published it
  19. Developer Fanboyism

    exacly the same here. tbh cs dose have quite shit gfx compared to FPS's nowadays but CS source has nothing on CS 1.6 just because i get a better feel while kicking peoples asses on it also Bloodscalp on WoW for the win (been playing 2 days and lvl 15)
  20. Revolution launched in spring

    im sure when nintendo promise a 2006 launch for revo im sure they mean worldwide so im sure we wont get it in 2007
  21. Revolution jokes, parodies and gifs.

    omg i would buy that game just for the front cover amazing work done by clearacell and that guy from moz la punk keep em commin
  22. im a level 29 soldier and i got to level 67 in iROSE whats ur name ill add u mines maggynum add me im normally on channel 3
  23. A couple of cool Resi 4 videos!

    man Leon must have it tough having to record his death several thousand times
  24. DIEC 2005 in Japan December

    if source and shit comes to revo i will cream my pants
  25. next gen game prices

    they are the same price in UK DS games new are £29.99 - £34.99(madagascar) and GBA games are around £24.99-£32.99