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Posts posted by martinist

  1. 39 minutes ago, Helmsly said:

    !! I had no idea Cyber city has a collectors edition! Does it have the U.K. soundtrack? Ive got to buy this right away 

    edit - just checked and it’s both, which is awesome

    Hi i've just drank about half a bottle of brandy.

    I just want to say, fuck yeah, good for you.

    • Haha 1

  2. Well thats Yakuza 7 done. Might grind to 99 to get through the final Millenium Tower and I've never even touched Dragon Kart so i'll go do that eventually.

    I might have cheated a little and grinded some Invested Vagabonds in the Kamurocho underground... Ended up at level 69 before starting the final climb. Even with the level advantage the boss at the top was a little damage sponge.

    Nice ending though, set it up nicely for Yakuza 8 :)

    • Like 1

  3. I kinda forgot all about this game untill the last Night City Wired episode. Looks really good on the pro and the one X. I've heared alot about the size of the game so i'm expecting to play this for atleast 100 hours or so. Maybe more, i dunno. Working my way through Yakuza 7 before this comes out.

  4. So I started upgrading the base weapons instead of just buying stronger ones. I'm having a much easier time now. Brought the bat up to "Legendary Hero Bat EX +2" and I'm scrounging around for rare materials in the battle arena. Leveled the other base weapons a fair bit too. Much stronger than the weapons you can buy from shops.

    • Like 1

  5. 2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Next up is Tanimura.

    Tanimura never appears again in the franchise. They changed his face from the PS3 game since the guy it was modeled after was accused of using drugs or something. The guy retired from acting after that I think and they never include the character ever again. He gets replaced in Yakuza 5 by an ex-baseball player or something.

    • Thanks 1

  6. Reached number 1 in the company rankings last night.


    I now have an ubsurd source of income and a deadly space laser to smite all my enimies from orbit. As well as max friendship with Eri.

    I now have more money than I know what to do with besides upgrade the forge and sticking the rest in the bank.

    • Like 1

  7. Got mine in yesterday. I spent a good ten minutes just looking at the box. Then an hour or so of playing ball. I got around to giving mario 1 and 2 a shot eventually.

    I also like when the clock ticks over to an o'clock and he starts hitting a coin block however many times.

    • Like 1
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  8. 54 minutes ago, RedShell said:

    When does that show up then? :hmm: Is it linked to a sub story or the main story? I’ve not unlocked it yet, anyway. 

    Business management unlocks as part of the main story. You cant miss it.

    Also I'd suggest changing ichibans job to demolitionist at lest for a level or two as there is a character skill that you acquire that let's you break down walls in the open world. There is a dungeon a little later where I didn't have this skill and it gated me from some optional paths in there. You wont lose the skill after you acquire it if you change jobs again.

    • Thanks 1

  9. I almost screwed up the business management when I started, it seemed really confusing with all the green and red numbers but I have a handle on it now. Only hire the employees you need to staff your establishments, you'll be wasting money if you just hire someone without assigning them to a business otherwise.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  10. I used to play alot of Hustle Kings, Sometimes I'd just waste time just knocking balls around but it had a pretty extensive career mode. I think I have this on Steam but I'd love to give it a shot on the switch. It was really graphicly impressive at the time on the PC, would like to see what it looks like when it's ported.

    • Like 1

  11. 5 hours ago, Jimbob said:

    Did they email you at all, they did for me but cancelled my console order middle of October.  Shopto usually are pretty good, but botching next gen launches isn't good for them.

    No email at all. I only found out when I went to check my order and it had a paragraph above saying to pay by the 31st or the order will be given to someone else. Guess it's my fault for not checking regularly.
