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Posts posted by Julius

  1. On 12/06/2018 at 3:25 AM, drahkon said:


    Love it. 

    Green Goblin at the end, riiiiiiiiiight?

    EDIT: or Venom? Or Doctor Octopus? Actually, I think it probably is Doctor Octopus. There’s definitely a mechanical noise, and I suppose the reveal of Otto Octavius as Doc Ock would be just as surprising for Peter as a Norman/Green Goblin reveal would be?

  2. 5 hours ago, drahkon said:


    I didn't expect it to look this good! The colour palette really lends itself to being a game set hundreds of years ago, and the particle effect look superb. Just insane. The leaves man! I also love the linear/side-view samurai stand-offs, and the sound effect for unsheathing your katana is incredible.

    Hoping for a release window come Paris Games Week/PSX :D 

    • Thanks 1

  3. Looks as epic as I thought it would. And you’ve gotta love how they handle PR and game development compared to everyone else, and it makes them stand out as one of the best studios out there.

    They’re scheduled to turn up on YouTube Live @ E3 tomorrow to talk to Geoff Keighley about the game, and they’ve teased that we’ll still hear/see plenty more at this E3. Behind-closed-doors demos as rumoured a while back are expected, but I won’t be at all surprised if we get the first public look at gameplay when they talk to Geoff tomorrow. 

    Killer soundtrack, excellent cyberpunk design ethos...it’s a great time to be a gamer! I have a feeling it’ll be coming in late 2019/early 2020 now, seeing as we didn’t get a release date last night, but I don’t mind. Incredibly smart in making it clear that the game’s development is coming above their bottomline, and that the game is still a while off, and will be ready when it’s ready.

    Roll on our next look at the game! :D 

    • Thanks 1

  4. I haven’t played any of the Soulsborne games yet, and though I do plan on playing them, the games have never appealed to me with the aesthetic and tone that I’ve seen from their gameplay and trailers. The challenge sounds appealing, and I hear great things about them, but they never leapt out to me as a game that I would rush out to play. They’re a while down my bucket list of games, that’s for sure.

    However, this seems right up my alley. For one, I’m not being lost in a sea of dark blacks and blues (though they’re great for tone, they aren’t the easiest of coloursto traverse when it comes to gameplay), but just the era it’s set in and the themes that could potentially come with that really excite me.

    Shocked just like everyone else that Activision is publishing this, but hey, I get it: they want a piece of the action too. I think I’ll hold off on purchasing the other games for now and make this my first From game :D 

  5. 1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

    Bethesda decides to skip over the next 71 Fallout games and go straight to the 76th one.

    Also, it's a prequel.

    It belongs on this stage. Xbox went from 360 back to One :p 

    Really strong start to the conference.

    • Haha 1

  6. 1 minute ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    You talking about the From Software game? Is that MS exclusive? 

    Nah, it was just a world premiere. Really weird that Activision are publishing, but at this point with From it's guaranteed money, so why not?

  7. 3 minutes ago, dan-likes-trees said:

    Going to be an interesting one - it would be great if they do announce today - I can see them not doing so but only in the case that it's not going to be coming out on the this generation of consoles! Hoping it's the other extreme and they're going to do a Fallout 4-style trailer and release later this year.... cammaannn!!

    I think the next generation is still a few years off, so I don't think that it would be held off until then, just considering the sudden surge this year in activity. That being said, I do, however, think that this game will look ridiculously good, and will probably be one of the first games to be remastered for the next generation, so in a way I agree with what you're saying. It's not impossible for it to be out by the end of the year, given the clout and goodwill they have with their audience after The Witcher 3 especially meaning that it could drop a few weeks after Red Dead Redemption 2 in November and still perform well in sales, but, if not, I think it'll be out by Easter of next year at the latest -- if we do see it tonight.


  8. 2 hours ago, Ganepark32 said:

    As for Bethesda, I'm just keep to see what new things they're working on. Hopefully Starfield turns up and is their big game for this fall but other than that, I'm curious to see what else they'll bring beyond Elder Scrolls Online, Rage 2 and Fallout 76 (which I'm not hyped for if it being an online multiplayer titles holds true).

    I think Doom 2 and DLC for both The Evil Within 2 and Prey are within the realms of possibility, but other than that, there doesn't seem to be much in besides Starfield, which makes me think that it's going to be the centrepiece of their show, with anywhere between a 15 minute and 30 minute showing. I have to figure that that's why they revealed two of their new games well ahead of E3 this year.

    1 hour ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    Just as long as the new CD Projekt Red game is shown...really the only thing I'm looking for.

    I'm very confident that it will be present. Based on past precedent and the sudden surge in activity around the game since the beginning of the year, I honestly don't know when or where else it could actually turn up. They aren't going to announce it out of the blue themselves; visual fidelity means a lot to them, so there's no reason that they'd show it off on Sony's stage as opposed to Microsoft's (plus, I'd assume that Microsoft would offer more for them to be present on their stage at this point in the generation; and they were on their stage to show off The Witcher 3 a few years back); and so there's no other place it could really turn up this year besides at E3, where they can rub shoulders once again with the very best in the industry, and have the largest outreach possible. Oh, and throw in all of the cryptic teasing by their higher-ups too.

    So yeah: I will be very surprised if I check the news tomorrow morning and news on Cyberpunk 2077 is absent :p 

  9. 39 minutes ago, Eddage said:

    It's actually Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order :heh:

    Makes the name work a little better but the whole announcement was still pointless - just wait until you actually have something to show!

    I thought that it might be, but wasn’t sure, and I really couldn’t tell by the way that they were phrasing it during their little “announcement” ::shrug: Thanks though, I’ll update the thread title! :) 

    Something that now worries me with the movement of the colon is that they’re trying to make this a new sub-brand, and I don’t really like it. Battlefront is a great sub-brand name in that it encapsulates everything that the brand is in one word, but this sounds almost ludicrously vague when compared to other sub-brand titles in the franchise - cool, I play as a Jedi, but what else? 

    I can already imagine the names of the sequel - New Order, Luke’s attempt at rebuilding the Jedi Order, but through the eyes of one of his pupils whom goes on to become a Knight of Ren - and the threequel - Resurgent Order, Rey’s attempt to rebuild the Jedi as they once were, prior to the Order that found itself based on Coruscant. 

    It could be really neat, and I’d love to see Coruscant in this like we were supposed to see it in 1313, but it’s once again a case of minimal risks being taken (unless there are tie-ins to IX, but I feel like they’d only be winks and nods) from my perspective. We have plenty of canon comics and novels, an animated TV series, and two spin-off films already set in this very time period. We’ve already seen the aftermath of the Jedi Purge in this period - lost hope, Jedi scattered, and Vader chasing them. It could be really cool if we were take the role of Vader to hunt down some of the remaining Jedi, and see tie-ins to other canon materials, but that’s almost certainly not going to be the case. Because here’s how I see it:

    We assume the role of a Jedi with PTSD and flashbacks to that night on Coruscant when all of his/her youngling friends were slaughtered. He’s become a smuggler or something, and he’s given up on the Force after all that’s happened. We’ll run into Vader or the Grand Inquisitor, and this will get the ball rolling in terms of running around the galaxy. We’ll run into one too many major characters for it to feel like it isn’t a mash-up piece of fan fiction. It will be extremely linear - given the period in question, I feel it has to be - and can only realistically end in a couple of ways: death at the hands of Vader/an Inquisitor, or we end up somehow surviving all of this and we flashforward to meeting some combination of Luke, Ezra, Sabine and Ashoka in the thirty years between ROTJ and TFA. 

    I just don’t see what they can do in this era which we haven’t already seen in other pieces of canon. It doesn’t feel new, even if it does sound like it has the potential to be exciting - but since when has controlling a Jedi not been exciting? This is EA we’re talking about — they have to fulfill their fiduciary duty of messing up a Star Wars game somehow. 


  10. 4 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    Cheers for those links, I'll have a watch of a few of them.

    Really excited for this and I thought it looked great (though I hate the whole 'numbers flying out of baddies you're shotting' thing). My only fear is how it'll treat single players. I'm really not a mulitplayer gamer. Hopefully there'll be a way of matchmaking with randomers if mulitplayer is mandatory.

    No problem :) 

    And visually, I think it looks superb. I have a feeling it’s going to really push some more gamers (maybe even myself) to make the upgrade to a Pro/X, because I do have some concerns about how it might run on the base PS4 and XBO models.

    And no kidding about the numbers (did I also see like a dozen ‘COMBO’s come up at one point?), which seem far larger than they need to be. I actually think that they might be large enough at this point to negate the player’s ability to aim at the enemy, so it might be something worth looking into for them. The size and font of the numbers (and words?), at least from the few minutes I saw, seemed very arcade-like, which is in stark contrast to the tone that they seem to actually be going for ::shrug: oh well, plenty of time left for them to figure out those little kinks.

  11. Coming February 22nd. Wonder if Sony will move Days Gone? I mean, they’re drastically different games so I don’t think it will effect it too much, but I can’t see Sony having delayed this game so many times only to send it out to die.

    Full gameplay demo and trailer:

    Game Informer has some exclusive coverage coming up. 

    They also have interviews with Casey Hudson and some of the other members of the team.

    They also have a forty minute video with exclusive impressions of Anthem from their visit to Bioware. 


    • Thanks 2

  12. I probably caught about fifteen or twenty minutes of that after skimming through for what I thought were the interesting parts (FIFA acquiring the rights to the UCL, Jedi Fallen Order, Unravel Two being shadow dropped, and some of the Anthem stuff...).

    Was the rest of it as boring as I found these 15/20 minutes? Don’t know I particularly want to sit through the entire thing when catching up if so..

  13. We don’t know much, but oh well; we have a title and a release window, I guess ::shrug:

    Respawn’s Star Wars game, unlike Visceral’s, hasn’t been unceremoniously canned. It will take place between the events of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Episode IV: A New Hope (because you definitely couldn’t have guessed that from the game’s clunky title :p), set during the dark times of the Jedi Purge, in the aftermath of Order 66. 

  14. Okay, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order is nothing short of an atrocious title. Fallen Jedi Order is the best way to rearrange those words, and The Fallen Order would have been a much better title if they really wanted to reference the Jedi Purge in that way. 

    Not surprising that they chose to show nothing - after all, we only got our first first real looks at Battlefront and Battlefront II in their respective years of release, and I suppose they don’t want to drown that or Anthem out, seeing as they’re both going to have futuristic sci-fi elements. 

    We’ll probably get out first look during Star Wars Celebration next April, and a more detailed one next E3 (assuming that Anthem has successfully launched by that point). Smart release window to tie-in with the release of Episode IX, and it will probably tie into that with relation to the story, too.

    Hopefully this means no Battlefront III next year. That will need some real time to cook, and hopefully they’ll be able to spread the love evenly between the three different major eras in the franchise, which they’ve failed to do up to this point. On that note, though, it seems like they’re finally paying attention to what fans want with the prequel era content that they’re launching, but it’s a shame that it’s so late. 

  15. 20 minutes ago, Ganepark32 said:

    So, EA Play kicks off the pre-E3 conferences in just over an hour. Is anyone tuning in? I don't know if I'll tune in live myself but keep track through a live blog or something as I can't imagine much that EA will show that will grab my attention.

    Beyond Fifa, Madden, NBA Live, Anthem and Battlefield, what else are they likely to show? There'll probably be some Star Wars in there somewhere but whether that game actually comes out is another question given past experiences beyond the Battlefront games. I suspect there'll be an EA original game or two and another remaster. If they're going to redo the Mass Effect Trilogy for this generation, this is the year I expect it'll be announced, tho the cynic in me thinks it'll be to garner some good guy points rather than because they really want to. 

    I won’t be. I wouldn’t have been anyways due to other things going on, but after having the last few be just as eventful as watching paint dry; it just doesn’t seem worth it. 

    I think there’s a good chance that we see Respawn’s Star Wars game, to be honest. Apparently they’ve had a much smoother time than Visceral had, and I’m interested in seeing what they’ve come up with if so. I’m also interested in seeing if any more indie titles turn up after A Way Out did so well for them at their conference last year.

    Other than that, I don’t expect much from today’s conference for them, and it’ll hopefully be a good chance to see how they present Anthem this time around after the Battlefront II backlash. We didn’t learn about how many of the systems/microtransactions worked until the open beta launched in that case; will they be more up front this time around with Anthem? Or will those things remain hushed for now?

  16. 1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Along with the carpet reviews, this is my favorite thing about E3. :D 

    Loved those carpet reviews :laughing: also really like Huber Syndrome’s E3 special :D 

    EZA’s E3 schedule:

