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Posts posted by system_error

  1. Don't know how much this information applies to the UK but Amazon Germany now limits 3DS preorders. 1 for each account/customer within the preorder time but I don't know if they count black/blue as seperate items. I preorderd a while back ago and have a black and blue 3DS as a preorder. It seems launch quantity will be really really small.

  2. I am more curious about Torres replacement - so far every rumored striker bid they made was turned down. There are not that much players left who can help Liverpool and are even willing to transfer.


    Yeah before I pay 35 for Carrol I rather pay 20 for Forlan...

  3. I would sell him now and use the money for a complete reboot of the team next saison. He wants to go and who could blame him? Playing along with a pretty medicore team at best and who knows how much the new owners will invest next year into the club. Also when Gerrard declines more or finally quits Liverpool will be nothing special and needs new talent. Suarez is a first step but the rest of the team still looks bad without Gerrard and Torres - and Torrest is not so attacked to LFC as Gerrard.

  4. No I regret it in the way that I missed out on a few really great Wii and DS games but all in all I am currently happier with my PS3. Money is the main issue here.


    If I cancel my preorder I do it not because of the lack of features but to save money and get the 3DS after the first price drop or at least wait until there are more quality games out I am interested. So I will get a 3DS my only concern is if I should get it right at launch like I usually did with Nintendo consoles or just wait and see how things look at christmas.

  5. Long story short: you want a smartphone, an iPod Touch or a PSP2.


    It's Nintendo, they're building machines exclusively for gaming the way they want while everything else is an afterthought and they're choosing the price so that they make money out of them.


    If you want a jack of all trades device, you're always looking at the wrong company with Nintendo.


    Exactly and this is why I am complaining - of course I am fully aware that my post won't change anything. But it may help some people who are yet undecided in their choice. I still have a 3DS on preorder but this time I am not so sure if I really get the handheld during launch. In my town (~250k) I was among the first people with a Wii on launch day so I do like Nintendo after all. I am just not happy with a lot of their decisions lately. This is the main reason why I stopped and bought a PS3 and so far I did regret my decision.

  6. What defines the smartphone like experience for you? For me that would be to make phone calls and have (pretty much) a touch screen only device with a bigger screen. So it's superior for not game related tasks (browsing, E-Mails etc.).



    Their store seems far superior to what they tried in the past. Videos, demos, ratings etc.. They also seem to have a friend system that's not garbage for the first time.



    They do cost something actually. Much of the cost is a one time investment, but it's still an investment. You'll have to design and develop the server backend that stores your account data and the possible achievements and which of those everyone got. Then on the handheld side, you'll have to develop the system on the OS level that gets notified by the game, when an achievement is unlocked and synchronizes with the server backend at some point.


    Overall, they seem to do most things you'd expect from a console today right with 3DS or much better than how they did them in the past.


    I want a decent browser with flash support, where I can actually download stuff. I would like PDF viewing support, basic office tools, support for next-gen audio/video codecs, a alarm clock, voice chat (eg. Skype), etc. Why? Because I think 250€ justify such little things - and that is also my point why I want achievements. All thise always online crap and hidden messaging but such a basic feature is to cost expensive and people rather want to discover games by themself? Yeah sure I just don't believe that.


    A ZTE Blade runs Android 2.3 and can do all that stuff for 149€, a device 100€ more expensive which makes a lot more return through games should be able to do the same. Nintendo always does that. Leaps one big step forward (dual screen with touch, Wiimotes and now 3D) and at the same time they go one backwards when it comes to the rest. Because right now all I get for 249€ is a slightly faster (I am yet to be convinced about any big technological leap forward) DSi with 3D support and more expensive games.

  7. Still wonder why Nintendo can't put together a bit more of an smartphone experience like with iOS or Android on the 3DS. It is small and powerfull so lets make the most out of it. I want a decent market and friend system. Every Nintendo rep highlightens the all-connected access features and how you walk around and get information but the most basic features are missing and something like achievements is unwanted. Why not copy Sony and MS - achievements cost nothing but are fun.

  8. Third party games will usually make the decision easier. So far the PSP2 is in my eyes the superior handheld - the only drawbacks might be the lack of 3D (for some people an advantage), the price and the game library. I guess developers will not spend big parts of their budget on the PSP2 until they know it will return enough. If they 3DS gains a lot of share it will be very hard for Sony to compete - with a slow start in march of the 3DS and a reaonable price of the PSP2 the christmas business will be very exciting.

  9. If Sony wants to battle 3DS, Android/iOS devices they can't offer the PSP2 for 600 Euro - I think early adopters will be screwed with a 450 € price tag (very fair because this is the same price as a Samsung Galaxy S) and soon after that it will drop to 300-350 Euro. More expensive than the 3DS but competable.


    The more interesting comment in there is that Sony will lose money with each system they sell. So the Nintendo 3DS might have a headstart but (if everything works out) the PSP2 will launch with a very competitive price around christmas season or earlier. I think Sony is determined to win back ground in the handheld war and technology + price really attract a lot of people including me.


    Right now I can only guess the outcome after 5 years - Nintendo is currently in the lead and doing most things right but so does Sony. Furthermore Sony is not as worried about money and profit as Nintendo is - they subsidize their consoles to win market share and they buy third party exclusive games whereas Nintendo doesn't care about that.

  11. Since the PSP2 has no release date, no price, no games, no battery life at all for the moment just the announcement that it is "there" I am happy for the 3DS in march. However I will probably end up buying a PSP2 if the price is acceptable which might prove the most difficult point to reach a large audience and keep developer support. I guess a price range between 300-400€ seems to be a good point when I see how much people pay for Apple devices...


    Battery life might not be a big issue - there is a lot more space for a bigger battery so I believe it will be on par or slightly worse than the 3DS like most smartphones big screens, WiFi, etc. draw a lot of power.

  12. Thanks for the answers.


    Just to make something clear (for me hehe):


    EU 3DS - every DS (there are no DSi/XL games except for the only store ones if I remember correctly) game from every region should work. Whereas 3DS games from the EU region only work with a EU 3DS aka region lock.

  13. Since I have a huge backlog of DS games (my first DS died a while ago, I never replaced it), will there be a compatibility list for the 3DS? Especially at launch I am happy to buy older and cheaper DS games instead of 3DS launch games - there are not many which I am interested in anyways.



    @Zelda, Kid Icarus: They never said those where launch titles and especially with some knowledge in the business Nintendo never launches with many new games. They announce a couple of games and that is it. Zelda might get a content upgrade (I doubt it) so that would make up for the delay if not well we have to deal with it because that is how it works. Bold move to launch with a game like Steel Diver which seems to be a niche product to me. I would have gone with Zelda - can't be that hard to port it in time...

  14. I normally try to play so my character has the easiest way and/or most advantage...but sometimes even though it is only a game I just can't convince myself to commit myself to a bad deed :)



    Only thing I always have to try is setting up dynamite in a enemy or NPC pocket ;)

  15. Scolaris main job is to make it clear to everyone of his superstars that this is a national team and it is about team work and fitting into a different set of roles. It is not a league game where you are the only star that shines.



    Was a rough match against the Czech team but I guess Portugal was the better team and won (which doesn't happen always in football).


    Now everyone lets hope Austria beats Poland and Germany ;)

  16. I am patriotic - so I say Austria will advance at least one more round. Beating Poland and Croatia and draw against Germany :)


    Or any other suitable constellation ... too bad it will probably only be an illusion. After all we are the worst team at this Euro and.


    But every game is an excuse for afternoon beer ;)
