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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Job woes/wins

    That's what the wink wink was all about! O_O
  2. Job woes/wins

    Let it crumble! I'm in a quandary at the moment. I've applied for two positions, one being a PA, a rank above me, another for a PPA, which is what I am now, but just somewhere else. I had my PA interview on Friday and other one is tomorrow. A few colleagues had their PA interview today and I emailed my senior on the sly asking if there was any reason why I may need to cancel my interview tomorrow wink wink. No response. Maybe she's playing it close to the chest and not playing ball, but either I got the position and there's no point me attending anyway, or I didn't get the job of what I've been doing for the past year because of some insignificant bullshit and I then have to try and impress the exact same people who deemed me unworthy the first time. So probably gonna cancel it tomorrow.
  3. What Have You Bought?

    This delightful little number from Halfords My current bike has had a good run, but as mentioned previously, would be easier to just buy a new one as opposed to fixing/replacing everything, plus I've had it for 10 years naow. So donating to my brother for his services to the house. Gotta wait until Thursday to pick it up though.
  4. The Circle TV show

    Well, that's my application sent, @Beast @Josh64, come join me and we'll have our own N-E Massive alliance
  5. Social Media

    I've been getting that with a few people over the past couple of weeks, mainly @soag, I'm not sure that because I've liked more of her posts and we've replied to each other more than I have other friends, but each time she posts a pic of Donald and Mickey doing some crazy shit, instant notification "GEORGIA IS IN DUNMURRAY, LOOK AT THIS YOU FUCK." Which I didn't mind, but now it seems to have migrated to more people, how they've updated their story etc.
  6. Tattoos

    I could've sword we had a more recent topic than this... but the search isn't giving me anything. My brother and I are going for a joint Goku/Vegeta tattoo, the original plan was to have the fusion dance and we would join with our legs together, but I couldn't find a decent image of them doing it so was remixing an image from one of the video games before I got bored and saw an image from the opening screen of Dokkan Battle (great lil mobile game, go get it if you no has already). In his infinite drunkeness he said he would pay for it all as he'd just been paid for a big job, but naturally that part of the story slid away so I would have to shell out my half (minus deposit, which he paid, score). After being cancelled twice due to the lockdown, we finally got another date, which my brother couldn't make as he was now lacking funds. But since we were going on separate dates (originally a Sat/Sun job) I didn't need to reschedule mine... Got this done yesterday. Sadly just the outline as the plan was to have it all done 1-8, but she took over 45 minutes fapping around getting ready, and at half 6ish said we should do the colour in another session (and pay an extra hundred quid for the pleasure), plus she also dropped the bombshell that she ran out of white the day before, which was nice. Very happy with how it's looking, so I'm not too peeved I have to pay another ton, just a lil disappointed I have to wait until June naow.
  7. Social Media

    My "socials" are not as active as they once were naturally. It's just too much work to keep on top of everything. I mainly use Facebook just coz it's what I have the most people on. I barely use Twitter anymore because it just seems like it's mainly people trying to shout one sentence points and running off, or attempting multiple tweet essays about how they were done wrong or something. Reddit I never use and doubt I will. It's whole algorithm of top post always being most liked (unless you can switch this off?) means unless you get in there early, no one is going to see your contribution. Discord is something I'm unsure why it exists, it's like someone took IRC and mixed with a forum, for small groups of people it makes sense as you can have separate topics (such as with the Warhammer lads I hang out with), but for massive endeavours - I don't see why a forum wouldn't be better. Linkdn is people trying to bend over and blow themselves, especially the agency staff shamelessly trying to plant their flag of moral fibre and advertise themselves at the same time. Other than that. I love social media. Back in t'day you had MSN/YIM and maybe AIM, and that was enough!
  8. The Circle TV show

    Wife and I have gone through the first season and now caught up to the second, awaiting the next batch. They're shorter than our seasons so there isn't much "twists" per se, but means there's less people that come in and get shafted out in favour of the original crew. Give it a week and come back to it.
  9. What Have You Bought?

    Good value @Cube?
  10. What Have You Bought?

    I did planning buying some new tyres for my bike, but that wouldn't make the frame any less a bit rickety, got some threads in the pedal sorted but the whole thing isn't 100 percent. I've had this bad boy for about 10 years now, so it's had a good run. I'll treat myself to a new bike when my backpay comes through. Otherwise I'll be spending more replacing bits after bits
  11. After my first jab it took me a couple of days before I felt like shit, this hit me in under 24 hours and was worse. I had the colleagues at work saying I should go home, but I'm too proud for dat. I'm feeling better this morning, but still not 100%. I think my fever broke around midnight last night. I could almost feel the delirium as my mind was racing about random work shit.
  12. I have just had my second jab, which now means I'm more machine than man naow. As like first time I wake up feeling like I've been hit by a paintball. More symptom reporting as it happens... Edit: my body is attempting to reject this anti-virus software upgrade, I've been weak and achey all day...
  13. Upon a recommendation of a friend, who introduced me to Prison School and in turn I tried to get her started on Seven Deadly Sins, and then Assassination Classroom - excuses ranging from "I haven't gotten round to it yet" / "I forgot" (when she was off work for 2 weekz) / "I will after I've watched all of Breaking Bad" / "I'm rewatching* Akame Ga Kill" So giving that a try, enjoying it thus far, feels familiar and somehow fresh at the same time. *REWATCHING?!
  14. What Have You Bought?

    A ton of gains stuff Super fine oats Some hydration shit Standard whey - although it has a hold in the packet so I'm working on trying to get a replacement Breakfast smoothie stuff And some gains bars, which were two boxes for £35 at the time - choc honeycomb / raspberry cheesecake
  15. The Circle TV show

    A couple of episodes in, the amount of "el oh el"s etc is truly infuriating. But I hope it'll bring to the masses that people don't actually laugh out loud and they look fucking stupid when they do it.
  16. The Circle TV show

    Wife and I have been keeping an eye out. Identical external shots, identical UK flats, but you know how US engineering can be - emulation to the max. But the UK plug sockets have revealed the TRUTH. Dunno if later seasons went more domestic as they trialled it on foreign ground.
  17. The Circle TV show

    Winner not who I expected, but better than Manrika! Just starting the US one, weird how they've brought them over to the UK flats, not their usual NSA apartments...
  18. The Circle TV show

    Although it would be a twist for him to see Manrika, I don't think he has it in him to do it. And the thing is, when everyone meets and sees who is really who, who is going to choose one of the catfish to take the money. Even though she's real, Manrika's story means nothing to me. Sad yes, but we know she's got a presence online and the whole "oh this is the only way I can help my mum with money" feels so false.
  19. The Circle TV show

    I'm betting Syed or Andy to win!
  20. The Circle TV show

    It would be nice if they made these for proper viewing. No one wants to watch a video with the phone not on its side
  21. The Circle TV show

    I'm hoping it's Dot, that Syed and Manrika both got their veto on Andy and Felix
  22. The Circle TV show

    Well that theory got shat on within seconds of last night's episode!
  23. The Circle TV show

    I think ever since the snake drawing has his faith began to crumble, plus the "relationship" with Felix obviously cementing he isn't going to have a chance in the circle has unleashed his inner perspective unto the truth. Someone actually did a good April Fools' this year on a friend, by announcing on Facebook (with some images) that she will going on the Circle that night, it hadn't clocked to me to mention to my friend that they usually isolate for 2-3 weeks beforehand (as I forgot), but was concentrating on explaining what the show was to her. I did recommend it probably was a trick and alas I was right. Because I'm amazing.
  24. The Circle TV show

    Makes sense, but that is the worst kind of intention to go into the Circle with. It's a great side effect, but shouldn't be your main goal. Main goal = Monies please. I don't think Manrika will question Andy about it, because she'll be too scared, but I think Vicar chap will slip some stuff up about knowing something they shouldn't as they weren't in the circle at the time and that'll make people suspicious. And also another new player tonight. Or rather TOOO NOO PLAEY-AAAHS JOYN THE SAAAH-CULLL
  25. The Circle TV show

    Right, as I'm doing this on the phone I won't be able to quote each thing sadly. I have zero doubt that footage of Vithun is lacking is because he was a dull character, even when seeing his notes you can see he'd done random accountancy numerical bullshit, and all they ever deemed worthy of broadcasting was him failing at rainbow Jenga. I didn't originally think that Femi got "mad", more of just being a mardy bitch, but seeing him tonight I could definitely see where you guys were coming from. It's not hype Beast, just annoying winky face emoji, it's that she cannot do it with her voice and accent, seeing "Battle lines are drawn", and then her unnecessarily shouting BATTLE LAINES AH DRAAHN ruins any sense of anticipation. Nice to see Femi go, sad to see Pippa, fisting that hashtag triple threat (I didn’t mind GeezerGals Beast, it was ScholarSquad on previous season which irked me!) But as they were so tight with Manrika, will the vicar reveal his true identity with her?