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Posts posted by DanielTimothy

  1. Sorry I'm late on this, such a shame to see an amazing man go. Every where I go there seem to be jokes about his death thats bound to happen, understandable even. I'm dissapointed he's gone, though who ever said he'll be taking down dinosaurs in heaven was right. That thought cheered me up. :)

  2. TakeoMiyazaki rules.






    When a certain ordinary fellow is so comsumed with rage at other peoples homophobic attitudes, he trasforms into the 100ft tall Mega-Hydra-Takeo-Prime!!


    Special Abilities/Powers:


    Multi-Thread Starter Attack!

    Using his multiple heads he can now use this attack to start even more threads.



    If enraged by a gay hater he shoots fiery balls of doom at his enemys for MASSIVE DAMMAGE, AT THE ENEMYS WEAK POINT, RIDGE RACER.


    Fear Him!!

  3. . . . kay :( lol


    Dude, why are you sad? :kiss:


    Kay? Well yeah, she is my girlfriend. :wink: (Although I doubt you ment to mention her :laughing:) I've been with her 4 - 5 Months but have known her for over a year. Aren't we cute together? :)



