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Everything posted by fex

  1. Media Centre PC

    I can only see the Antec case. My house mate is just in the process of building a Media Center PC and he has gone for the Antec. The Build quality is excellent, and it is alot bigger than i thought it would be and is hella expensive. Personally I couldn't justify spending that much on a case and would rather spend the money, getting better parts. If you go for it, i dont think you will regret it! ________ Canary Islands Recipes
  2. Wow i maybe was to young to remeber the prices of the N64 games, or maybe i just bought them all second hand, I just found a copy if Extreme G, with the orginal price on...... ?59.99 OMFG!! and people are moaning about the PS3 prices. Although by looking at the front of the box, they are PS3 GFX I can remember a friend trading 3 N64 games and paying ?30 to get Banjo Kazooie when that was released. ________ Top penny stocks
  3. European Wii Preorders

    Hey don't worry mate they have had there stock allocations, and you will defo be getting one ________ Dc medical marijuana dispensary
  4. European Wii Preorders

    Woohoo just pre-ordered my Wii came to ?229.99. Thats for the Console, LoZ:TP, Wii Play, Wii Points and a Nunchuck Controller! BARGIN!! ________ Ipad Guide
  5. And when I order mine from Woolworths, my wii will be ?144.99! Geez don't you love discount! Now I may have to get an extra game ________ Kid prilosec
  6. Graphics aren't important? Bullsh*t

    Art Direction > Graphics ________ The Cigar Boss
  7. Hey this guy just got a Nintendo Wii, and a copy of LoZ:TP and loads of other Nintendo Stuff. Ben Underwood who went blind though cancer, and has developed his own sonar like senses by clicking using his tongue. Video quailty is awful. But you have got to give this guy loads of respect. Oh and I wonder how much that would fetch if he put it on ebay! Linky ________ Coach handbags
  8. Cutest baby

    Baby 2 rocks, those eyes are the bomb! ________ lesbians Cams
  9. TV Licensing

    Yeah you dont need a licence, i never watched TV for a few months and just gamed on my TV. It's only if your reciving a TV signal. Your allowed to watch DVD's, play games, and porn. ________ ESSENTIAL VAAAPP
  10. Stars Catalogue

    I remember getting a GBA game from the stars catalogue ages ago. It just took 3 months to arrive!! ________ White widow seeds
  11. Blind Kid Gets a Wii and TP

    I guess it must be, i just tried clicking at my wall, couldn't hear anything coming back at me! Man I bet his friends love him!! ________ Subaru b9sc specifications
  12. Wii Hardware Discussion

    ask ben underwood seen as he has one, he will be able to tell you everything about the Wii! ________ HotDemmi
  13. Fex Wii Fund: ?155 Wii Target: ?220 To go: ?65 ________ Suzuki Twin
  14. Your Most Anticipated

    .1. LoZ : TP .2. SSB : B .3. Red Steel .4. BWii .5. Excitetruck ________ Drugtest
  15. European Wii Preorders

    Online i would say gameplay High Street possibly woolworths (with the 360 they didn't enforce and awful bundle packs) ________ Asian Amateur
  16. Funny thought about WiiSports Boxing

    I wonder if there is a Burberry style t shirt for the Mii to wear.... I hope so ________ Emilia
  17. European Wii Preorders

    I trust online shopping, but they haven't had any allocated stock and will take as many pre-orders as they can. So theres nothing stopping them taking 10,000 pre orders are only getting in 500 on release day. So i just feel i don't know where i stand with them. Amazon took so many 360 preorders they were still getting though pre-orders in late january/ early feb. Online pre-ordering is what I have my doubts about. Update : Ive just pre-ordered a Wii-mote and nunchuck for ?38 from play, and although thats quite pricey i just remembered that 360 wireless pads are ?32.99, with no flash memory, speaker, motion sensitivity. Quite a bargin I say It will be interesting to see how much the PS3's (aka super computer) technologicly advanced wireless hand controlling system will be priced at. ________ Amber
  18. European Wii Preorders

    I'd never risk it pre ordering online, as i need it either 12:01am or 9am. I'll be preordering from Woolies (they wait for concrete alloaction of stock then pre-order) so will be def getting one, and 10% staff discount!! woohoo!! What happens if the postie never brings it and 11am?!?!! ________ Kitchen Measures
  19. Wiivaluation

    I know theres a loads of people bitching about the price of the Wii compared to our american counterparts but, please remember we have to pay 17.5% VAT (which isn't Nintendo's fault) and also to ship it over here will cost extra as well because im sure its over twice as far as America is. And like Sabre said. 179 includes 512 memory, a game, wifi and a controller. So please don't be haters! ________ Airsoft Holsters
  20. Importing a Wii

    For people import please be aware that even though Nintendo's games are region free, it is possible for 3rd party devs to put this lock on. But yes we are paying alot more for the console! Im tempted but im just going to sit it out and extra few weeks. Rather than importing a console and if anythings wrong with it then im hardly going to be able to send it back ________ Marijuana Test
  21. European Event- General Chat

    Somewhere i read wii get 2 controllers and wii sports for ?179.99 ________ Glass pipe pictures
  22. European Event- General Chat

    Well im glad we get Wii sports included, but ?180 is Steep!!! ________ Medical marijuana
  23. European Event- General Chat

    Dalco is that ur prodiction? ________ MARIJUANA VAPORIZER REVIEWS
  24. European Event- General Chat

    an hour and a half, and still no price / date !! ________ AngelOnline
  25. European Event- General Chat

    im going to the el boglo, wii price best be here when i get back! ________ VAPORIZER VS COMBUSTION