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Posts posted by thesupersmashbrother

  1. Yeah, a letter in a slant that can only be a capital A can be seen right next to the G. :smile: I hope it has a lot of pages and is bound properly more like NGC/N64 at their best though instead of the TV Magazine alike it is at the moment.


    I wouldnt worry none, they will have loads to write about when wii comes out. I hope it becomes massive again (my 1st issue was jan 2003, when it was like a broadsheet).

  2. Well we'll need to practice at brawl first. Brawl is obviously going to feel a lot different to melee so it might take time to adjust (just like i had to adjust when i 1st played melee). You never know... they might take out wavedashing and make marth worse (like what they did with kirby: amazing in the original; pretty crap in melee). I will probably have to change my main character (as will a lot of people), although i will stay as falco if he remains as kick ass as he is in melee.

  3. whats a wavedash? i don't have a clue on any of this terminology!


    Wavedashing is jumping and then immediately airdodging diagonally into the ground, causing your character to slide along the ground. It can be as fast or faster than a normal dash. Try it with Luigi: hold down and right and press Y immediately followed by L. If done correctly, you should see Luigi slide very far and fast.

  4. Tried it jsut before you psoted, really helpful :)


    Its weird why they never put teching in the manual or the "how to play" video. People could only discover teching, which was purposely put in as a move/technique by the developers. This brings me back to discovering the "secret corner turbo" in mario kart 64.

  5. If you get hit by an attack, get sent flying and hit the ground you will end up with your face or arse on the floor and will have to get up. However if you are sent flying from an attack and you hit L or R before hitting the ground, you will recover instantly and stand up. This is teching. If you hold left or right as you do it, you will recover in a rolling dodge. You can also tech against walls and ceilings.

  6. well yeah but you shouldnt think nintendo are that foolish. they will even the playing field. like i mean samus 'screw attack' doesnt really have that great a distance if ur trying to get back onto the stage. but what if zero suit samus, being lighter, can therefor jump futher? i mean thats just one example of how they may program her moves.


    Yeah you've got me there, of cousre nintendo wont let us down, its nintendo!


    But about your 2nd point, samus actually has the best recovery in the game (using her bombs and her grapple beam). I do get what ur trying to say though, and i do think zero suit samus will hav a decent recovery as well to compensate her lightness(is that a word? probably not oh well)


    PS (to spirited away) a very useful tactic is shield grabbing (pressing A when shielding to grab someone). its very useful as a counterattack when people run towards you and attack or attack from the air: just block there move and press A!

  7. Dudes im not saying zero suit samus will be crap! stop misinterpreting what im saying! i never said that she will transform on exactly 100% i just was just saying that in this instance lets say that she does transform on one hundred percent. Zero suit samus could be a better character than samus but i was saying it would be unfair because zero suit samus gets knocked farther than normal samus. Whereas normal samus could survive to lets say 150% zero suit samus could survive to 100% and that would be unfair if you transform at a high percentage such as 100%

  8. No one said it would be 100% or any given percentage. We know from the video that samus will lose her suit when something "happens to her". A scenario for this could be when she takes a lot of damage and if this is the case then u will play as zero suit samus at higher percentages than normal samus. Of course i trust that the developers will make this transformation fair.
