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About spaceroller

  • Birthday 05/24/1974


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  1. on the wii japan site where the videos are why are there still 2 boxes for two more videos saying coming soon? still more to reveal i think.
  2. dont know if anyone has heard about this yet, but on the ign message board another thread on 3d has just started with a link to news story on c/net about 3d displays that don't need glasses to view them, Phillips are getting these3d monitors ready for about 2 years time, the article also states they spent alot of time in the far east researching this technology which is called WOWxv technology. Could this be the WOW statement that Iwata stated a few months ago about the graphical capabilities of the Wii?
  3. sorry for more speculating but what if the luigi code wasn't what we thought it was, what if the code was in the name NOA RUFUS? My theory on this is, Nintendo Of America Right Undulating Frequency User Sine If anyone else has checked up on the 3d theory these words seemed to pop up in several of the light blue optics stuff? I know its just me hoping that Nintendo could actually force a revolution on a massive scale and actually change everything.
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