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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. They should just do Both the original and Part 2 on one disk. Even after completing both several times over on the DC I would pay for the experience again.
    Yeah that would indeed be great. icon14.gif


    I did read sometime ago that there was a new Space Channel 5 game in development, (or at least being planned) but it was unknown for which system. They'd be crazy not to make it for Wii though.

  2. Doesn't the game seem to have too many HUD's though?
    It is pretty cluttered but I seem to remember early shots of Killer 7 being the same, so maybe they'll tone them down a bit.

    Liking the retro style to them though, like the heart in the top left.


    It says 00days for me.
    Same here, they really should have included minutes too. :heh:



    The site is up now. Doesn't seem to be much to it though. :hmm:

  3. These be my most wanted games for Wiimakes (sorry). :heh:



    icon3.gif Click on some of the titles for YouTube goodness.


    Just too perfect for the Wii control scheme, reckon it would play like a dream using the Wii Remote to point and shoot. Unfortunately I’ve only ever played it (and the sequel) briefly on friend’s consoles, so I’d even be happy with just a port of the Dreamcast / PS2 version. I absolutely love the soundtrack for this game.


    Was hoping we would have this already after the light plane demo at E3, last I heard it had become part of Wii Motor Sports or something like that. ::shrug: Anyway, this is easily the most likely to become a reality from my list, and I can’t wait.


    3/ Giftpia.

    Don’t know all that much about this game except that it’s from the same developer as Chibi-Robo, and that it’s apparently like Animal Crossing so that’s good enough for me already.


    I keep going on about it but with good reason I assure you. One of the most humorous franchises ever, and I think it has a lot of potential as a Wii game. Using the Wii Remote as Goemon’s pipe or controlling Impact’s punches with the Nunchuck and Remote would be awesome.


    5/ Mario Artist.

    If I ever manage to get my hands on a DD, this would be my first purchase for it. I remember seeing it on Gamesmaster years ago and thinking it looked fantastic, like Mario Paint but on steroids! Again this would be perfect for Wii Remote controls (see doodling in the Photo Channel for proof) and Wi-Fi Connection could be implemented to share work in an online gallery.


    Classic C64 platform game that I used to absolutely adore, think it’d be pretty funny if this one made a comeback. Could even make it first person and use the Wii Remote (like in WarioWare) to aim and shoot the peanuts! :grin: Check the vid for this one to hear some amazing sid chip music!


    7/ Snare.

    Another game I had for the C64. Don’t remember that much about it, apart from it was kind of like a cross between a puzzle game and a shoot-em’-up. But I recall it being incredibly difficult and very addictive.


    Really fun take on crazy golf with Kirby as the ball. Was extremely rewarding getting a hole in one on this game as you had to plan all the angles / spin / power before hand but could still affect movement after the shot making for some crazy paths to the hole.

  4. Remember also that NoE added later many games to its Q2 release list (for example: RE4: Wii, Charged, Pangya, Mercury Meltdown, Pokemon DS). It is obvious that they don't always simply know when game X or Y is going to be ready for release.
    Yeah good point.


    And even if they do know the dates for the big games, I get the feeling they prefer to keep it to themselves until nearer the time. Keep the competition guessing, and the fans stressing! :grin:

  5. Beware of DS-x2's fake Europe release list.
    Yeah, beware that it might actually be for real and that we'll have another list with absolutely no word on Super Paper Mario, Metroid 3, Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. Brawl! :laughing:


    So here's hoping it is indeed fake.


    Looks like they’re a bit confused as to when RE4 is out too. :heh:

  6. Since when have any been confirmed to be channels?
    I'm pretty sure I read about Wii Health becoming a channel. Can't remember where though, think it was GoNintendo. :wtf:


    Anyway, I can see it happening for health, but I reckon Music would be too big to be a channel. :hmm:

  7. just need to point out crap as it may be, bionicle heroes is out
    At least partially it seems, :hmm: came across a few online retailers that wont have it in stock until the 29th.


    I'll add it to the released section anyway, cheers. icon14.gif

  8. Has anyone managed to complete the Strikers cup? I've pretty much given up now after numerous attempts but always losing in the final! :mad:


    Done all of the challenges now though, well apart from the Yoshi one. I don't think I'll ever be able to complete it, I hate not being able to run on the sides of the pitch because of the sand, makes finding enough space for shots almost impossible. :shakehead


    Thank God for the online mode.

  9. Hang on...so they made the cutscenes using the GC engine, recorded them as FMV from the GameCube engine, used them in the PS2 version.


    Then they simply couldn't be arsed to C&P the original cutscene code into the Wii Version?

    What's the problem with it being FMV though, if they were recorded from the GameCube build anyway? I mean unless the compression is bad of course.


    By the way, is anyone else not able to access the RE4 page on Wii.com:




    I've been trying since it was announced on NoE's site yesterday, but it never seems to load. ::shrug:

  10. Thanks for the comments on my Smash Bros. mock-ups. : peace:


    Funny you guys mention Photoshop though, as despite me using it for 99% of everything I make, both of those images were actually made using GIMP which I downloaded recently to try it out after someone told me it was just like Photoshop.


    I didn't believe them of course, but now that I've spent some time with it... Wow! Seriously cool program. Not going to make me switch from PS, but still very impressive. Even more so considering it's free! :o


    You just know there is going to be hilarity when Kirby sucks down Snake the first time.
    Indeed. I can't wait to see it. :grin:

  11. I had completely settled against getting this, then I made the mistake of playing the GameCube version yesterday... Damn, I've played through it so many times already but that opening section in the village it just reminded me of how good it is, I really need to play Separate Ways now! So yeah, I've caved-in. :heh:


    But as spot-on as aiming with the Wii Remote looks I'm still not sure how I'm going to get on with it, the cursor looks a bit annoying (I actually got annoyed with the one in Zelda too so ended up switching it off for most of the game) wish it was possible to change it back to the laser sight.


    I mean, people complained that GC didn't get ports, now that Wii gets them people complain too.
    Bloody good point, there's just no pleasing some people.

  12. Whats with the anti-Freshness?
    I don't think two people just pointing out that their sigs weren't made by you can be classed as "anti-Freshness" somehow. :heh:


    poor quality renders have been used and there are areas with WAY too much contrast. 7/10.
    Actually everything was taken from in-game screen shots. But what can I say, I don't have access to exclusive hi-res artwork from Nintendo. :laughing:



    OK, Paj Meen Ah's sig.

    Hmm... Not too sure about that one, don't really like the style you've chosen. There seem to be some much nicer ones on that site I think:


    But anyway, it's functional and it reminds me that I've still got Pokémon D/P to look forward to so I'll give it a 7/10.

    : peace:
