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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. Finally bought my own...


    Played through the tutorials and the first 4 levels... And All I have to say is that the game rocks :D


    *now back to the game*

    Glad to hear you're enjoying it. :smile:


    I reckon I'll be getting back into this soon (try and do more of the challenges), now that I've pretty much exhausted RE4 and won't be getting another Wii game until Super Paper Mario. :hmm:

  2. Arg no fair, Redshell found a tutorial.


    I figured it out myself! I had a go but now that there's a tutorial its gonna make my attempt look crappy -_-



    Hehehe! :heh:


    Anyway good job for working it out on your own! :bowdown:

    You chose a good main image too, works really well.

  3. Maybe Redshell or shorty know how these images are created or even how to create one your self.
    Check out this tutorial:




    It's actually pretty easy to do, but you need to choose a good main image (something quite random or pattern like works best I think) to help disguise the hidden pic.



    My attempts:







    You'll like this one DiemetriX: :wink:





    icon3.gif Hmm... Be cool to use this in a sig.

  4. But like I said in the E3 Podcast (http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=10845) I don't think this will settle well with hardcore gamers who put the effort in and learn the game inside out, wheres the incentive to put the hours in perfecting your game?
    Yeah but there will always be some kind of hidden depth to uncover I reckon.

    Take Wii Sports for example, anyone can just pick up and play bowling, and when I first started playing it with family and friends that are non-gamers I lost a few games and was like "damn, this has really bridged the gap between experienced players and non-gamers!" But as I played it more and discovered the whole twisting for curve shots ect... I soon became unbeatable, well 99% of the time anyway. :heh:


    You mean 5 mins (the amount of time it takes to learn snaking)?
    But even if you can learn it quickly, it's something that takes a long time to master.

  5. So what's he been doing for the past year and a half that we've been expecting it?
    Working on the Mii Channel by the sounds of things. :hmm:

    Have to admit I was disappointed that we didn't see anything on this at E3 though. To me it is by far the most exciting title to take advantage of Wii Connect 24, and the online aspect of Wild World was really good so any expansion to that would be great.


    Let's just pray that localisation is taking place while the game is in development so we don't have another gargantuan wait for the PAL version.

  6. I'm having currently 14 Wii games on my christmas shopping list, so I'm not worried by little delays*. But I agree that goddamn this is going to be expensive season, and I haven't even checked what PC-games I want. Or VC games, for that matter.


    * When this year is over, NoE has released all 1st party Wii titles with only exceptions being FE and Smash. You couldn't even dream of this during SNES, N64 or Cube era. Easily greatest first year that Nintendo has ever had.

    Absolutely, there's no doubt whatsoever that the situation is improving. I mean we've already seen 3 1st party games before the US (the same amount we had during the whole of the GCN's lifespan) and on average it's taking much less time for games to be released than in previous years.


    But like I said before, it's not so much the delays that bother me but the way they keep cramming releases together. For example, Super Paper Mario and Tingle's Rupeeland both come out on the same day, and there's only a week between Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Metroid Prime 3.


    I hate it when they do that with such big games!

    It's acceptable for a hardware launch but at any other time I find it incredibly annoying.

  7. It just looks like a standard powerslide turbo to me - it could now be impossible to snake.
    It'd be easy to stop snaking I reckon, all they have to do is include an overheat feature (like the Excite games) whereby you can only do say 3 or 4 mini turbos in quick succession otherwise you overheat and lose your momentum.


    That way you'd still be able to boost around corners, but you wouldn’t be able to continually boost on straights.

  8. Your 100% right! : peace:
    Have you got a US console now Owen?


    I'm thinking I might look in to getting one soon, NoE's scheduling is really starting to piss me off. Not just because of the delays, but how they keep releasing games too close to one another and with DS games. icon13.gif

  9. Looking forward to seeing more of this, hopefully we'll get some direct-feed vids by the end of the week.


    Visually it seems like a fusion of Double Dash, Arcade GP and DS. Looks great though and I'm glad it's back to a single driver per kart. Here's hoping it'll play like DS but with a much upgraded online mode. If it is 12 players though that’s going to be a right laugh! :grin:


    The Wii Wheel is pretty cute too.

  10. I love that I opted going for the USA Wii now. Great investment, cheaper games and I get them sooner. That's what I always said and I stuck by it.
    I'm starting to wish I'd done the same now. :sad:


    Can we get a USA release list too (or at least in brackets the USA date).
    People are welcome to post US / JPN dates in this thread, but the first post will continue to be for European dates only I’m afraid.

  11. ...

    Basically, I want a Mario Kart which has a classic feel with loads of elements from Mario's history.

    I like your way of thinking. icon14.gif


    Perhaps this game will have it both ways, where the player can choose for everyone to have two players in one kart or just one player per kart. We'll just have to see.
    Yeah, having the choice would be best I think.


    F-Zero speed in Mario Kart would be pretty cool wouldn't it?! :laughing:
    :grin: Would certainly be funny.

    Maybe they'll include a 200cc mode this time. As speed does seem to be a common concern that a lot of people have with the game.


    Widescreen and 480p
    Hell yeah, and DPLII.

  12. It has to be FAST! Thats my main problem with Mario Kart: DD and the DS version, both were to slow!


    Online as well of course!

    I thought DS was alright in terms of speed actually, 150cc is pretty nippy. Again I'm back with my conservative views. (sorry) :heh:


    But I mean, we have F-Zero for insane speed. :wink:

  13. Loving Pro mode, but I didn’t realize…


    …choosing special costume 2 made Ashley invincible!


    I was kind of worried about doing all those difficult parts where you have to protect her on Pro but not anymore.


    In fact, she has become like something of a weapon for me now, as I just let the Ganado’s try to capture her and when they fall over after trying to pick her up I let em’ have it with the knife!...

    …great way to conserve ammunition. :grin:

  14. I, as well as many reviewers, would agree that co-op play on one kart is the best damn thing that ever happened to the series.
    I wouldn't. :shakehead


    I remember thinking it would be cool when it was first shown, but at the end of the day unless you were the one driving it really wasn't all that fun. Not enough going on with the weapons to make it engaging. If they were to add to that aspect somehow though it could probably work a bit better, but then they'd just be messing with the formula too much again.


    I'd prefer MK on Wii to be more traditional, that's why I think the DS version was so good because they made it closer to the SNES version in terms of game play, yet still added some of the newer elements but without going OTT like Double Dash.


    My wish list for the Wii version:


    • 8 player online mode with decent lobby system and all tracks and battle mode playable
    • More customization, like the icon editor from DS, and maybe even a track editor
    • Loads of classic tracks, all of them even. :heh:
    • Ability to save and share replay / ghost data via Wii Connect 24
    • Get Soyo Oka back to compose the soundtrack! :heart:
