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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. I'd like to see a more in-depth tennis game on Wii where you could control character movement with the analog stick, but I think it'd be a bit problematic because of the wire between the Nunchuck and the Wii remote. Same goes for boxing too, I found the wire to be pretty annoying in Wii Sports Boxing and was constantly thinking how much better it could've been with a completely wireless setup.

  2. It has some nice little features in this update!
    Yeah, lots of minor things but nevertheless good stuff.

    Loving how the disc slot now lights up and then fades out when you eject a disc, could be handy too if you were playing in a pitch black room and err… forgot where your Wii was. :heh:

  3. I probably wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said, but there may be a small difference, yeah.


    By the way, you're finally on the first page of my address book, RedShell, after spending eight months on about the eighth page. ;)

    Cool! : peace:


    Can anyone get any screens?
    There's some here:




    Hey some posters at GAF and Gamefaqs and few other forums are claiming this new update now makes the fan run while in WiiConnect24 mode...can anyone here confirm this?
    Nope, mine isn't using the fan. Maybe it's something that happens sporadically? Will keep an eye (or rather an ear) on it though.

  4. Brilliant, the first update that's actually noticeable! :) It's useful to have a clock on the menu (although I'd have put one in when you press the Home button too), and finally, I can rearrange the names in my address book, putting the people I send messages more often near the front.


    Still not perfect, but much better. I'm impressed!

    Mike, have you noticed a difference with how it switches off in to sleep mode?

  5. Excellent update!


    Channels seem to run even smoother now, the transition time is definitely quicker, glad they finally put a clock on the menu too. New Shop Channel layout is great, love how you can search by publisher and genre and that it shows how many games there are for each system.


    I also noticed that my Wii switches off differently now (a lot faster). Before there used to be a delay of around 3 seconds with some disc drive activity before it went in to sleep mode, now it just goes straight in to it without any pause whatsoever, starts up a bit faster too. icon14.gif

    Anyone else noticed the same thing?

  6. That video is pretty annoying, lol. My Wii actually crashed with that sound once. It was during a Gamecube game, 007 Everything or Nothing to be exact. After that I only played that game back in GC. Now I got back to playing GC games in the Wii. Never crashed before or after 007 EoN and I played approx. 150 to 200 hours of Wii.
    Mine has only crashed like that once, with Eledees.

    Made a custom stage that was a bit too busy. :grin:


    I really hate that humming noise, it's even more annoying when it's coming out of a surround sound set-up at high volume.


    Lol, just watched the video, hilarious the track I think the player plays through the SD card.
    Yeah the game has an MP3 option like Excite Truck, I'm not sure J-Pop is the best choice for a game like this, :heh: funny though.

  7. Hmm, that's no what Famitsu say...
    But it is unfortunately the case, this vid shows it:



    Hopefully this will all be fine for the end of the year release for USA and Europe, otherwise i'll be extremely dissapointed.
    Yeah, let's hope it gets sorted.

    Man, what's going on with testing over in Japan at the moment? First Pokémon, apparently Taiko no Tatsujin DS is also buggy, and now Forever Blue. :shakehead

  8. I have noticed a very odd problem that has just appeared with my Wii. It wont connect to the internet anymore, when i try confirming the connection it either says 'cannot connect please check your settings' or 'no access point could be found' I just researched for my network server but it says it can't find it. I have checked the settings and my 360 is right next to my wii and it can pick up the access point fine....


    Any ideas?

    That has happened to me a couple of times (especially with the USB connector), unplugging the Wii's power supply for a few seconds always fixed it for me though.


    I was playing Donkey Konga one night there and so had the bongo drums plugged into the Wii. Afterwards, when I tried to remove them from the controller socket, it wouldn't come out. Even pulling as hard as possible, it just wouldn't budge. After a few minutes I was wiggling at it and trying my best to get it out and eventually it just came out (more by luck than anything :hmm:)


    It was pretty weird, not sure what happened.

    Yeah I had a really hard time trying to remove a GCN pad once (I just leave em' plugged in now), it seems to effect port 1 more than the others.


    By the way, absolutely loving the Super Mario Kart av/sig combo you got going on there nando! :bowdown:

  9. Finally bought my own...


    Played through the tutorials and the first 4 levels... And All I have to say is that the game rocks :D


    *now back to the game*

    Glad to hear you're enjoying it. :smile:


    I reckon I'll be getting back into this soon (try and do more of the challenges), now that I've pretty much exhausted RE4 and won't be getting another Wii game until Super Paper Mario. :hmm:

  10. Arg no fair, Redshell found a tutorial.


    I figured it out myself! I had a go but now that there's a tutorial its gonna make my attempt look crappy -_-



    Hehehe! :heh:


    Anyway good job for working it out on your own! :bowdown:

    You chose a good main image too, works really well.
