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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. they've cancelled my Tingle order for no bloody apparent reason!
    No way! :shakehead

    When did you order?


    My stuff apparently got sent today, wonder why they're becoming so random with shipments all of a sudden?


    GAME have been sending orders out and people, including myself, have been getting them on a Wednesday!
    That's cool, shame their prices aren’t so good though. :hmm:

    Looks like the only alternative to Gameplay (for price and getting stuff early) is shopto. They've had a lot of praise from people on here, but I've read some pretty bad stuff about them too:



    Igor's last computer company went bankrupt. A judgement in 2004 banned him from running another company for 5 years.

    http://www.gnn.gov.uk/Content/Detail.asp?ReleaseID=132678... amp;print=true

    His company use plants in forums to lie about their service.

    They lie to customers.

    They ship grey imports illegally and dont tell you.


    They sponsor AVForums and have any negative comments against them removed.


  2. I didnt get a email off Gameplay saying that it got despatched today, pretty annoyed with them at the moment as it seems that GAME are alot quicker than them now. Methinks a switch of companies is in order for me.
    Mine's not been sent either (or Rupeeland). :mad:


    Having said that though, sometimes it doesn’t update on the site until late. But if this wasn't dispatched today then Gameplay have well and truly lost themselves a customer.

  3. I was really hoping they'd do something with Hogan's Alley or Wild Gunman, even Duck Hunt, but they obviously want it to appeal to as many people as possible so using a more popular franchise like Zelda is a smart move.


    Mii panitball online would've been better :P
    That is an awesome idea! :bowdown:

  4. Animal crossing character would not make sense? I mean the rule should be that the character should at least have sort of attack moves from other games(bar maybe game and watch)
    Actually it makes a lot of sense...



    ...And then there's the shovel, axe, fishing rod and slingshot. All perfect weapons for Smash bros. :wink:


    Plus there's Mr. Resetti, who would make a great character:




    Got the attitude and a weapon!

  5. Will do, will have to wait for Tuesday now though.
    Did you have any luck with an official replacement?


    Why's it soo bendy!??
    Not sure, I'm guessing it's to try and cover a wider area?


    It has mysteriously disappeared from the site now though. :hmm:

    Did anyone buy one while they were on sale?

  6. To be honest with you, there doesn't seem much point now that we are entering a big release phase. There are so many games to be playing over the next three months, there's not really any need to import. The biggest advantage in doing this would have been earlier this year when there wasn't much happening here.
    I agree. I was considering it recently myself, but now that we're so close to that big release phase it's really not worth it.


    Having said that, there's no telling what the situation will be like in the future so it could still be a wise move to import, or if you're a die hard Smash Bros. fan or course. :wink:


    Personally Mario Galaxy was the decider for me, if we weren’t getting that this year I most certainly would have imported.

  7. I do actually believe there is a spin in there for defensive purposes
    I really hope not, it'd ruin the flow of the game I reckon. Where would the fun be in using the weapons if people could just use that spin to defend against it every time? :shakehead


    But if it was limited in some way, like holding bananas or shells behind your kart, or required good timing like the banana peel breaking in 64 then I suppose it wouldn't be too bad.


    the item in the box, to me, does look like it could be the feather so I wouldn't rule it out being in there.. have a close look and see what you think.
    I really can't make out what the item is in that vid/screen. ::shrug:

  8. You could well be right! Never thought of that. It seems like a stupid place to be used (whilst zooming off the top of a ramp) but I was doing some research there and closely monitoring the video. As Wario approaches the jump, I watched the item box and thought I saw what looks to be a feather before it very quickly disappears.
    I'd love it if the feather returned! :hehe:


    Don't think that's what it is in the video though, if you look at the item box before Wario does that spin it's actually empty. Looks more like they've just added an Excite Truck style spin, as long as you can't protect yourself from shells with it I'm not that fussed really, be seriously cack if you can though. :angry:

  9. Wow, awesome cheers bud!


    Can i request one small change, just for the border on the avatar to be the same thickness as on the sig.


    Thanks again :D

    Here ya go:




    : peace:


    Oh come on RedShell, Halo is easy to make a sig out of and you've just slapped 2 images together there. I personally would have found a nice high res version of the second image Caris posted (easy to find) and then added some nice cracked brushing, plenty of smudging along the way and alight source from bottom right. Finished it with a yellow gradient map or filter. The avatar is alright though.
    Hmm, thanks for that. :indeed: