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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. I'm on 7-3 at the moment, (this must be the slowest I've ever played through a game! :heh:) but playing this really has become like a total chore. :sad:


    Apart from the odd few moments here and there I've not enjoyed this game very much at all, just want to get it out of the way now before Phantom Hourglass / Prime 3.


    The biggest problem with SPM in my opinion is that the 2 genres haven’t fused together very well at all, not to mention it has some of the most annoying gameplay elements ever, I found it so tedious at times that I'd just switch off and not return to it for days.


    Roll on Galaxy.

  2. Number one moment for me has to be the

    on the SNES, an absolute classic.


    I'll never forget the feeling of isolation when you enter the space station and then discover the bodies in the lab, the atmosphere it generated was fantastic. Then having to escape when the place was going to self destruct, everything about it was awesome, the music, the way the environment moved, the sheer sense of panic. Completely breath-taking.



    Second would probably be the battle against Meta Ridley in Prime 1, purely because it brought back memories from my first choice. :love:

  3. Mother site had new images of SMBB, now Amazon has put up a new SMG video.


    WARNING: Spoilers!






    That new trailer is great, but I hate those parts with people pretending to play the game. So I put together my own version with only the in-game footage, check it out here:



  4. I downloaded it earlier, the first video took absolutely ages to load! The rest of them were really quick though.


    But yeah very cool vids, especially the first one. I'd seen it before on YouTube or something but it's obviously much better on TV and with decent quality sound, I was surprised by the sound actually as it had a bit of 5.1 going on! :awesome: Really added to the cinematic quality of it.


    Anyway, I'm definitely hyped up for this game again now. :yay:

  5. Okay, I'm too close to breaking and seeing everything. I think I am going to ask one of the mods to ban me from the thread. So who do I ask exactly?
    I can sort that out for you. (and anyone else that's close to breaking :heh:)


    Just send me a PM and let me know if you're completely sure you want to be banned from the thread.


    Remember, you can be un-banned whenever you want.


    : peace:

  6. So glad to see something new from this game at last! :smile:

    I had fears it might even have been cancelled a while back.


    It's certainly seeing quite a lengthy development time though, hopefully means it will be a very extensive game.


    I really hope the drum kit section shown at E3 06 is still part of this too.

  7. Perhaps the arrows are to help beginners and then, once you get used to it, maybe they can be switched off and you can play without them?
    That would make the most sense, and perhaps you'll be able to adjust how they're displayed, transparency levels ect...

    I imagine it would be a bit too confusing in multiplayer otherwise. :heh:


    Anyway, I think this looks absolutely fantastic. The video shows just how much scope there is for strategic play, and being able to accurately move the ball to any space you want is going to have such a huge impact on games.

    If they nail this control setup I think it could well be the best configuration for a football game, ever.


    Only gripe at the moment is with shaking the Nunchuck to shoot, purely because there could be issues with responsiveness that way. :hmm: I'm sure the controls will be customizable anyway, I think I'd prefer to have shooting mapped to a button.

  8. Can people please try to keep any media from this game in spoiler tags from now on?


    Even if you don’t really consider it a spoiler yourself, remember that some people want to avoid seeing anything from the game until they play it.


    That way everyone can enjoy this thread.



    : peace:

  9. Well Gameplay have it down for £17.99 pre-order now, and they were one of the first stores to lower the Big Brain Academy Wii price down from £35 to £17.99, so it seem's this may well be a budget title.
    Looks like it was a mistake:




    It's gone up on other sites too. Luckily I ordered when it was £18! :smile:


    Was debating cancelling it the other day too (what with all the strike shit that's going on) but now that it's not budget I'll be sticking with it. Hope Royal Mail's running when this comes out though! :hmm:

  10. New US Date: TBD


    Could they be getting a delay to 2008, too?

    It would certainly seem so, and the Sonic update is to soften the blow a bit. :heh:


    I think that's great though. It'll mean extra polish for the game, and even up the release dates over all regions.


    I love the trailer they did for Sonic, although my ears have suffered irreversible damage! :laughing: The other trailer was also fantastic, it's amazing just how much variety there is in this game.

  11. Motorcycles? Is it just me or this terrible? I hope this isn't so.
    I agree, not liking the sound of that at all. :sad:


    Seems Nintendo really want to take Mario Kart in a different direction, I'm sure it'll turn out great, but I'd much rather they kept close to the roots of the franchise.

    Still, be interesting to see how it turns out.

  12. Im glad to see I wasnt the only one who struggled with it :)


    Can anyone tell me where to find the map on Mount Desma?


    [spoiler=]I have blown the entrance up with the Pirate Ship but i just cant find the map guy.

    Took me ages to find the map guy in that area, he's pretty well hidden...


    ...he's in the bodyguard salon, one of the hooded guys at the bar.


  13. blimey not worth it!
    Actually it is. :wink:

    Well if you want to see the extra ending that is, (and trust me, you do.) as you have to collect all of the recipes for one of the Rupee Goods.

    Yeah I struggled a bit as well.


    [spoiler=]One of the big problems was the fact by Bodyguard kept getting in the way and pushing the barrels around, and also the captain was fast and kept pushing my barrels out the way.

    I did that part without a bodyguard! He died just before and I couldn't be bothered to extend the contract (wanted to change to a different one anyway) so I went on without him. Think it probably helped though as there was no one to get in the way! :heh:


    Was still bloody tricky mind you, a lot of luck involved in that particular battle.

  14. I tried not to watch that intro vid, but yeah, I failed. :laughing:


    What can I say though, simply stunning...


    ...It looks so good in that video, it’s actually exceeding my expectations. That shot when you see the castle in the distance and the water reflecting all the lights completely made my jaw drop!



    I love the return of the airships and the music from Mario 3 too, and the whole epic feel to it.

    Man I just can't wait for this game!!

    Anyway, good luck to everyone that's trying to avoid this and any other SMG media. You're literally going to have to shut yourself away in an empty room until the game comes out to do so, :heh: now that the advertising campaign is underway.
