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Posts posted by Aimless

  1. Perhaps it's a server load issue? I haven't had any problems with the multiplayer on PS3, but then I imagine the 360 version is far more popular; even if we ignore other factors, the series started on that platform and it's where people's saves are.


    Sorry for banging on about it, but I'm surprised by how negatively the ending has effected me. For 99% of the game I was actively looking forward to importing my Vanguard FemShep and doing a second run through, but once the credits had rolled I lost all enthusiasm for the idea. It seems petty as otherwise I consider it one of the best games I've played in a long time — my favourite in the series, easily — but that inevitable end point has tainted everything for me.


    On a lighter note, the character work in this game is fantastic. Even listening in on pedestrian conversations can be both interesting and tie into things elsewhere. The world is very cohesive and feels much more alive than most other games; this is especially true of your crew, who don't always stand around waiting for you to affirm their existence but actually move about and interact with one another.

  2. The games will be so much better that way. The series is now all about Shepard and Anderson traveling around the galaxy and kicking butt.

    ...here's some dialogue that was cut from their conversation during the ending:



    It's really well done — as with most of the game's character work — so I'm not sure why it didn't make its way into the game. I'd guess it was either a pacing or budget issue.


  3. It takes a bit of a strange left turn in the final moments. As endings go it wouldn't be entirely out of place in the Final Fantasy series.



    I've only seen one ending, the synthesis one, although from what I gather they're all largely the same.


    It seemed like a very odd way to cap a trilogy built upon player choice, involving characters and an intricate universe. I'm not surprised so many people feel cheated when those core tenants are levelled into irrelevance by the finale: I saved everyone I could, united races and let new life flourish, but due to the Crucible firing I might as well not have bothered.


    I don't really understand why BioWare took a stab at ambiguous grandeur when they could have kept the current ending up the point when Shepard and Anderson are sat dying on the Citadel, then had the Crucible deactivate all the Reapers. After that they could have throw in some vague hint as to the origin of the Reapers and suggest the breaking of the cycle will lead to a new galactic threat in the future, but Shepard's story would be finished, the choices the player had made would count for something, and the series could continue with a new protagonist several hundred years later in the timeline.


    Also, I can't believe the ending didn't have anything to do with dark energy. They foreshadow the hell out of it in the second game, which to me suggests the ending we got wasn't the one intended at the start of the project.


  4. I should probably add that a good chunk of my enjoyment comes from the universe, so naturally your mileage may vary in that regard. I'm the type of player that likes going through every dialogue option and reading all the e-mails and datapads.


    If the characters and fiction don't interest you then I'm sure the game wouldn't be anywhere near as involving.

  5. Still don't know if I should pick this up now. Between framerate issues on the PS3 and all the DLC, I've definitely been put off.

    For what it's worth the framerate has been alright for the most part. The very opening section and the mission directly after it are probably the worst I've come across in terms of performance, after which things have been a lot more consistent; cutscenes regularly drop into the 20s, but as you aren't in direct control it doesn't really matter.


    As a shooter this is so much better than the other two games. There's the odd rough edge but the shooting itself is more satisfying, the cover system is much improved whilst enemy staging, variety and AI have all seen a massive bump. I'm playing on Insanity and it's a really good challenge, with enough options in terms of cover, abilities and weapons that I've yet to find it a slog.


    I also think the modification of weapons, armour customisation and ability selection are the best they've ever been, being far more fleshed out than the last game whilst the differences are more immediate than the first. It's rewarding to fine tune everything to suit your play style, and as I'm playing on the highest difficulty naturally I'll take every advantage I can get.


    So far I've also found the game to be great in terms of fan service, but better yet it isn't an empty gesture. There's returning characters all over the place but their inclusions all make sense, callback to decisions you made in past games and meeting them often resolves in helping your cause in some way. It's nice briefly catching up with these characters you haven't seen in a while, especially as BioWare do a good job of giving the impression that they've been off doing different things and developing on their own.


    Honestly I'm enjoying this far more than I thought I would. The demo didn't do much for me and the game's PR made a good case for this game not really being aimed at me, but after the slightly weak opening ME3 has really come into its own.

  6. The standard case — at least the PS3 version — has a reversible cover, which is a nice touch.


    I'm far less appreciative of the awful framerate, mind. I can handle the odd drop, but at least these opening sections seem to be slipping into 20fps territory fairly consistently. The game's certainly a lot nicer looking than ME2, but I'd rather they culled some shininess in the name of playability.

  7. I suggest people don't get their hopes up. It's pretty shoddy journalism on Eurogamer's part to not even tag that story as a rumour: it's based on an image some guy sent in, the only listing actually on Play is for Monster Hunter. Why would they remove the others and leave that one?


    Someone's trolling by knocking up a wishlist, and once again the games press whip people into a frenzy due to a complete lack of due diligence.

  8. I think the default one looks happier. And more human. And has prettier hair.

    Thing is, she's not smiling. Characters during customisation are supposed to be stone faced.


    As for the hair, you arbitrarily can't select it for custom characters so I had to go with the closest available.

  9. Won't lie: I've not seen her in game :heh:

    Here's a quick comparison using the demo: a 'normal' FemShep, the default one.


    As anyone that's been frustrated by BioWare's character creators will know, models do tend to look a bit different when they're in game and animated; they should really give you a button that allows you to cycle through different facial animations. Nevertheless, I still think the default looks like she's on loan from a different game.

  10. Now, the new default femshep is a kick ass redhead and looks amazing. I know who I'll be picking.

    Really? I think she looks really out of place, despite liking the original concept art. Stylistically her model has a more exaggerated, comic book look than any of the other characters in the demo.

  11. To be frank I see GAME's demise as pretty inevitable at this point. Not securing stock for titles like ME3 isn't just a financial hit, it completely undermines consumer confidence; who's going to want to pre-order anything there now?


    From the outside looking in it seems that GAME only really has itself to blame for this mess. Not the store staff, obviously, but the policy makers at the top of the chain. They've been driving away customers by making staff reel off scripts, hamstringing price matching policies and losing the pricing advantage over other specialist retailers. Similarly they appear to have made a habit of throwing their weight around when it comes to publishers, which is a bit rich given the cornerstone of their business — pre-owned — is seen by many as a bigger issue than piracy. They haven't really ingratiated themselves with anyone and it's come back to bite them now that times are tough.


    Getting bought by GameStop seems like the chain's best hope. Problem being that the American company has no reason to do so when they can simply wait things out and play pick 'n' mix with the administrators; they don't want the overseas business and would only need a fraction of the UK stores. If they did take over it's possible some store staff would be retained, but I think everything would need to be rebranded as there's no point carrying on with a tainted name.


    Of course the problem with GameStop is that they're pretty much GAME. Perhaps they could manage their business better, but essentially it's built upon the same rocky foundations of pre-owned, badgering consumers and bullying distributors. If dedicated games retail is to dodge impending irrelevance it's going to have to go through a pretty radical shift, but I'm not sure it's one anyone's willing to take.

  12. I'm annoyed: I kept one Shepherd save from ME1 and 2 but my hdd got wiped. I've started a new save on ME2 hoping to 'catch up' but the default story from ME2 isn't how I played ME1. Without paying for DLC and starting again, I'm not going to get the story I used to have before 3 comes out this week. :(

    One solution would be download an ME2 PC save then use the tools on MassEffectSaves.com to convert it to a 360 one. A bit of a faff, sure, but it would allow you to more or less reconstruct your lost data using a save editor.


    It's not an incredibly user-friendly process, and you'll want to keep abreast of any issues people are having with importing to ME3, but it's certainly more viable than playing through two massive games in the space of a few days.

  13. I've never really been into fighting games and find myself constantly exasperated by the depiction of women in video games. Yet despite all reason, I've had a soft spot for DoA since the second one came out on the Dreamcast.


    Here's a trailer for the new one which also introduces a guest character, Akira from Virtua Fighter:



    It'll be interesting to see where Team Ninja tries to take the series now it's under new management; Dimensions was more of a collection than a new game. I'm far from a fighting game expert but it looks a bit more considered than DoA4, and it's intriguing to hear Hayashi's ideas on where the studio should be headed even if I have serious doubts about the attainability of those goals when Kasumi's practically falling out of her kunoichi garb.


    Are you looking forward to another DoA tournament, N-E?

  14. Usually my hype levels sky rocket with an AC video. I think I came when I watched the Revelations one.


    This did nothing for me.

    I imagine the American flag hit you like a cold shower.


    The trailer isn't that special, to be honest. Your typical Blur studio-style announcement footage. It also lacks the killer soundtrack choice of the one for Revelations.


    I suspect the actual game will be pretty great, mind. As sceptical as I was about the setting's relative lack of urban environments, it's probably for the best after so many games doing largely the same thing, each new entry further cheapening the free running aspect.

  15. The US get the Vita version — specifically — of RC for free because of a Toyota promotion; the game's branded as such. That's not just Plus subscribers, everyone can download it for a limited time.


    Really glad about Trine 2 as I've had credit set aside for it. Now that can go towards an early copy of Journey instead.

  16. Here's the first ViDoc:


    Or if you'd prefer a summary: "Halo 4 is a Halo game. We enjoy bloom and DoF effects." As is par for the course, they talk a lot without saying much.

  17. I'm feeling surprisingly little hype for this game. No doubt that'll change once I and others start playing it, but right now I think all the little things are dulling the excitement a bit.


    For instance, it actually seems like facial animation has taken a step back in some regards whilst the faces themselves seem a bit... off. Fish-lipped Ashley Williams being an obvious example:



    More specific to me there's also the fact that the PS3 version seems to have some rather annoying performance issues, but if I want to go PC I'll need to go down the save editing route, forego the use of a controller and probably won't get much mileage out of the multiplayer; I actually own the first two games on PC, but I don't have time to play through them again and lack all the DLC for the second.


    Considering it's the conclusion to one of my favourite series of this generation, I'm strangely indifferent to its imminent release.

  18. If I get a game from the PlayStation Store, am I able to transfer it onto a different memory card if/when I choose to upgrade to one with more storage? :)



    Alternatively you could download it again; in the Store press "..." then select Download List, if memory serves.

  19. I think it has a decent style to it, they just need to soften the characters' faces. Based on the screens they're fixed and unblinking, whereas part of the reason for Sackboy's success — and lack of obvious murderous intent — is his breadth of expression.

  20. "100% untouched" in terms of PhotoShop, perhaps, but I guarantee you these are rendered at a much higher resolution than the actual game with more comprehensive AA. Not to say that sort of thing isn't common — especially for assets destined for magazines — it just irks me when people beat around the bush with such carefully worded claims.


    If the above seemed petty, honestly I don't have much else to say. It looks like Master Chief. He'll probably shoot a dude. No doubt the game will be good.


    That's about it.

  21. Having shared your pain it's clear you're referring to Golden Abyss.


    My number one tip for that section is to swipe as quick as you can. If you stick to the pace of the arrows on screen your actions sometimes don't register, but I found things became a lot more reliable — and bearable — if I upped the pace.
